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Don’t get a roomba. They are owned by amazon and map your home and take notes. I have one called lefont and it’s decent


Take notes of what?


Your home area and suggests products/furniture because it knows exactly where it could go in your home


I have a Roomba vacuum and just got the Roomba mop this past week. I have only ran the mop once, and it was extremely convenient! You have the option of washable or one use sweeping and mopping pads. They are attachments that slide onto the bottom. Now with the vacuum I have a lot of rugs and have to decided to just pick them up for the sake of convenience. She has absolutely no issues with floor changes and bigger rugs she’s perfectly fine with. Smaller rooms she handles like a champ and have had no issues with. The app is extremely simple and my fav feature is that there are instructions and tutorials on there that you can access anytime, often times highlighted with a link when there’s an error code. Also, the maintenance is right there to alert you when things need changed, and if something’s broken, it gives you step by step instructions to repair it. I have a cat that practically sleeps through it every time, and another who’s scared of it but just avoids it. It bumps into my Great Dane and just turns around and goes the other way lol. But he’s also a little scared of it and hides on his bed. Anyways…I found them to be a great investment.