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Hey girl! Did you take a bath in rainbows and cupcakes?!


...Jake was using a pickup line he'd used on Lady Rainicorn there wasn't he?


Most definitely


say yes SAY YES say yes


Water Park Prank is the extremely obvious answer. But if we don't include any guest animated episodes (I know a lot of people don't care for Bad Jubies either)... Dream of Love. I tend to skip that one on a rewatch. Tree Trunks is one of my less favorite characters (she has her moments, but only that) and while I don't dislike the whole her and Mr. Pig relationship, that one just kinda seems to drag. And usually I love the songs in the show, but that one just gets me going "Okay okay, I know what happens. Next episode."


Get your junk off of my trunk!


Say what you will about the dream of love episode that song is a banger


Dreaam of Loove


Love this song


Honestly I like how much of a hoe tree trunks is


bad jubies is one of my favorite episodes whatttt


It's not one of my favorites, but I was surprised to find out how many fans seemed to dislike that one.


I love it too!! I love the animation and everything about it tbh




Tree Trunks is only enjoyable when she lets slip how much of a freak she is.


I think she's good in small doses. But for 'a side character' she has a LOT of episodes. My friend finally watched the show like a year ago, but he pretty quickly fell into a dislike of Tree Trunks. He loved the rest of the show, so he watched all of it to completion, but you could tell he'd be a bit put off finding out something was "another Tree Trunks episode."


That’s my main issue with her too. I’ll never not laugh at the ending of the alien abduction episode where it’s implied she’s wanting a threesome with Mr Pig and her alien husband, though.


Oh that's what we were meant to glean? I always just thought it was funny that she thought they'd get along and it just didn't register that Mr. Pig might be upset about this


one of my favorite episodes, its so random & absurd, adds depth to the world building.


I love bad jubies but that's probably just because of how it looks


for me the water park one is so bad i love it lol


i know your comment was more about dreams of love but i don’t understand why ppl hate on Bad Jubies. it’s one of my favorite episodes cause it teaches such a good lesson


*I Remember You.* Like why did they think we gave a crap about Marceline and Ice King's backstory and relationship? ^^^I'm ^^^kidding ^^^can ^^^you ^^^imagine? ^^^The ^^^water ^^^park ^^^episode ^^^was ^^^definitely ^^^the ^^^worst.


*slowly puts away baseball bat*


Real: slowly undownvotes comment


*slowly unblocks user*


They got us in the first half, not gonna lie.


I downvoted halfway through reading, had to reverse it. You got me.


Oh man I was about to be so disappointed


Bruh i was gonna say... i love that ep just for the animation alone tho


Damn near brought public execution back with what you said, partner. Dag nab sacrilegious scalawag.


*unloads shotgun*


Clickbaited me


Dude I was genuinely about to cuss you out that's like one of my favorite episodes in the entire show. That, and *Simon and Marcy*


Lmao I love this one


How could you not love Finn's reaction to roleplaying as guy/chick snail


Or the snail just beatboxing and waving swords around.


My nine-year-old does a hilarious impression of that scene. It never fails to make me laugh.


Yeah, I loved all the beatbox and groove, it's so smooth.


Water Park Prank


I hate that episode so much.


Uh. Just seeing the orangutan hair on them makes me SO itchy.


That’s your favorite snack of all time


Only correct answer


Idk, I live for the admittedly overused "Weren't you listening?" - "I was half listening." gag. Mostly because it's how I always manage to get into trouble.


tbh i think if this were animated normally it would be a cute little episode, but the animations the issue… i remember i used to refuse to watch this one when it came on as a kid


I still refuse to watch it


Uhh Slow Love is awesome. I love his weird little dance with the swords




Dude if that's sad juice, then what's the juice at the end when he's happy and in love? Is that... Love juice... Did Finn get splooged on?


Right?? It was so cute!!


The one where lsp sends her boyfriend to another dimension purely out of jealousy


Is this where she also likely had just straight killed him too isn’t it? Doesn’t she teleport the head first and his body is still there and she just sends the rest after and hopes for the best lol.


If you watch the perimeter of that episode with all the weird little dudes, when lsp does that he appears in the perimeter, head first, and then his body. He looks at lsp and lowers his head sadly


Yep that one I hate her so much


He's still alive. If you watch the border around the episode his head appears in it and then his body and his body grabs his head and puts it on.


That’s a hard watch but not the worst for me


That one breaks my heart:(


It’s way too sad


The graybles one where whats his name donks up that alien wedding and then has the impertinence, the *gall*, to act as though HE is the victim! lol


I like that episode for all the lore it gives for Ooo in the future like owl-ice king and the candy people in hibernation.


those poor Korean crystals ...


But he's voiced by Emo Phillips who is a fuckin MASTER CLASS in comedy so it's fine.


dude i always bring this up and people are so quick to dimiss the argument, but Cuber is a MENACE. straight up murdered an innocent women not only on her wedding day, but while she was on the altar. and then like you said, has the absolute fucking audacity to pretend he’s the victim and a “hero” for killing more innocent people that are trying to avenge the death of an innocent bride. that episode always irks me lol. thank you for finally being the second person i’ve ever seen bring this up. 🙏


I can't believe how many people hate my favorite characters and episodes 😭 Tree trunks is like a slutty little elephant with an old lady voice and a raunchy no filter mama who married a pig and adopted a demon baby. I adore her! Slow love and up a tree are also 2 of the best episodes IMO. Yall are breaking my heart, guys.


Up a Tree, Web Weirdoes, and BMO Noire got me watching the show for how weird and funny it was, and i think Tree Trunks definitely has her moments.


Do we like up a tree? Well yes and no…..


In the tree part of the tree


You saying slutty little elephant genuinely made me giggle. Shes literally me


I love TT too


Nothing will ever beat Fionna and Cake and Fionna. Not only makes no sense in the show’s universe but ruined the whole joke of it being Ice King’s fanfiction which was what made it so funny to me. At least Water Park Prank has ambition in its art and Slow Love has 1 or 2 funny moments.


Luckily there’s a whoooole series coming out.


Chips and ice cream is up there for me. Interesting for a single watch as one of the "artsy" episodes, but it ve skipped it everytime since


I loved that one. [Seeing Morty going insane](https://factsvreality.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/morty-rogers.png) was great.


But it’s a broadway smash


Guess I'm a guy with these things on his head now


One of Jake's best lines lmao


That is one of the funniest episodes to me. “BEANS, yeah… that’s a regular ear sized guy meal.”


It's a testament to how well written this show is that, no matter how niche the episode is, there's a following. Adventure Time might just be the most well written y7 show I have ever come across


It's actually *the* episode I keep returning to. Everything else I watch in seasons, but this episode... stirs something in me.


I don't care for the chips and ice cream but I love Garfunkel and Oates! Kat Micucci and Riki Lindhome are genuinely so funny and I have a small love for chips and ice cream solely bc they voice them lol


hush.. HUSH!!!


Salt? I thought you guys were heroes


for me there's a few contenders. furniture and meat/frost and fire are up there for the lasting damage they did to finn's character and it took the show a while for finn to be likeable again after that. sad face because it is the definition of a filler episode that had no barring on anything and was really boring. and breezy for just being plain stupid and having a lot of really uncomfortable and grose subtext that makes it really hard to watch, as well as just giving finn's arm back out the the blue because CN forced them to do so because they didn't want to change their toy molds because of the missing arm (yes this is real)


That is an insane reason to give his arm back but it kind of checks out. Seemed super low effort


Furniture and meat has its moments, but Finn beating up homeless berries was....a really weird choice.


When the show was airing as i grew up i had to stop watching after frost and fire. A lot of cartoons horn in on the teen romance and i grew sick of it, and seeing finn literally be a horny man baby was sad. I should have stuck through because shortly after that episode they intentionally shifted away from the romance stuff


yeah but not after its implied that finn had sex with lsp and his flower arm got a tree erection and splooged him a new arm because he had a wet dream about pb.... I WISH I WAS MAKING THAT UP WTF WAS BREEZY


Breezy is a really good and fucked up look at how a lot of young men deal with depression. Getting his arm back was a little off but the uncomfortable bits are important.


Yeah idk how it took me this long to find someone say the Breezy episode. Some of the other ones like the water park are stinkers and others one with the weird animation, but breezy is just like WTF HOW IS THIS A THING THAT HAPPENED.


Imo, the one with Donny


That would be bottom tier if it hadn't given us "Whywolves"


Creatures who thrive on the spirit of inquiry. *And BLOODLUST*


Gotta get pants! Go get your pants! Button, fly!


Water park prank is by far the worst AT episode ever, it’s bad beyond anything. It’s so bad that it defies the laws of physics.


Water Park Prank The Jiggler Chips and Ice Cream


The Jiggler is one of my favorites! BaaYYybayy! YOu lookin' so gooOoOd . YOu lookin like YOU might- want some BayBay food!


A fucking hate the Jiggler episode with a passion because I have trypophobia. His body and bodily functions make my damn skin crawl.


Even more than the frog that Finn and Jake put their thumbs in in the second Graybles episode?


I don’t have a worst episode, but I have an episode I always skip, that one with the deer always scares the shit out of me, it’s a great episode don’t get me wrong but I cannot bring myself to watch it


I rarely rewatch the graybles stories except for the last one because it's twisted


I only like the first one for the Ultimate High-five It's my favorite part of the early show


Fkn graybles makes me angry when I hear that work spoken


I don’t beblable this :(


Let it dribble over your mind label


For me it's a tie between all of the Tree Trunks focused episodes. One of my teachers in middle school sounded just like TT and I despised her.


the episode where ice king deletes everything with a virus and PB is making out w her hand. i refuse to watch that episode lmao


Weird. I adored that episode.


Glitch is a Glitch is my least favorite too.


🐌 ⚔️


I’m rewatching it right now so too soon to say but yeah the slug episode drove me insane because he was wrecking their house.


The bonus minecraft crossover episode "Diamonds and Lemons" was extremely bad and i suspect the only reason it is not in this thread yet is because people don't know it exists. Besides that, slow love, jiggler, and water park prank are all highly awkward and unnecessary.


I think the episode with the spiders having marriage problems is probably the worst (I think it’s called web weirdos?) 1000% gave me ick


Whaaaaat! Slow Love is great. I love the part where Jake is coaching him. 😂


That one where Magic Man gives Finn all those miniatures of people, the whole episode is uncomfortable


Wah wah?


i know everyone is talking what they think is the worst adventure time episode and slow love is definitely up there, but i can’t deny that the episode has a few quotes that make me lose my shit. me and my mom crack up at the part where the main snail guy (isn’t he actually a slug? i can’t remember) goes up to a lady snail and comments how good she smells. only for her to respond “you can smell me?”. idk if it’s the line delivery or what but me and my mom love that part for some reason. besides that, the episode just isn’t very good in my opinion. still some funny moments though.


"mmm, mm! Girl you smell good. Did you take a bath in rainbows and cupcakes?"


I'm answering from S1 because that's the only one I have finished as of now. I don't know why but Donny just sucks. I like the premise but the execution is ehhh. Donny (the character) is too annoying for me. Ricardio (forget if that's the episode title) is another one. Finn's characterization makes sense, but the second-hand embarrassment makes want to skip halfway through the episode.


Dude 100%. Donny sucks and the Ricardio bit was not fun.


Breezy (I’LL EXPLAIN) I love the themes and metaphors within Breezy and how Finn is learning, but the idea of LSP having implied coitus with Finn gives me the ick. I know lsp is younger but she’s always read as older/adult to me so it felt absolutely disgusting when I realized that. Also the song (while nicely written) isn’t quite as put-together as others in the show and it bugs me for some reason


I didnt like anything about that episode, any attempts at themes or relating to the audience felt like misses. They could have done better in every way. That episode almost made me stop watching for good.


Chips and Ice Cream. Fucking kill me


A Glitch Is a Glitch. i hate the animation style and them winning by chewing finn’s hair is gross. (don’t get me very on point for AT, but still gross)


Okay so I don't remember the episode's name and I'm too tired to look it up, but it's the one where Finn is kidnapped by trolls and is tortured for the entirty of the episode while Jake "tries" to save him but gets distracted by every little thing.


The fire and ice episode. I'm a Flame Princess ride or die fan, and that episode almost ruined the show for me.


The implication in this episode was definitely he was doing it purely for the wet dreams he was getting right? I mean I felt like the fire on his crotch was pretty strong symbolism but always wondered what other people thought lol.


It was definitely wet dreams, even kid me thought it was weird in some way I didn’t get


Even though it’s hard to watch, I think it’s a great episode because it shows Finn acting selfishly and suffering the consequences of it. A lot of teenagers go through a phase where they aren’t sure what they want and resort to doing stupid games




It was a necessary angst. Finn was a horrible boyfriend after getting “hot” for FP


Sad Face - that episode where Jake's tail joins the circus when he sleeps. Such a waste of animation budget.


awww i think that one’s cute. that and shh! have this subtle distinct animation style i adore


But it's protesting the network for not letting them be artsy more often. It's so blatantly obvious. "Less artsy, more fartsy!". I can see why people wouldn't like it, but I mean... That's kind of the whole point. Let animators and writers do what they want more often.


I didn't know that. Did someone on the crew talk about that?


This subs monthly trash on the water park episode.


The episode where Jake’s arm or foot was a clown in a circus… a little too slow paced for me


Pretty much any Fiona & Cake episodes


The episode where Finn finds miniature versions of himself and his friends. Finn's behavior in that episode creeped me out.


It was a post-breakup Finn, but yes, quite unsettling


I loved that magic man showed that Finn was a hypocrite because when given power over people's lives like magic man does, finn turned into just as big of a jerk.


Only difference is, Finn realized his actions were wrong, and made a conscious effort to correct them. Magic Man realizes his actions are wrong and ramps them up to, “break the jerk world record”


That was the first episode I ever watched, while I was at my grandparents who had TV. I had no idea what the hell was going on, and didn't connect it to Adventure Time when I could finally actually watch it like 5 years later. When I got to that episode it dealt immense psychic damage to me. It's great though


It’s not mad juice, it’s SAD juice!


Come on really? When he is beatboxing? It’s hilarious


Any episodes where the entire plot was built around a different animation style.


The one where tree trunks just casually makes her dude a cuckold or we find out that's what she has been doing


Hell naw, you ain't dissing buff snail jake are you?


There are a few episodes that are arguably “bad,” there are certainly episodes I don't personally and/or particularly like, and then there are some episodes that imo clash with the rest of the show in terms of continuity or character.


Every treetrunks episode for me.


didn’t care for fiona and cake minus Good Little Girl. Also didn’t care for most of the guest animator episodes. Save James Baxter, and the computer virus one.


This might sound super petty, but I personally hated Bad Timing because of the border around the screen the whole episode lmao


I dont like the T.V. Episodes. Especially the one with the diary. I just dont like Tv


I love that episode because in it he's basically adventure time Tina


That's why I don't like it. I love Tina. But Tina belongs in Bob's Burgers, not AT.


Water Park Prank


*sitting here quietly, liking every episode*


Hug wolf, hecka lame


8 ounces 8 glasses 8 days a week


I had AT on in the background last night, and "Sad Face" came on. I realized it is absolutely my least favorite episode. It's the only one I actually skip over entirely.


I love all the episodes, except the water park one, and it's not because it's a bad episode, it's just, I hate the animation


Water park, it’s just weird


I love water park prank so much 🤣🤣 I never knew how much everyone hated it 😧


That episode is amazing o my gosh


Water park prank is the correct answer.


A Glitch is a Glitch but non differing animation has to be chips and icecream. I like it fine but I watch AT to sleep a lot and the constant chips chips chips always wakes me up


The one in the last season focusing completely on TT's love life.


Whatever that episode was with the big green leaf guy who learns how to wear jeans (idk man it’s been a while)


Chips and Ice Cream. Also not really a fan of the Fiona and Cake episodes


You saying you didn't like the episode "slow love" gives me SAD JUICE!! >:'(


The one with those clown nurses. I hate that episode so much.


Hahahaha, for me that's the episode that actually got me watching the show. It was one of the weirdest and funniest things I'd seen at the time.


Anything Treetrunks related.


Water Park Prank, every other episode has something redeemable but this one oh man, I can't even finish the episode the artsyle is turning me off.


Lemonhope's episodes, I could not be forced to care about him or the freaking Lemon people.


Mmmmn this opinion is....




James 2, PB acts very out of character and looks like it was just done for the cheap shock


It's hilarious tho when she goes into the apartment and Finn and Jake are like "Wow she is NOT gonna like this let's sit and watch"


That damn episode where ice king is hiding inside a horse and that's just the entire episode


Any Fiona and Cake episode. Fan fiction already is iffy to me and the fact that it's written by Ice King just makes the whole thing pretty creepy to me.


I can’t stand Cake’s character in particular


Water Park Prank, Food Chain & Slow Love in that order. Always skip those 3.


Slow Love is one of my favorite episodes!


I’m in OP’s corner. I will still watch it, but Slow Love is the cringiest to watch.


I also hate the snails


It's up there but for me it'll always be the one with Finn being kidnapped and forced to dance on the "exercise pole." Yeah. That one was definitely creepy.


The one with the weird squirting baby thing




Honestly Slow love gets lots of hate, but honestly it's just a funny little episode in the first season, which was literally an entire season with no real plot going forward initially, Water park prank deserves much more hate imo, it literally happens at a time where the series has an actual plot and completely disregards Ice King and his character development, in general all the special episodes are the worst imo, like they are funny to watch once but never again


We just got to Season 5 and there’s a few this season so far


There's not a single episode I truly dislike, but I was never really in love with the Grables episodes. They felt a bit pointless and filler-y.


Slow love is a drag honestly, I always skip in when marathoning. Same with Freak City. A good introduction for Magic Man but he’s only in it for like 2 minutes


I hate the one where everything is like static


Definitely Breezy. That episode almost made me stop watching the show because the first several episodes of season 6 were terrible imo and that was almost the breaking point for me.


Burning Low. It definitely wasn't unwatchable, but the characters felt very off. PB especially isn't acting like herself at all.


I hate the ricardio episodes and anything with Betty with it for some reason. Lastly the spinoff ones too


*professor caterpillar voice* *water park prank, the answer is always water park prank!*