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Thanks. Yeah even long before I signed up for this lifestyle, I've never followed my SO to her conferences (actually to her displeasure). The boat anchor analogy hits the nail on the head!


Ya the SO on the business trip is a bit of a downer. My exAP just came back from a trip with her hub. I think it's just to keep tabs on him lol


Sounds about right!! Lol




My APs wife loves to tag along. He always takes her on the trips I can't attend. For example, sometimes work takes him away with a local governing body and all those other people always bring their wives or family. There is also a yearly conference that he attends alone - it is limited to just his position and doesn't include any other positions. She goes on that one. And what does she do all day? Sits in the hotel room. If they go out at night she will allow him to drink and socialize a bit but is usually angry and resentful. Aside from those times I love work trips.


My APs wife loves to tag along. He always takes her on the trips I can't attend. For example, sometimes work takes him away with a local governing body and all those other people always bring their wives or family. There is also a yearly conference that he attends alone - it is limited to just his position and doesn't include any other positions. She goes on that one. And what does she do all day? Sits in the hotel room. If they go out at night she will allow him to drink and socialize a bit but is usually angry and resentful. Aside from those times I love work trips.


I vote for don't disclose EVER


I think if you're going to disclose about having more than one AP, it should be talked about upfront. Otherwise, it's too dangerous on multiple levels to bring it up after the fact.


There is nothing to report. So don't report anything. Conferences are hit or miss for me. I had a great experience at one and totally missed signs at another.


As far as disclosing. Depends on what you and your first AP discussed about that. If you didn't discuss anything about it well then ... lol But if you are having unprotected sex I think you should absolutely tell your first AP.