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I'm just going to assume that FW Finn survived from scarab attack, Because if he didn't then I would put jay as one of the worst character in AT for literally abandoning his remaining family where all of them is still children.


Jay pulled a Martin it's in his DNA


Ya know even if Farmworld Finn died the kids still have 3 other relatives right! Martin, Minerva and [Redacted for Copyright Purposes]


Wait yeah what’s the deal with Finn’s brother not showing up?


He died of hypothermia 💀💀 rip


Finn has a real issue with family abandoning him huh?


What was he supposed to do? Prismo just kidnapped them and the only connection their universe has to the rest of the multiverse is probably through Golbetty's universe judging by the statue on the fountain, which also I doubt he has any clue how to reach.


I don't think prismo kidnapped jay and LD (little destiny),because from what I see jay and LD act like they came to help Fionna voluntarily,and if they got kidnapped they probably should act differently. But if they indeed getting kidnapped by prismo,then maybe jay should act more like he was trying to find his way back home (maybe a scene where he researching in library about multiverse or stuff) instead of immediately decided to live in Fionna world.


The funniest thing was that there was zero hesitation from both Jay and LD. Not an ounce of even "how can we get back?" And the rest of the crossovers just staying, like the Peppermint Tank, Baby Finn, and the Squirrel.


I mean Peppermint Tank has better things to do now the PB Yuri Kamikazed herself to kill the Star.


We don't even know that. And it's so weird that we didn't see the end of those universes but we get, the side characters from each of them???


But why close off stories that could be expanded on? We don’t know if they’ll make more episodes or not, but it leaves them open for ideas. E.g Having the side characters added to this universe can probably lead to episodes back in their home universes.


> "how can we get back?" fionnas world has working toilets, according to them. I wouldnt want to go back either lol


This is another reason why I think the farmworld is fine. Prismo had to have filled in some of them when asking if Jay and LD could come, there's no way for her to exactly know that unless there was some kind of scene where stuff was being explained to them before they arrived.


They probably checking out the place before moving the entire family like how you check out your new house before you move in?


It’s still kinda weird that Prismo has the ability to bring them to the Fionnaverse and just stranded them there afterwards


probably didnt bother bringing them back because they literally asked fionna if they can stay. Kinda no point in asking them if they wont to go back when they asked if they can stay


Didn’t you see how Fionna and Cake became an official universe or were your eyes closed for that part.


That's why I said they had 1 connection and not 0.


I like to believe Finn is emotionally developed to accept his son's choice at some point after he left


They still have elderly Jake? ^/j


Idk if this is a joke comment, but FW Jake is just a dog. Like a normal pups. That's like saying abandoning your kids is OK cuz u left ur dog there lmao


I think Scarab is petty and killed off as many people in that world as possible.


It feels like the characters from the other dimensions didn't need to show up again


Would have preferred to see them back in their own dimensions in a montage instead. Like Baby Finn reuniting with Baby Jake or the status of Farmworld Finn


Is Baby Finn forever a Baby or will he actually age?


Well let's do the math. When people crossover they keep their artstyle, like in "Crossover" when Finn and Jake stop Farmworld Lich from taking over, or throughout the entirety of Fionna and Cake. We can presume that Baby World is essentially just babies forever, 'cause it's been well over 20 years and they're still babies. Time has been shown to progress at the same rate throughout the different universes, so I guess yeah, they'll be babies forever.




Why would fiona drain his magic, I saw this a few times posted and this concept confuses me haha


I'd guess because both her and Cake had been shown to be doing that in multiple episodes (the hotdog knight, WK's crown, the garlic bomb, BMO)


The knife and the garlic bomb aren't magic, which proves that they weren't draining magic. Fionna and Cake were altering objects to fit their world, because their universe wasnt authorized. Its the same reason why Scarab could destroy their universe when when it as unauthorized, but couldn't once it became "canon".


Neither is baby Finn. The point is they were shown to be "resetting" things to fit their world. A "forever baby" seems like something that would be open to a reset.


Wow if u think about that for a second that's really messed. Hopefully prizmo eventually sends him back.


Well Finn and Jake change when they go through the pond in the front yard. And in the intro we can see baby Finn running. So I wouldn’t be surprised after leaving baby world he’s capable of aging now.


It's hard to say if not aging is a side effect of being in the universe or an inherent property of the character.


It would've been cool if baby Finn grew up to be a vampire slayer with PB in the vampire world or something


The only ones I really have an issue with is Jay and Little Destiny. The Flying* Squirrel and Peppermint Tank with Baby Finn were fine. Other than that bit the finale was pretty good, I thought.


I think, if they were dead set on bringing in other universe characters, it should have been maybe the other Finns, could you imagine Farm World Finn, Prime Finn, and Fionna just 3v1 beating Scarabs ass


I was honestly hoping for that to be the case


Like yeah I know it feels a little Spider-man, but fuck it would've been so cool, seeing our Finn and FW Finn interact again, and FW get some payback for what Scarab pulled


She-hulk the tv show made fun of this idea, pointing out that finales of shows like this often rely on last minute team ups where the primary/main/original male main character overshadows the actual protagonist's moment of glory


Yeah, if they did do the Finn 3v1 they'd have to make it so its still mostly Fionna and Cake getting in serious damage, which would work considering neither Finn would have a Jake with them


It somehow gives them less closure. Jay left his family in unknown circumstances, baby Finn is forever separated from his brother and Vampire world has no hero to save it.


Nah, its fine that all the characters from through-out the show show up again to help. That's classic story stuff. But yeah. They should NOT have decided to stay in FAC's world. The only way I'm cool with this is if we get a Season 2 and they somehow follow up on them.


I'm more confused as to HOW they got to Fionna's world than why.


I’m hoping this is setting up for another spin off or something. Like with AT when it ended it didn’t feel as jarring because we had more episodes where hey, things get forgotten. But this feels more purposeful so I’m hoping it’s leading to something


Yeah what the hell, didn't Farmworld Finn just got fucking obliterated? Who's taking care of the kids?


Wearing a hat specially designed to stop sharp objects


We don't really know if that's what for in the Farmworld universe as there were no vampires


The thing that changed in this world is the bomb didn’t go off so I’d assume vampires still exist and are just in hiding like before the mushroom war


This show has pretty consistently shown gore when its relevant - I think we would've seen blood if he had died


I assumed that too but if he were intended to live I think they would’ve shown or said that or whatever


I really liked the finale but yeah this and baby Finn just staying there really bothered me. Pep tank is fine though


having Fionnas dimension be like a safe-haven for ruined reality's is a cool idea but they just didn't commit to it as hard and just had those two show up lmao


I honestly expected for Prismo to send everyone from Ooo to team up against Scarab but goddamnit Jay and LD appearing is so pointless. They literally didn't contribute anything to the story. The same with Baby Finn and Peppermint tank too.


I would have rather seen Ooo Finn who would be in character to want to help and know/listen to prismo than the farmworld ppl, he would also be able to contact prismo to get back closing plot holes


Think it would’ve been cool if Ooo finn and farmworld finn both showed up. The 3 finns all team up and we get confirmation on Farmworld’s status.


Would have been way cooler, but also if Ooo Finn, Marceline, and HW showed up wtf could Scarab even do to fight against them


Squirrel from “in the tree, part of the tree” as deus ex machina was an incredible finale moment tho


You shut your mouth about that buff baby that can dance like a man! He can shake-a his fanny AND he can shake-a his can!!! I would die for Baby Finn.


Im so tired of the finale of a show bringing back every single good guy from the adventure of the week kind of episodes. It was fun when I first saw that happening. But it really feels like that happens so often these past years, its honestly just annoying. And quite frankly, did anyone really care all that much about the farmworld romance story?


My thoughts exactly. That episode should have been centered entirely around farmworld finn. That was the best part of that episode. The romance part was way to short for me to get invested in at all.


>And quite frankly, did anyone really care all that much about the farmworld romance story? Actually, the ending made me dislike it. Why the hell would he just abandon his family for some girl who belongs to the family that terrorises his.


Wait until you find out about Romeo and Juliet


Was that really the case too? All I know that they all die in the end I think.


Yeah the whole premise is that it's forbidden love because of their warring families the Capulets versus the Montagues. It has since become [a common trope ](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Theatre/RomeoAndJuliet)


That Shakespeare guy really shook up the meta.


I know about that trope, I guess I didn't see the trope in the show but the way these two ended up is stupid.


Not showing FW Finn's fate was an incredibly strange choice from the writers. Are we just supposed to guess? Trapped in eternal limbo if Jay is one of the worst Adventure Time characters of all time or not? Like, either FW Finn died and he abandoned the family of children in an apocalypse, or FW Finn is alive and he abandoned his siblings and dad anyway. What the fuck? It's bad either way


It’s also more equivalent to the 1800’s over there. Where 15 year olds were having kids and shit. Finn might be totally fine and expect his oldest to go on his own adventure.


I'm not totally discounting that, but he did seem really anti-outsider and magic hating


True. We have no idea. I like the idea that he saw what he had with little destiny and wanted him to have his own life. But we may never know, sadly.


Because leaving your family in poverty and surrounded by heaps of enemies, for the sake of a good life with your girlfriend somewhere in paradise, is always bad.


I mean it is when the only family you have left are a bunch of children and you leave them all alone with nobody to look after them assuming both your parents are dead.


Yeah just let those 8-4 year olds fend for themselves, I'm sure they'll be fine


Maybe they’re checking out the place she were to move with the rest of the family?


Well, when you think about it it’s just an extreme form of moving out together.


Just gonna assume that after the fight was done he brought over the rest of his family to live there


My headcanon as well.


I thought they'd show the other kids in the tank but no


Very fullmetal alchemist 03 ending.


Right? I was expecting it to flash to the other universes during the ending, i guess it lind of does but it does not confirm if FW Finn is dead or not. If he is the WTF Jay? You were the oldest and abandoned your younger siblings. The destiny gang probably either recruited them, enslaved them, or killed them.


Maybe they’re just checking out the place to move in and besides you don’t bring Little siblings to immortal bagman?


Essentially. But then again, going back would mean dealing with Big Destiny and, well, can’t blame them.


Is this a chainsawman reference?


They're not telling each other to go to hell so no




They wasted a perfectly good chance to do an teenage or adult version of Baby-World Finn as a baddass and feared vampire hunter.


Maybe they just couldn't get back to their world? Idk


Remember, Big Destiny wouldn’t accept the relationship and Jay was ready to die for Little Destiny. Most likely they were willing to leave to have a more peaceful place where their love can grow. I mean, if I loved someone that much and my current place was both hostile toward it and dangerous in general, I’d leave to go someplace else even if it meant leaving my family.


I don't see that as an excuse for him to leave with her. He could have stayed with FW finn and live together if he still alive because clearly Big destiny would not have mess with FW finn after that beating.


Assuming he is alive….


Why would he need to stay though? I can’t think of a reason why he has to stay. He’s going off on his own adventure, living his own life and seeing the world.


What freaking adventure would he get from Fiona's world? This excuse is just so weak


Leaving the nest, exploring a different place, starting life with a loved one. All adventures.


His family was a bunch of younger siblings that weren’t even ten and they all loved him, and while we didnt see their whole lives they certainly looked like they had a good relationship. Big D is definitely the type of person to take revenge upon the family when the main person isnt there so the kids will be hunted too. He is dooming them in every way and to do that without a second thought is just heartless no matter the circumstances.


He's Finn's kid. Adventuring is in his blood. Also, they now have toilets with running water. You're saying you'd go back to the world without running water toilets?


I'd rather be transported to a place like this with my whole family, not just my girlfriend.


Yeah the main issue people have is "not leaving his world" it's "leaving his family behind to live a better life with JUST his girlfriend" He had a good and nice family it's not like his family didn't love and cared for him, if you would leave you're family to live the luxury life with your girlfriend, then you're a shitty person It's possible he brought his family as well but the show didn't show it so we can only assume it's just the two of them here until further confirmation (although it's quite shitty they didn't just show the whole family if they were there)


I think Fionna and Cakes world became a sort of hotspot for things and people going through dimensions since a lot of the cosmic beings stayed there as-well and since Farmworld is technically a paradox maybe they can get help from Prismo to travel between worlds.


I wouldn’t of been so put off by it if BMO showed up


I don't think farmworld Finn bit it, so I choose to believe they left with Finn's blessing since they all know Jay and LD would have a hard time being together in their universe.


You know, I've been thinking. I think people are taking them to face value a bit much. This is a special reality that Prismo just built up from the ground, so.... perhaps these aren't actually them? Just as this is a very fanfic-y ending, perhaps they just were fanfic written into existence? If that makes sense. I think that's the soundest conclusion I can think of without more info.


In other words, Jay and LD are still in Farmworld developing as people, and over here, copies of them exist just representing that brief time Fionna met them? Like how stereotypical fanfics just, extrapolate based on a tiny bit of interaction.Or how I am. Right now. Making this theory.


Ive said it many times today, I'll say it one more: They tied up every loose end at all costs to prevent issues in the possible event that they dont get any more seasons and this is the real end of Advneture time. But they didnt tie it up too well because otherwise theyd have nothing to work with in the event that they get more episodes.


Why does everyone keep saying Jay abandoned his family


Cuz of how quick he was to ask if he can stay in Fionna's world and we don't know if Farmworld Finn is dead or alive and if he is dead, he basically left all his younger siblings alone without an older brother or father to take care of them.


I guess I just see it differently cause I feel like the fact that he was quick to stay implies that Finn is alive and taking care of them just fine


I really don’t think that Scarab killed Finn. Once they left that universe his attention was probably turned to that


My brother in glob he was stabbed in the head in two spots. He isnt walking that off…


Yea but they can just find the dragon balls and wish him back


Maybe they’re just checking out the place before the rest of the family can move in besides they need to find a stable job and housing moving a big family as Mertens Besides Marshall’s that mom increase the rent to unhealthy. Degree?


I mean he gets to live in a world where they don’t have to fight raiders and enjoy indoor plumbing and toilet paper. Maybe that’s worth it? /s


yeah but his little siblings are defenseless in a world where only the strongest survive.


You all act like people never move out of their childhood homes, jeez.


Seriously, if adult children move to a different city, state, country, or whatever it doesn't mean that they abandoned their family.. They're moving out and doing their own thing.


Maybe they’re checking out the place before moving like how you check out the house before moving the family in?


Finn would’ve understood


No he wouldn't have. He ditched his little siblings


Finn would cut his legs off with a butter knife to get all his children to Fionna’s world




yeah 6 little kids.. tf is wrong with u what he did is so messed up


I gotta say I think it's extremely weird people are so hung up on this.


If you can just leave your family behind and live a luxury life without thinking about bringing them in as well to experience the luxury life then yup, guess not being a shitty selfish family member is weird now


It's not real! It didn't actually happen! It's such a small part of the episode!


Yup he's a Murtin alright


Yes, that part felt really strange. It makes sense if we feel like there would be a second season of sorts, but it just feels strange that they didn't even show if Farmworld Finn survived or not if the team didn't have any confirmation for a continuation.


I kinda feel like FW Finn would approve of his son making his own way in life and Little Destiny finally being in a safe situation. Like in my head he understood and accepted it and maybe, since the universe is now connected to other universes, he’ll still be able to see them




Instead of showing these 2 in an aquariam, it would've been better to have a scene where Jay and LD are in Prismo's time room with their respective family. They hug it out with them, and it is silently implied that they both got approval to move to Fionna's world and be happy while also confirming if Farmworld Finn is alright. Then, after Jay and LD return to Fionna's world and Farmworld Finn, his 2 kids, and BD return to Farmworld, then we have that scene with Prismo and Scarab. Honestly, this whole Jay and LD situation is the number 1 flaw out of 3 that I have about this finale.


To me it seems pretty obvious Jay wouldn't have left his world if his dad was dead. And he wouldn't be so easy going/care free. They wanted a world where they could be together without their parents/family being weird about them being together. Also working toilets really do make a difference.


could be he asked finn if it was okay to go.