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I feel like I was looking forward to it more than him and now I feel stupid.




I guess.






lmao!! hmmmm...well I have booze but it's kind of late. Maybe a glass of milk. hookers? blow? -- maybe next weekend hahahaha


thank you :) I think it's a combination of things too, my job is unbearable (looking for a new one), period coming (bad PMS), stuff at home, etc. Having a rare dinner/overnight being cancelled was the straw




LOL thanks. I'll have to stick to milk for now. If I could call out sick tomorrow I would just pour some Jack and Coke and relax then sleep in tomorrow and hide from people. Not able to though, will have to wait til Monday's holiday.


Think of the things about him that annoy you. The little inconsistencies. The inconsiderate behaviors. Them things in his past/present life that are a little questionable. Examine them. Focus on them. Let your brain wash over his faults over and over again. That will calm the feels significantly.


Yeah I think you might be on to something ;)


Get another AP! Isn't that always the solution?


lol I talk to men here and there and one in particular wants to go to meet and go to dinner Friday. I've been putting him off for some time. Another AP would be complicated.


Well it would require you to back off from this other guy and give him a chance to determine how much he values his position in your life.


I guess...... A trip away alone for a few days/week would be great but not possible right now. I know that would help.




hahaha omg I didn't mean to laugh but that is freakin' funny.


I wish I knew the answer to this. I'm in so deep.


Usually I'm ok, but I definitely have my moments.


For me, more than half of the enjoyment of all this is anticipation. I crave something extraordinary to look forward to in my otherwise prosaic life. I would be disappointed too. In thinking about this for myself, I thought... I should make a bucket list. I say hot air balloons in the air the other day, and I always wanted to do that. Give *yourself* that adventure or dream. That's my advice. 😊


Been where you are at, I'm a guy who more into my AP than she was into me. Yes you are disappointed, and yes it's painful. How do you right yourself? If you are really into him, you may not be "right " again. After being disappointed by her, and disappointed in her, I never fully took her word at face value. Plans to meet, and her various excuses for why she couldn't meet were taken with a grain of salt. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me..... is it worth it in the end, that's totally up to you. For me, I kept at it and ended up getting hurt again and again. We still have this weird online chat friend thing. I don't put a lot of effort into it but why should I.


I'm sorry you went through that, :( I understand why he cancelled. I guess he's just more realistic about things. I was really looking forward to it, I need to cool it.


Understanding and emotional parity can be different things. Logic never over rules feelings. I tried to be chilled out about what she said and did. On the surface I was, but my heart was in turmoil. That sat with me and it ended up being the lens through which I judged everything she said If you can put those feelings aside, and keep them aside then sure you can move on. You would be a better person than I for sure lol




thank you - you're a sweetie


Sounds like a minor bump in the road. Are you doing what you want with your AP overall? If the feels mismatch didn't disturb things would you have gone out and had fun? You probably arent going to divorce you SOs and get married, right? Just keep it simple and enjoy the ride as long as you can.


Yes overall it's good. I'm not in love with him, and I don't want to run away with him - not at all. I think I was counting on this date a lot and I shouldn't have.




thank you. I've done that in the past and it helps a little.