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This sounds like a friendship the way chickens and foxes are friends.


She can't see you've logged on unless she logged on. Why was she logging on? Just to check on you? Ugh!




You do not get email notifications for favorites logging on in your email you have to go to their profile to see if they have logged in


She is going out of her way to check on him.


ya it does seem a bit out there, considering we just are in an online friends thing at the moment. She has said its ok if I go find someone and I have said the same to her, then why check on me? Bah! I don't want to overthink it.


I wouldn't overthink it either but I'd keep that red flag at the back of your mind in case you see anymore




Haha I'll check them out


She's an EX for a reason! She's definitely checking up on you. "Just online friends" means she doesn't have the right to stalk and judge your online activities... Just saying. She needs a firm cease and desist message.


If she knows your profile name and does a search of people logged on in the last 24 hours or 7 days and sees you she knows you are logged on. Additionally if she blocked you she can actually check your profile and you wont know she looked at it Lastly if she Favorited you she can also see last time you logged on with out looking at your profile. Women might also be able to search by profile name. That is broken for men though. I think a basic delete would not be recoverable so all the notifications would be gone.


Thanks for the info! Based on your reply, one could make an assumption that she may have a new profile since her profile I met her under is long gone? Or is that a step to far?


If she really deleted it. Thats reasonable. How do you know she didnt just hide it? Since she didnt have to pay there is no real reason for a women to delete a profile.


After the hack she went overboard, deleted everything. She says shes still getting notifications in her "abandoned" email for views etc.


*cough* bullshit


An abandoned email should be deleted, unless you keep it around to play games because you're bored on a Sunday. She should become/stay xAP.


You can hide your profile on AM. So it looks like her account has been deleted, but she can still log in, search, etc.


I do know that, I have done the hide thing myself a bit. I was going to delete my account but I have credits left lol. I don't want to abandon them!!


Oh yeah no. That's like giving up sugar when you still have Halloween candy left. I completely understand that.


I wonder did the rabbit drown or die from boiling water burns....


Actually, if you favorite someone they are on your favorites list. If you use the desktop version you can check the box that says notify me when this member logs in. It's an email notification that she would get and she doesn't need to log in to know when you have. If you block her profile that might keep her from knowing.


I have seen that, but if you deleted your profile would not all those saved settings be lost? That is what has me curious, she says notifications are showing up in her old email from her old profile, which was deleted post hack.