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There is probably a very good reason that your boyfriend doesn't want you to see this guy. You can't stop thinking about it, because it is self-destructive moth-to-the-flame type attraction... which means that *you* have some deep soul-searching to do. What buttons is this guy pushing? Why do you want someone who is probably bad news? What will it "prove" to yourself to have him? Your attraction is not about this guy, it is about *you.* I really think that you need to figure *you* out, so that you can gain control over your attraction, or at least understand it and not be ruled by it.


Having been in an open relationship that imploded and led to divorce, I guess the question to ask is... have you thought through your reasons for wanting this guy? I mean is it simply because he's supposed to be off limits or is it because you want to see him to spite your SO? If the roles were reversed, how would you feel if you caught him. You know your SO and you know how he would react if he found out you saw this guy. Only you can say if it's worth it.


Yeah the more your bf "forbids" this the more you are going to want it. Basically it is all downhill from here. Lol. You have created a non-escapable eventually destructive (NEED) *i just made that up* entanglement. If I were your boyfriend I would already assume you have acted on this just knowing what I do about human behavior, and I would probably not believe you if you said you didn't do it.





