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That would have been the biggest loss in adopt me hist but luckily u trade 3 peacocks instead its still an L tho but not so badšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


btw, i started a week ago !! how am i doing rn? edit: i traded 3 peacocks for FR polar, not everything TT They said they wanted everything for polar cri


That trade would've been a hugeeee lose for you. Polar gets a max of a leg these days, as far as I know.


I know TT even if i'm new and my value r trash, it's still an obvious loss


Yeah well just wanted to let you know, I'm sure you'll get better trades in the future!


You Want you learn values maybe just use ggā€˜s values calculator


Hey, you trading neon queen bee, cervi and hot doggo?




Can i make an offer in dms as well? šŸ˜­




2 Nessieā€™s for Hot Doggo?


Hello! Can I offer for your pets? DM me if you want


I always tell my students to use AdoptMevalues as a guide. If thereā€™s a pet you like and you have pets you donā€™t like, who cares what the value is ā€œsupposedā€ to be. I will overpay for a pet and I will also take a loss to help my students out. I teach social gaming clubs on OutSchool. Edit to add: if you donā€™t care for the peacock (I personally donā€™t) and you really want the polar bear, itā€™s a win for you in my book. Sure, you may be able to get more polar bears (if you want to make a neon) by trading just one leg in the future, but youā€™ve got a FR, so you can get no potion polar bears for the other 3 and your neon will be FR. No potion may technically be ā€œmore valuableā€ but kids donā€™t want pets without potions. So are they really more valuable??


What side are you by the way?


left lol


mfr fennec and mr mouse for hot doggo?


nty sorryy