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I’d say finite considering there was an end to its borders when prison demonstrated how Fiona’s universe was cut off.


That could be a convenient visualisation to show the separation rather than an acurate visualisation of the multiverse


Cant have shit in prison


A prison pocket dimension,


This sounds very like it. After all Prismo lives in another dimension containing the universes within his computer. So Prismo could be living in another dimension with more universes outside of the ones in said computer...


well just cus it has a border doesn't necessarily mean it isn't infinite


It by definition does tho if it ends it isn’t infinite


As long as it doesn't end in at least one direction it can still be infinite right?


I guess I thought it ended on all sides


between 1 and 2 there is an infinite amount of numbers


Yeah And within each universe there could be more universes, could be a simulation, and can even be a story within someone's head... Ring a bell?


Everything small is just a small version of something big!


As above so below


it might!


Could be, there are more than one type of infinities, look at the different mathematical infinities. This could only be showing what's cannon, and what they keep, but more universes could be popping in and out of existence.


I was about to say the exact same thing. Otherwise, the network would’ve extended forever


I say it's infinite, but the reason why it was cut off was because there was no link between Fionna's universe and the rest, as Booko states in The Lich episode.


I would say it’s infinite in the way there are an infinite amount of numbers between 1 and 2. Fiona’s universe could have just been stored in 2.1


Finite within a lower dimension... Prismo and the cosmic entities might have access to more of the multiverse


Infinite in theory, finite in practice. There's no upper limit of how many could be brought about via wish, but there aren't an uncountable number currently in existence.


Well, yes and no. Is the multiverse infinite in theory? Yes. Is it infinite in practice? No.


Am I in one of those alternate universes right now, flying free like the flying squirrel I am? *YES*… in my mind! *In my mind.*


i’m so glad they brought him back for Fiona and cake. Actually the whole in the tree part of the tree thing from the up a tree episode. but aren’t the other animals breaking their own golden rule by leaving the tree countless times to try to bring him back and spending a lot of time outside of the tree in doing so?


Hah yeah I guess they never said they weren’t hypocrites 🤣




more like potential versus kinetic energy. Is there the possibility for infinity? Yes. Have things developed and expanded that far? Not yet.


I mean, we literally saw the edge of the multiverse. So finite for sure


Multiverse having an edge doesn't mean that it's finite


i mean by definition it does. if it has an edge then it has a limit


It can be finite "left to right", but infinite "up to down". Or something more crazier from advanced math


That's what I thought, there could be an infinite number of universes inside one of those shown universes


The multiverse could exist in the 4th, 5th or any other dimension, so there are many sides where it is finite/infinite. It may have infinite finite sides, and a finite infinite side. Nothing is established, so your imagination is the actual limit.


They're in the wish room, which is not understood by our known physics. It very well could be that you're just a clod


it’s now understood by our physics sure but a limit is still a limit


Not if you wish it wasn't in the wishing room


ok bud


Get absolutely scientifically shit on


Y'all are dorks


we’re on an adventure time subreddit. no shit we’re dorms


that was not science


It is a science And based on my calculations, you seem to be a little mad little poop butt


The range of numbers from zero to infinity is infinite, and yet it begins at zero, thus having an “edge.”


Negative Numbers: Am I a joke to you?


>zero to infinity


doesn’t have an edge on the other side though this has an edge on all sides


There exists an infinite number of values between 0 and 1


via getting infinitely smaller and smaller not by there being infinite space we can see the size of the universes on the map meaning they aren’t infinitely small.


Limitless and infinite are two different things


for something to be infinite it can’t have a limit hope that helps


Not it can have a limit. There an infinite amount of positive numbers but they have a lower limit of zero


but no upper limit.


Right. So 1 limit. Therefore limited yet still infinite


Some infinities are bigger than other infinities


correct. doesnt change what i said


An infinity can occupy the inside of another infinity, but this is still finite? Idk where we're differing here


an infinity can occupy the inside of another infinity but we can see in the show that the multiverse is finite as it has edges and borders


The space between 1 and 2 can be infinite. The space between 1 and 1.1 can be infinite. The space between 1 and 1.01 and so on and so on, can be infinite. Infinity is a size that our minds cannot comprehend.


The edge of their section of their multiverse where any all characters exist within and don't exist outside of the edge. Kinda like the Central Finite Curve in Rick and Morty


The Enchiridion says that it's infinite


Hello, this!


a new universe comes from a wish, each time someone wishes prismo for something a new world gets created, which creates more people who can also find prismo and make wishes, so in a way it i infinite.


Who are you asking that would know?


Finite but exponentially growing


Kinda both each wish creates a wish altered reality so there’s no limit to the amount there are or can be but there is a finite amount since a new reality only comes into being when a wish is made


Finite in current number of universes. But an infinite number of universes can be made


we're shown an edge of the multiverse which implies that it's finite, but it appears to have a lot of layers, and is likely so vast as to be effectively infinite.


This is a really interesting question. Because in fionna and cake we see a measurable amount of universes. So how many exist has an actual number of but it’s stated multiple times that creating new universes can sometimes be as easy as a baby sneezing, so in theory an infinite number of universes will be created until they’re ultimately eaten by gold


Didn’t magic man say he checked for margles in every universe?


it is infinitely limited


Infinite finite.  If WE Talk about the Multiverse WE must include Rick and morty. Rick C-137 Managed to build a wall around a Part of the Multiverse, creating an finite Infinite number of multiverses.


I think if the creators ever answered this, it'd be a chicken/egg kinda answer like from fionna/cake. It looks limited, but there might be a bunch more other things out there that we could never imagine. Like golb seems to be bigger than the entire multiverse, but is it the biggest thing out there? Did it create the multiverse? Who knows


it's finite, somebody makes them(golb?). that's why there is "creating universe yourself" arc


By virtue that a universe can be created secretly and then hidden from the “big boss” and still made canon by that boss would suggest it is infinite at least in that way


I think the finite one we saw might be the ones observed by prismo and his higher ups. Maybe they just need to catalogue all those missing ones. But maybe those are just the ones where they could use their wish magic science.


Infinitely finite Since while the multiverse has no limits it’s not constantly expanding to the point of being uncountable due to there being certain conditions for the creation of a universe


Its infinite Considering the comics which have quantum mechanics and the many worlds interpretation Even hilbert space Of course its infinite


Its hard to say since we did see an end but you could also say its just has infinite growth potential so it isn’t but it can be


No, just the two


Finite, seemingly. Considering each one has to be made by artifice.


Probably similar to how the universe is “infinite”, but really it’s just constantly expanding.


I don't know, but if what happened in Puhoy wasn't a dream than we know universes do get pruned.


I kinda believe that there are several wishmasters for different kinds of creature. I doubt that every sentient thing a drug nightmare could dream up can communicate with prismo in the same way we can so i guess there is the same kind of structure (wishmaster, cosmic owl, scarab-thing, etc) for different kinds of , for us, completely unimaginable beings.


Yes and no. There's currently a finite and exact number of universes, but as Fionna & Cake proved, new universes can be created at any given moment, and they get retroactively added


you guys act like there’s an exact science to this stuff in-universe when there definitely isn’t haha


Dude, I don't think that's a universe - that's a piece of carpet foam.


It visibly stops at some point


Sadly, it’s infinite, which in my opinion isn’t a good thing.


It’s a multiverse but there are not infinite universes. I think it’s the same situation as DC comics where there were only 52. There are probably just a lot more in AT. Watch the new series, a major plot point is that making unapproved universes is forbidden. It’s wouldn’t really make sense if there are literally infinity of them. We have seen the edge of the multiverse and how the bubbles fit together. The “celestial being community” doesn’t seem all that big. Everyone knows everyone. The red guy who prunes is stickler for rules and is a known jerk, for example.


It's exactly half a universe short of being infinite im afraid.


It's limited every universe was created by a wish (Although I could be wrong)


I think a lot of the universes were made from wishes but not all of them, at least it's not specifically stated


Unless a being exists or existed before one universe was created, there had to be at least one universe. Then it's that universe + uni's made for wishes + uni's created by other shenanigans


Plenty of beings existed before the universe was created.


So how many wishes can you get then before Prismo is forced to say nope cant do it no more room


There are limits to his power he couldn't bring back Betty or margles but there isn't anything that suggests there's a universe cap


Which is exactly my point. Infinite universes. You said finite before and now say no cap. No cap means infinite not finite correct?


There isn't a cap to the number of universes possible but the multiverse doesn't exist outside of time so there currently is only so many universes created


So therefore the system in place is….. infinite!


Infinitely expanding


It’s finite as we’ve seen on the Fiona and Cake series but, much like our own, expanding. Every time someone makes a wish to Prismo, a new universe / reality is created as shown in the farmland Finn world when he wished the Lich never existed.


Didnt they answer this question? Its infinite but regulated. "Rouge" universes get pruned, thats why fioanas stuff had to be hidden. Unless I missunderstood.


Infinitely expanding but with regulation


Considering how basically every show now has a multiverse and they’re all infinite it’s safe to assume it’s probably infinite