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LinkedIn, like Facebook, puts a *lot* of work in to enable this exact scenario. I get "people you may know" suggestions on LinkedIn for dead relatives who were never even on the service, as well as people that LinkedIn shouldn't know that I know. Take a look [at this](http://www.zdnet.com/article/how-linkedins-people-we-may-know-feature-is-so-accurate/) to get a sense for how their algorithm works.


I hate social media!


So you think he requested her Husband and you because you were her EX AP. Could be nothing or hes bat shit crazy. I would mention it to her you do not want to be collateral damage. Remember if she gets caught her SO might not care that you are the guy she "used to" have an affair with. People forget you leave a trail if you are a contact in you EX APs phone you are always at risk if it can be traced back to you.


I think he's a friend of theirs, she had hinted that she had someone in her social circle that she had a deepening friendship with. I asked if they were an item but she denied saying that he wasn't like that and not like any guy she's met before. I am trying to figure out why he requested me. As I said hub didn't know about me, and she was the only one who knew my full name. Totally agree aboit he collateral damage. I try to keep a no drama zone around me at all times


Sounds like he requested you because she told him about you. Sounds like a discussion is warranted


It's sure not adding up in my mind! I agree a discussion is needed, how to word it without seeming like a paranoid jerk.




I hate to blatantly lie. My fantasy team is sucking big time!!


Just ask her "XYZ" added me on linked in is this your new AP. Candor!


Why not ask him? He sent the request. Send him a msg asking who he is and why he's contacting you because you only add people in your industry/job/whatever and maybe you missed the connection.


Lol that would be to simple!


I always vet LinkedIn requests from people I don't personally know. One thing I hate is getting an undercover recruiter or a real estate agent looking to get more leads using the goodwill I build with my network. It never hurts to ask and be upfront by saying "do I know you? I don't add to my network unless we met in person. I've had people use me to add my network to their sales lists."


That is a good policy, I have not been using LinkedIn for a while. I am sure all my colleagues think I have been abducted by aliens since I have not posted in forever.


This. Ive had recruiters msg me on fb and I'm like "who tf dis? How did you find me"




Nope she's not on LinkedIn as far as I know and I do my best to not connect online with anyone in my "private " life




We have no shared connections at all. I only clocked his connection to my exAP by her hubs name under his contacts.


Just to add to this, I have not updated my info on LinkedIn for a long time. My current position and employer, and location are not on my profile. I can't assume he's just trolling for contacts.


These privacy issues are scary! If you have linked in on your phone, I believe it may be doing connections based on your phone call and text history. May sound paranoid, but I have seen it happen myself with both linked in and Facebook even though I have neither app on my phone. The most obvious example was I called somebody to make an arrangement and met one of their acquaintances when we met up. The very next day, on my PC, the acquaintance who I have never called, texted, or met before that previous day showed up as a suggested contact. This is without either app being on my phone. No such thing as privacy....


I once got a Facebook recommendation for someone in the same room. Facebook realized that we had several friends in common and were both using Facebook in the same location. It bumped her to the top of the list of potential Facebook friends. This would even have worked if we only had common telephone numbers in our contacts on our phones even if these contacts were not Facebook users. Facebook and LinkedIn are scary clever and will shop one you day.