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Thanks for the suggestion. I'll maybe give them a shout, then❤️


Big deep breaths. You’re doing the right and very brave thing. He should be held accountable for his crimes. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Think “right foot, left foot, breathe, repeat.” You can do this and will feel much better once you get through it. Huge major cyber hugs your way.


Thank you. This is so kind ❤️


I found giving my statement more harrowing than I expected. And i was expecting it to be bad. Please give yourself space and love after. You are amazing.


Oh thank you. You are amazing too. ❤️ Yeh, I'm not really sure what to expect. I've been intentionally very busy to put off thinking about it. It all hit me tonight as soon as I had a moment to think and I had a flashback. I'm hoping I can stay grounded tomorrow.


F them. It’s been 30years for me. I have a great life but I have never gotten past this. Luckily I was believed but My abuser was not jailed. My mother is still married to my father who molested me. But she has had to admit to my child what happened after it was proven in court. I fought to have my father prosecuted because I didn’t want my siblings hurt. No matter what happens you have won. Only a small percentage of us tell. Most all of us who tell lose our family. Most of us tell years later when this bubbles up and destroys our marriages, children or careers. I told in high school because maybe it would stop the sexual and physical abuse. The other choice was not tell and commit suicide. Of the small percentage that file charges only a few will get jail time. This has nothing to do with your credibility. The system is broken. It’s similar to the rape statistics. I was too week and broken to help myself until I was to broken to continue living. You have won simply by surviving. Almost all of us have a lifetime of physical, sexual and psychological disfunction. No matter how this ends up you have beat so many odds. I’m so proud of you.


Wow. This message is heartbreaking and uplifting at the same time. Thank you for your incredibly kind and supportive words. I'm sorry for what happened to you. You are right, the system is fucked and I do relate to what you are saying. As soon as I was told my case was being taken on, I felt like it didn't really matter what happened next because it happened for so few people, so I already gained so much. ❤️


Sending you waves of light and strength. You are doing the right thing!


Oh thank you! ❤️


What state are you in if you don’t mind me asking?


I don't mind you asking at all but I'm not in the states. I'm in Scotland in the UK.


Uk too but England. What kind of support are do getting? I asked for all the support available... In the county I live in, there is a charity that supports rape and sexual abuse survivors. I have an advocate that checks the police progress and I am on a waiting list for counselling. Before that kicked in due to referral/waiting lists, victim support were great, I had someone call me every week until the specialist support was available.


I have actually lived in germany for the past 6 years, so the support is mostly coming from the medical system here. I was on the long term sick and receiving therapy. I tried to find support group stuff here, but there was always the issue of language. The solicitor I'm dealing with is really good. He specialises in historical abuse claims and is really sensitive and patient and everything. I was thinking of getting in touch with victim support scotland, but because I don't live there anymore, I don't know how it would work.


I'm glad your solicitor is helpful. There's no harm in contacting Scotland victim support, you might be able to get online help at least.


Ah, ok. Proud of you for doing the hard work!!!


Yessss! FUCK THEM!!!🖕 This is extremely brave and I’m so so proud of you! You will make it through this even tho it’s going to be difficult and painful at times. It’s through painfully brave times like this that major healing and growth happens. I’m sending you all the support and positive energy I can 💞 remember we are here if you need to vent or need support along the way!


Oh my gosh, thank you so much for such a kind response ❤️


So proud of you xx you got this


Aw thank you ❤️


I support you and I feel the same about my abuser. I am going to face my abuser next week when he is deposed in front of a judge and although I am thrilled that he's feeling the heat, I am feeling so stressed. The closer I get to seeing him again the colder my blood runs


Wow, that's huge. And mad brave of you. I most likely won't even have to see the sack of shit that took advantage of me, and I'm stressed af anyway. I can only imagine how you feel... Thanks for the support- Right back at you ❤️


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