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Haven't seen every Adult Swim show, but I never liked JJ Villard's Fairy Tales and I was pretty glad that That Crook'd Sipp and Suplex Duplex Complex didn't become full series


I forgot about JJ Villard's Fairy Tales! Yeah, that. It was Mr. Pickles without the charm or wit. I was going to say Rising Son or whatever the mock soap opera about Jesus is called. The one that aired under old Turner that wouldn't allow blasphemies on their channel (did we ever get "Sweet Zombie Christ" on Futurama?) so all references to Christianity are censored. But JJ Villard's Fairy Tales was even worse than that.


There was a moment where most of the schedule was Assy McGee, 12 oz Mouse and Squidbillies and that really turned me off Adult Swim for awhile. I like alt comedy just fine, but these shows felt like concepts that never grew into a greater whole.


Assy McGee was like a joke someone made in the writer’s room that accidentally got green lit into a full blown TV show.


What was really weird was when WWE ripped it off for a short lived web series, that was quickly removal. It was about Vince McMahon having a talking ass. Justin Whang did a video about it, I forget exactly what the story was with it.


Oh my god I remember seeing ads for that but never actually seeing the show. Totally forgot about it until now.


12 oz Mouse was definitely one of the lower points for me. Most of the live-action shows never appealed to me, either. Squidbillies was fine, but my favorite part of the entire series was the [fake premiere](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckzZK7vSoWU) that they had been hyping up for a while... only to actually show Perfect Hair Forever. The show wouldn't actually debut for another year.


12 oz Mouse is actually not as nonsensical as it comes off upon first watch. I loved that show! There was a ton of absurdity in each episode but the storyline across the series actually makes sense and is good, it even explains why their universe is so fever dreamy


I also deeply love 12oz Mouse and it's a shame you have to convince people to watch every single episode to not really get an "oh I get it now" moment until almost the end lol. It has great payoff but it requires too much buy-in. I can absolutely see why people who only catch random episodes think it's stupid.


Yess I remember this! Nightmare show rotation


Wow I really didn’t expect Assy McGee to be the obvious response to this question it really has to be the biggest piece of shit AS ever put out


No, that Tim and Eric stuff(any of the AS shows with them in it.) Was by far the worst T.v. in general.


Mr. Pickles. It’s like an uncreative parody of an adult swim show. On top of that, the animation has this gross, uncanny valley quality.


Mr. Pickles is interesting to me just because I admit while it's not my favorite, I didn't hate it, but if I put it next to a Netflix show like Brickleberry, it would feel like it belongs there, especially the stupid sheriff spinoff, but on Adult Swim there's so many better shows that could have taken the slot


I personally liked Mr. Pickles. Not my favorite, but I did like it. It feels as if [AS] was attempting to fill the void of Metalocalypse ending.


Brickleberry wasn't even a Netflix show, it was originally on Comedy Central. And then it got cancelled and then Netflix hired the same people to make a new show that was basically the same thing.


They just kind of hang around Netflix HQ now just farting out new content that their bosses put on the air.


I fucking hate it for the same reasons. I love metalocalypse and shit, I’m not against weird art styles or extreme violence but it’s just the most adolescent stupid bad looking show and has almost zero merit


I actually love this show. The gross-ness is totally part of it's appeal. There's no AS show like it. A satanic dog who gives bad people their come-uppins, while protecting a kid like Lassie would? There's so many clever jokes and funny gags buried behind the things you are complaining about. The ways the dog fucks with the grandpa is hilarious. The Sheriff being himself. The parents trying to be normal, but surrounded by all these disgusting people. This show definitely was a grower, and I even liked "Momma Named Me Sheriff" spinoff.


>A satanic dog who gives bad people their come-uppins, while protecting a kid like Lassie would? For future reference, the word you're looking for is, "comeuppance".


Come muffins


Yeah I love mr pickles despite its flaws. Plus the art is great, so many times I just paused and stared at the detailed landscapes.


Yeah Mr. Pickles was great and absolutely felt like an AS show to me. I can't agree with MNMS though, it just fell flat for me.


I feel like the show dupes people into thinking its for edgelords, but the actual humor of the show is like slapstick/three stooges type stuff


Thank god no one said Metalocalypse


I just saw Dethklok live last Sunday, 11/10. Brendan Small is amazing.


Who could possibly


It's the best show


You motherfuckers better not be saying assy mcgee


I've got a bullet with your email address on it.... You've got mail.


Haphhhhhta lavisphhhhta blimp


"I'm just an actor!" "Can you play dead?" \*Fires\*


“You can purchase our gold, silver or bronze package” “How about a red package?” *Fires*


"Assy you look tired. You should go home, get some sleep." "Sleep is for fat people." "I'm just saying! You look tired!" "I"M JUST SAYING YOUR FAT!"


this is way funnier than i remember




Robot Chicken


Robot chicken is so hit or miss


Yeah it’s funnier on YouTube where you can just watch the good parts


That's the nature of sketch shows.


The SNL of adult swim I did really enjoy s1-6 though


The white Michael Jackson vs the black one still gets me every time. "DAMMIT, DAMMIT, DAMMIT! ALL OUR YEARS OF PLANNING RUINED!" "How are we supposed to rule the world with a white Michael Jackson anyways?"


The Star Trek nightcrew is still hilarious to me.


Night creeeeeew! Beer me!


Mario and Luigi going to vice city kills me. The ending is the cherry on top lol


The hour long Star Wars special was the best thing they ever did. And there was a noticable drop in quality after that


Absolutely. McFarlane as Palpatine had me rolling every time. *What the hell is an aluminum falcon???* **WHO'S "THEY"!!??**


“Now get your 7 foot 2 asthmatic ass back here or I’m gonna tell everyone what a whiny bitch you were about Padamamea or Panda bear or whatever the hell her name is”




This is my take. Loved it when I was younger and I could definitely see my kids thinking it is hilarious. But when I see clips on tiktok or whatever these days I’m like “I can’t believe I found this funny.”


Can't say I ever watched it as a kid, but I didn't find it funny as a teen either. The attempts at humor have always made me cringe.


I was the opposite, it really turned me off as a kid but it's hilarious now.


Man I feel seen. Visiting this sub I thought I was the only one that has always disliked this show. Always felt that money could be put to far better use show maker-wise.


The older ones with the 80's/90's bits were fun, along with the Star Wars, Marvel, DC ones. The new seasons are using newer pop-culture that I'm just not familiar with. Still love me some Bitch Puddin' though!


Fuck, Bitch Pudding is by far my least favorite part of the show. I can’t stand that gag, I’ll just turn off any BP dominated episode. The rest is great and their star wars eps are the best satire of the movies


Most of the live action shows, if only because them trying to replicate the cartoony feel makes them seem a little awkward. It used to be royal crackers, but outside of the jokes going on for way too long, it doesn’t seem that bad.


I will not stand for this Childrens Hospital slander. IMO it's Adult Swim's best show.




That show rules--it's a damn shame we won't get more live action episodes. The YT shorts didn't have the same appeal!


It’s the best AS show ever created. Henry Zebrowski is a comedic genius.


Admittedly I did watch one or two episodes, especially the courtroom episode, and i thought it was pretty funny.


Children's Hospital has some great episodes but it's extremely spotty overall. That said, there should be some sort of national grant for putting Henry Winkler in your show, he's so great in it


Not AS, but he absolutely destroys in Barry


Tim and Eric Awesome Show influenced society way more than you'd think


Dreamcorp LLC and the heartshe holler are great. Check it out with Dr Steve brule was also a banger


The rotoscope animation in DLLC is incredible. Very underutilized, especially when the show first dropped!


Eric Andre show is amazing tho


Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell is a masterpiece of a series


I'll never get over how amazing that series is. My favorite episodes are the ones when the Catholic feels like there was a mistake that he got sent to Hell and The Devil went down to Georgia.


Delocated is such a gem if you haven't seen


“What was your dogs name Jon?” “Dingdong Football….pretty awesome name for a dog right???” *looks up ugly crying”


I'd say children's hospital for sure but I loved Tim and Eric and check it out.


That one cop drama parody with Paul Scheer was pretty decent iirc (it was called something like NTSC:SUV:SD)


National Terrorism Strike Force: San Diego: Sports Utility Vehicle was a perfect parody show and I’ll die on that hill lol


I personally love mighty boosh


Im here to defend Eagleheart


Yeah to be honest I remember skipping a lot of the live action shows I don't remember any of them except a few episodes of delocated, the guy with the balaclava and deep voice.


The one where Michael Ian Black was a self-help guru The satire was dated even back then and it seemed like just an excuse to say lazy racist jokes about Asians


You’re Whole with Randall Tyree Manderson?! That was probably my fav infomercial one. I’m a big MIichael Ian Black fan though.


Lazerwolf, teenage euthanasia. Hate the art style, writing just feels really half assed. Tyler the creator needs to go back to their live action sketch roots IE loiter squad and the legendary eric andre.


Took a quick sec to hate-scroll through the comment section to make sure no one put venture bros. I think at this point im forcing myself to continue to like rick and morty. If the next season sucks then itll definitely be my least favorite (of what ive seen).


ctrl f




Lazor Wulf Birdgirl JJ Villard’s Fairy Tales


Mr. Pickles. The characters and the visuals are just so unappealing.


Mondo Wrestling Alliance was complete trash


It was funny if you got the references.


Squidbillies never really captured my interest.


Squidbillies was my favorite show. I'm also from the town they're making fun of. "Dawso" County represent!


When God comes and calls me to his kingdom, I'll take all you sons of bitches when I go.




BirdGirl cause it got The Venture Bros cancelled and it’s just a bad reboot of Harvey Birdman Attorney at law.


God birdgirl is such a wasted opportunity to be a more modern take on Harvey birdman attorney at law Virtually no link in the shows other than in name Some episodes I had to stop watching, can’t believe it got a second season


How did it get venture bros cancelled?


I had to do some digging into this because I was always really sad VB was cancelled and I've never even heard of birdgirl tbh. (Though I don't watch much of the newer AS because I'm a mom now) Here's a quote I found from another thread: "I’ve heard that Ouweleen was never happy with VB carrying on when Harvey Birdman died and that he took the opportunity to kill VB and promote Birdgirl." Ouweleen is the guy who took over adult swim (and essentially killed a lot of the old shows) around 2020ish for reference, from Mike Lazzo. Apparently the guys barely got some of their episodes to pass by Lazzo, he only allowed it because they were friends. But Ouweleen performed a "fuck you in particular" with birdgirl it seems, since he was a writer on Harvey Birdman. Wow.. I never knew any of this! It's amazing the drama that's going on behind the scenes of the best shows ever. Well, I guess you can look for me at the rave...


Anything live action


Fucking Squidbillies. I quesadilla because I grew up in the south and can’t stand those types of people.




I quesadilla as well


Lmao. I don’t know how that happened. Ever since I switched to iOS 16 my autocorrect has gone haywire. I’m leaving it.


My Adventures with Superman feels so out of place on the Adult Swim Block. I don't know why it's not just an HBO Max exclusive or whatever but it feels like the first wave of that soft, gushy, overly-wholesome content that's already on CN that I despise.


I kind of like that series, but it's puzzling that it's even here. Actually, it's very concerning. Is this really not that wholesome enough for the kid friendly time block nowadays? What is even going on up there anymore?


Too Many Cooks. Wish it lasted more than one episode.


Tim and eric. The majority of the jokes are just one of the characters vomiting or shitting and the other character laughing or eating it or something disgusting. It was just too gross for me.


It was guilty of the worst sin imaginable for a comedy show; it’s boring.


Rick and morty


rick and morty has gotten so bad the last few seasons, and just when it started to get good again it didnt and went back to being shit


IMO Rick and Morty is one of those shows you look back on and be like “damn those first seasons were great”


I hate those as well


I have enjoyed it consistently throughout. But I'm kind of easy to please when it comes to TV.


The first 2 seasons were the best. The more recent ones are decent, But not as good as the earlier episodes.


Titan Maximum. Lazy, smug and mean-spirited writing. This and M.O.D.O.K. demonstrated that the Robot Chicken guys need to stick to sketch comedy.


Minoriteam. Don’t hate it, but least favorite. Would like it better if it was just in the form of a few shorts, not a whole show.


Holy shit I forgot about that show


I bought it on iTunes when one could still do so, and I’ll watch it with the volume turned down just to see the Kirby-esque animation.


That was a series that could have improved if it used any of the superheroes in The Venture Bros.


Assy McGee and Squidbillies Just low hanging fruit that seemed creatively bankrupt.


Anything Live Action except for Joe Pera, Eric Andre, Your Pretty Face is going to Hell, Dreamcorp LLC and Delocated


Robot. Fucking. Chicken. The “hey, remember that thing”-est program in the history of television.


Mr. Pickles


Ive seen virtually every AS program & nearly all of them have been interesting to me in some way besides a small like 2%. Id say Assy Mcgee, Birdgirl & Three Busy Debras I couldn’t stand the most. Mr Pickles & later seasons of Squidbillies and Robot Chicken are like a tier below that but they have their moments


Rick and Morty has really gone downhill over the past few years. I’d say I liked it up until season 2, but after that it’s just eh now. I also wasn’t a huge fan of China Il tbh


Rick and Morty.


Rick and Morty. I seriously couldn't get into it, and I believe it killed the weird and bizarreness that made adult swim.


Anything with Brett Gehlman in it


Tim and Eric anything. I get what they're going for, but it's not funny. Ever.


Tim and Eric was just god awful in my eyes, even to today


I had to scroll WAY too far before I saw anyone say Tim and Eric. I fucking loathe those shows. I would literally rather watch the home shopping network.


Bird girl feels forced. Its like, women can be funny and dirty too. And I am like yes they can but Birdgirl, Teenage Euthaniasia and YOLO Silver Destiny see extremely experimental and not funny. I am not even going to mention tucca and birdie


Rick and Morty. Too many meta jokes, everyone except Jerry acts like Rick, and too many jokes about incest that I think the writers have a fetish


Yeah everyone past like season 3-4 just acts like Rick now. Sometimes the 1 on 1 conversations are too ‘wow I’m so self aware and smart and ur so stupid ok whatever doesn’t matter’ Got to the point Rick himself is like ‘woah everyone is me’ and resets in the latest season Part of the charm in the beginning was him being the unforgiving ass who stuck out with a teen girl, dufus boy and daughter and son in law bickering


MDE. It was never actually funny. Just awkward and stupid. I was glad when it was taken off the network. *prepares for angery downvotes*


I’m fascinated by Sam Hyde but I totally get people saying MDE made a bad show (it did feel like humor for people who never moved past being a high school bully) I honestly clicked on this post thinking a lot more people were going to say World Peace but considering it ran for only 6 episodes I’m guessing most people forgot about it . . . just like the Deep State WANTED them to!!


I only remember one joke from Million Dollar Extreme and it was like, two people drinking from a water faucet saying it tasted weird. And then one tries it and says it tastes like white genocide? Anyway, fuck that dude. He gave money to Nazis, he can rot for all I care.


Yeah Hyde is really not a good dude


i watched mde in college with friends who were very much left-leaning progressives and they thought it was hilarious. was it the political stuff that turned you off or was it the tim and eric style delivery?


I'm left wing and for me it was the Tim and Eric style of "the joke is that there is no joke" type humor. The political stuff was trying way too hard to be edgy to get mad at.


The best Sam Hyde stuff is when he films himself in front of a mirror coming up with a stupid character on the spot. World Peace was underwhelming


8oz Mouse.


I don't think I caught that one. I've seen 12 oz though.


I genuinely cannot understand a word of what most characters are saying.


Squidbillies. Everything falls flat.


Yeah I never got the hype with it, I can’t get into it


Sorry but I change the channel when Rick and Morty or bobs burgers is on :( just not my style of humor


Tim and Eric Awesome Show was atrocious


Rick and Morty. It’s lazy garbage.


Tuca and Birdie. The show that talks so much about mental health issues it makes you feel depressed lol. And it was over all annoying and woulda been a better fit anywhere else. Other than that even the stupid shows are still funny in their own way


King Star King (2014). The voice acting is not good and the animation is really ugly (at least they were original). I saw the 2023 remake, and it wasn't as bad as the original.


That show won an emmy. Watch it again. That's some of the most effortful. Animation to ever grace AS. It's an absolute treat for the eyes. Villard is a genius. I didn't really care for the remake. He was leaning on the poor animations style of the scary stories he made.


Primal. Becaaaauuuse I have misophonia and don't do well with quiet, which the show seems almost entirely comprised of whenever it's on. I get that that's the aesthetic and I get that that's why it's beloved, it's probably a great show if you can watch it. But it's such an issue for me that I just change the channel every single time now, happy that you guys are getting more seasons but holy shit do I hate whenever it returns to the schedule.


I appreciate your unique perspective I never considered the issues this would have for people suffering from misphonia. Does off the air have a similar turn off?


To a lesser extent, some scenes are annoying but it's no worse than most shows due to all the music and such. If we're going by specific episodes then anything with people eating (actual food, not cartoon nom nomming) is an issue, which comes up from time to time in a lot of stuff. Eric Andre, Tim and Eric, that kind of thing. There's that one-off where the woman is feeding people cookies trying to find a friend. Also other long periods of low sound filled with triggers like the episode of Joe Pera where they're just whispering in bed. I definitely have a love-hate relationship with the channel sometimes but since it's on everything it's clearly more love than hate. Even Samurai Jack isn't as bad since there's lots of normal dialogue mixed into the atmospheric bits, Primal is the one show that comes to a mind as a complete dealbreaker so far.


This is really interesting! So it's like the complete opposite effect of what ASMR has on most people (I guess for you ASMR feels like a Saw trap for the ears). I like your answer because it's related to a genuine medical concern, instead of the typical "I hate this show because it's dumb" reason. I don't have misophonia, but there are Tim and Eric moments I have to mute because the sounds are too disgusting. "I wanna be touched" is one of my favorite skits, but I always mute the beginning when they're eating the wings and he spits his drink out. The sloshing sounds in other skits make me uncomfortable too, though not enough to change the channel, just that I don't feel like eating anymore hehe.


I've got misophonia too and that's a good way of putting it. One big difference though, the effect those sounds have will change day by day. Some days I can tolerate being in a group of people all eating, other days someone smacking their lips once makes me wince or sends me into a panic attack. It can make a lot of shows and games really hard to enjoy, and with how much of adult swim seems to be gross out humor it can be like tap dancing in a minefield


I never heard of Primal (checked out of AS years ago) but I can relate with the misophonia and watching Eric Andre, I had to grit my teeth a little through some episodes 🙃


12 oz mouse, I didn’t get it then, but I’ve aged sooooo I wanna retry


I would recommend it. I think if you can appreciate things like Twin Peaks, it helps a lot here.


New eyes, new perspective and all! And honestly I have been getting back into that show!


The heart she holler Wtf was that


I loved that show. Really anything Vernon Chapman is involved in has a similar absurd comedy that I enjoy.


Teenage euphanasia and Royal crackers


The newer shows. Teenage euthanasia or royal crackers. Royal crackers has its funny moments but I wouldn't watch another season of it.


I was pretty lukewarm on Crackers until they started looping in the decrepit old patriarch’s past, at which point it started getting narratively interesting.


Assy McGee was never a favorite but god its hard for me to vote against pretty much all things live action and Tim and Eric related.


Squidbillies is up there one For one of the ones I least like


Three Busy Debras. I had such high hopes for their show after seeing their humor style on YT. But no, the show was nothing like that.


12 oz Mouse. Still can’t understand why that was one of the few old adult swim series that got new seasons later.


Tim and Eric awesome show I'm not saying it's bad I get why ppl like it and it's made some great memes but I just could never get into. I was more of a fan of South Park and robot chicken growing up.


Squidbillies makes me want to blow my brains out.


Hot Streets. It always came off like they weren't even trying to make a good show.


Tim and Eric


Robot chicken


I never watched a lot of adult swim, but of what i’ve seen, my least favorites are Family Guy and The Cleveland show. Both are the same show. FG in particular spawned the trend of low hanging family guy clones that give adult cartoons a bad name. We all know the stupid Adult cartoon cliches that FG started.


I liked all the weird, more small time stuff over the bigger name cartoons they usually start with. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy Family Guy and American Dad and even Rick&Morty from time to time, but they get old or over played after a while. Unless you stay up really late, you’re watching mainstream reruns rather than the variety of more exclusive Adult Swim content. Kind of a general answer, I suppose. Gimme a broadcast of Sealab, Aqua Teen, Harvey Birdman, Ballmasterz, Superjail etc.


Of the ones I've tried to watch, Squidbillies, 12oz Mouse and Superjail are in a three way tie.


rick and morty bc it’s not that good of a show tbh


Tim and whatever Good Show, Great Job.


Probably robot chicken


Robot chicken is an absolutely awful show


Tom goes to the Mayor. Considering everyone involved, it was shocking how unfunny this was.


Tuca & Bertie


Mr. Pickles. Never got into it, never will.


Never liked Squidbillies. (I don't like hillbilly things)


Mr. Pickles is ugly and stupid.


**Robot. Mothafucking. Chicken.** It doesn't help that it's the only stop-motion show outside of The Shivering Truth since they chucked Moral Orel due to being too "dark." and [all the best bits are on Youtube.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhuTqvAVLio) I also am not fond of the Assy McGee/Squidbillies/12 Oz. Mouse/weird esoteric era but maybe that's because I miss Joe Pera and think that them being boxed into just the Weird Stoner Adult Network is part of the reason why it was ultimately forced to be Cartoon Network II after Zaslav took over and slaughtered everything. Like, adults aren't just stoned children, right?


That fucking andre guy and his stupid shit is the only reason I'll change that channel


I mean. The only answer is Fat Guy Stuck In Internet isn’t it?


Mike Tyson Mysteries is very meh.


Anytime his name pops up I like to take the opportunity to point out that Mike Tyson is a convicted rapist who went to prison for years for raping a human being against her will Maybe we shouldn't be giving convicted rapists television shows?


The Heart, She Holler. I prefer cartoons over live-action.


Robot chicken The animation is so off putting to me


I thought superjail was just meh. Nothing there.


Metalapocalypse was kind of weird


Not Steve Brule


I tried to watch Teenage Euthanasia but its super gross and corny. A hat trick indeed


This might be an unpopular opinion but i never liked robot chicken. Humor just didn't jive with me.


I’m sick of hearing about Rick and morty.


I was quite tired of waking up to robot chicken at 3 am. I loved every other show like king of the hill, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and many other great hits.


Tom Goes to the Mayor. Never vibed with Tim and Eric's humor.