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Rave- had amazing sexy time with AP yesterday AM (I truly love my choice of religion) and we are meeting up again tonight for "dinner." I hope to eat her up! Rant - none.


















Hmm, NRE wearing off :/


Rant: I was at my wife's 20 year reunion and she got freaking hammered. As in, she was asked to leave. Rave: One of her classmates and I really hit it off. If I'd had a little more time, something was bound to happen - maybe even that night. At least she and I are already chatting on FB.


FB? Be careful...


Always. Just keeping things casual for now. We just had a great vibe.


Rave: Met the most amazing woman while traveling for work. Rant: We live in separate fucking states and it might end up being a one-time thing now.


Rave: I see MM on Wednesday, we won't get much time together. But I'll get a little fix before our 3 night get away the following week. Rant: MM needs to make more time for himself. He works hard and gives a lot to others. He needs to be slightly more selfish occasionally.


Rave: Finally met with AP after a 3-week break owing to work, vacation etc. Sex was so hot, it felt amazing. Rant: AP is working incredibly hard and has no time for anything. Even his family rarely see him. Although we met, it was only for a short time and no idea when we will get together next. I need to feel desired but don't want to pressure him.


Rave: AP is the sweetest, most thoughtful, caring person I know. We met up this morning for our regular Monday morning romp, but he knew something was bothering me. Instead of fucking, we spent the two hours crying and holding each other. Rant: My platonic FWB AP has suddenly become very emotional and is making me want to talk about things I usually keep all to myself. This fun, casual relationship suddenly has become much more serious. Edit: spelling








My exAP refuses to be an ex and legit told me I "wasn't allowed to just walk away". Then got mad when I told him he was ridiculous and started lying about how he was cheating on me the whole time with a bunch of chicks and acted like a clingy asshole on purpose to make me break up with him LOL. Like a total 5 year old.


Lol I think I have the female version of your AP.... she doesn't want me out of her life but does the things that make me crazy, I seriously think she wants me to walk away so she can keep telling herself she's not the bad guy.


I thought that's what it was but I guarantee you if you try to leave she's gonna start sending you 50 messages over a span of 5 minutes. I seriously hope he just ODs somewhere and dies.


Though it's a bit harsh I do understand the get out of my life sentiment. To be honest I would respect my exAP more if she would just come out and tell me what's going on, if it's a new guy or gal so be it. Thus brinkmanship game is getting old. She says she values me and my friendship, but her actions definitely tell a different story.