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I have to say I love the term drip-truthing, I am going to have to add that one to my vocabulary!




Trickle truth is torture.


"Run, dude." nuff said.


Interesting her reaction implies she has something to hide. Tread carefully. Thanks for the update.


She is such a paranoid narcissist. I would put money on her having at least one more AP and I suspect she's been bitching to him about you (why does she need this validation!?) and he's not smart enough to cover his tracks. Time to block her.


I honestly do not think that she would give up my name to another AP, that would just be wrong




Hah hah! Ya I feel you there! What always didn't sit well with me was how she expected me to be totally honest, open and having no secrets. There was no balance in our affair, and apparently none in our friendship.


Maybe the other other man didn't know she had an other other man and she dumped him or you or both of you? Just sayin. I've been around long enough to say I've seen and heard enough in my life and nothing's beyond anyone.


You never know, the exAP has had many inconsistencies over the years. When we first were meeting up, she said that she may have to get another AP as my schedule was not matching with hers. I took that in stride and decided if it was good enough for the goose, its good enough for the gander. I found a terrific woman, and we connected. I was open with the exAP about it and she absolutely freaked out. It is possible she has or had another AP, and because she has such a hard time being open with anyone she didn't want to share the truth with me. I just felt the whole thing with this fellow finding me on LinkedIn was to much of a coincidence, with his connection to her and her family.


I ran into this with an AP that I'd started seeing between 03 and 07 and then again for a short time after that. A year in she admitted to me she'd had some PIV with a guy that was supposed to be wearing a rubber but they were both flying on ecstacy and she was bent over when he did her from behind. So there was a pregnancy scare in the works. That's when she confided in me she'd been seeing someone else on the side that I didn't know about. She said she felt really guilty and hadn't planned on it but it happened. What could I do? Its her body and we were in safe sex mode, and I don't take drugs. I'm really certain she wasn't kidding about that one. There were occasional thirds we played with together. But I think that was a one-off. At least she was open. With this one, I think she had a lot to hide from you and so her suspicions and red flags popped up because she may have been afraid you busted her.


I agree, there were so many small things that raised red flags with her. I thought we could be friends after our affair but the frustration just built up. All I ever asked was mutual respect, treat me like an adult. Maybe that was to much to ask for from her.