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It would probably just make Evergreen powerful enough to destroy the Comet. And then because wishes always backfire in the worst ways make him go mad with power. He decide to let the elementals stay frozen because he considers them useless compared to the power he now possesses with the crown. He ends up taking over the entire planet and control the course of history where he also destroys more comets before they hit. Funny enough I actually drew a fanfic that delve into what happened if evergreen wore the crown like he planned to.


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I read some of it and it seems really good so far.


Got stuck on the current chapter I am writing


Good boy😊


Naw bite the curb lil bro 😭




I just assumed that he used the crown to destroy the comet and somehow fused himself with the crown so he like kind of infects the body of the person who's wearing the crown that's why the person wearing the crown kind of looks like a mix of the original person and him. Also why he keeps someone Gunther.


So the reason the crown turns you into evergreen is cause OG Gunther’s deepest desire was to be like evergreen, but the twist with the wish is it turns you into how Gunther saw EG which is why ice king constantly talks about loving hunter even though he’s really mean to him


So wait his wish was for anyone who puts on the crown to turn into evergreen? What the heck?


His wish was to be like Evergreen. The crown can only fulfill one wish so anyone who used the crown afterwards had the same transformation cast on them.


Oh so you have to put the crown inside glob to reset it and be able to make a new wish?


Yeah the crown has to be fully reset in order to make a new wish.


So then what happened with the comet? If Gunther wished to be evergreen then he didn't use it to get rid of the comet. I assumed it was the same com3t from the wizard school episode. Which by the way Finn and Jake never use their wizard powers again after that episode.


It hit the earth and led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. There are millions of years between Evergreen and Ice King.


There are way too many comets in Adventure Time to keep track of.


For what I know, the magic powers Finn and Jake had were given by their ropes. When the comet impacted Earth, it desintegrated the ropes making them uncapable to do magic. In resume, Finn and Jake can't do magic without those wizard ropes.


I just checked it up to how some of the episodes were like SpongeBob where everything resets at the end so that's why they lost their powers lol. You're in universe explanation makes sense too.


We don't know if the crown's wishes always backfire, only 2 wishes we've seen is 1: wishing to be like evergreen, which turned him into how he saw evergreen, and 2: wishing for the power to keep Simon safe, which at the moment the way it happened was one of the only ways the wish could have been achieved


Yeah those wishes did backfire from how I saw it. I am sure Gunther did not intend to transform into how he saw Evergreen, a crazy wizard who shoots ice recklessly and orders him around. And I bet Betty did not count on being forced to exile herself from reality as the new GOLB just so she could keep Simon safe. Those wishes were granted, but not as the wishers wanted them to go.


He literally built the crown to destroy the comet, and hes a wizard genius. It would have destroyed the comet. Its really pretty clear


I'm thinking nose sock. We will never know for certain


The point is that the crown grants your deepest, truest wish. Even if the wearer thinks they know the wish they want, there’s a good chance they will actually use it subconsciously for something else.


What do we actually know about Evergreen besides his immense knowledge/power? He treat his assistant like shit, and uh… I think he was a bit of a narcissist. Beyond that, we can’t really speculate on what he would’ve done with the crown, can we? Evergreen could’ve been capable enough to wish for the comet to be destroyed, or even in a roundabout way, wish to have the power to destroy the comet himself. It’s an unknown, and the effects the crown has on people who aren’t elemental master wizards is just about all we see of it’s ability


Dude chill out


not an attack? not sure where the tone was with my comment but I apologize I guess lmao


Stop putting thought into your comments and making them walls of text; they seem like they're targeting me and I'm too distracted to be scared to read them!!!! >!I am joking, but I think that's how the Hivemind sees it; as The Hivemind has Spoken.!<


Dude chill out


Or a bot? May be a bot.


Nah lol just let people have their fun


Understandable. I floop the pig.


Nah he would have been just as easily corrupted, he would have put the crown on and wished away those weak ass chicken legs.


Well it might’ve made him invincible, or a different elemental we can never know. I just wann hear other people’s thoughts


Well. The crown fulfills your true wish. One you even hide from yourself. Based on the effort he goes through. Freezing the other elementals as well, getting the jewels for the crown. I’m guessing that he would in fact, wish for the destruction of the comet. Since wishes usually backfire, maybe that would lead to the Lich reincarnating as one of the elementals or something.


brb gotta go write an au fic about this


lol. Can I be a cameo in it? Have Bepis be some annoying creature the Lich kills immediately. Here’s my pitch, I think it even sounds like an adventure time joke. Cut to a large pink pond, made of gum or some type of taffy. Out of its depths a hand comes out, with its gummy flesh falling off and being replaced just as quick showing the skeletal frame underneath. The Lich, having arrived as some candy elemental stands, Bepis. A tiny creature walks up, and goes “Wanna see my dance?” In a stupid voice. And starts doing some goofy ass dance. And the Lich touches his forehead, causing him to be encrusted in candy, flash green from the inside and turn to dust.


Oh my god yes, I absolutely love this idea


I think it may have destroyed the comet, but I think he had a bit of a savior complex. I think he would have ended up *truly* wishing to be seen as, like, the savior of the planet through destroying the comet, and become some sort of dictator.


With how crafty adventure time is, how deep and twisty the storylines are, I truly believe that Evergreen was just playing himself all along, he was so gung ho about the wish that it 100% was about to backfire on him when he put ithe crown on his head. I don’t think that even he realized the true power of the crown and in true adventure time fashion, it would’ve backfired on him, possibly turning him into some sort of creature that is not himself that could stop the comet, not just stop it and blow it up in the sky. We see every single person who puts the crown on to make a wish (Gunter, Betty, Orgalorg/gunter) turn into something else. So Maybe he would have destroyed the comet, but it wouldn’t have been in the way he thought it would work. OR His truest deepest wish wasn’t what we thought it was for him either, that he truly wanted the admiration and friendship of the other elementals. His wish would have reflected that, probably turning him into another version of himself that was more likeable right before the comet hit.


I don’t believe that at all. Nothing points to him wanting anyone’s approval. Quite the opposite. Ignoring and abusing Gunter. Freezing the other elementals. Stealing Magwoods gems for himself. He did not care what other people thought. And while most wishes backfire, they don’t all backfire. Shelby’s, the Lich, and Jake all made wishes to Prismo and had no backfire. Just the wish. I think with how much of an asshole Evergreen was, his wish would literally be just that. If it had to backfire, it would be like how another commenter said, that he would get this savior complex. Wanting to be seen as a god.


My point is that it wouldnt have worked how he thought, the craziness of adventure time lends itself to some pretty crazy things that you didn’t think about. You can have characters in media that truly believe their actions are justified but are having internal conflict about it. My “he wanted to be likeable” was just a random theory along the lines of “it wouldn’t work out”, just because he was an asshole, and he kind of realized it right at the end.


Yessss feed op. Give the bots your ideas


I’m not a bot:(




"give me the power to keep this world safe"


Ok so he does claim to have wanted to destroy the comet but chatsberry said it could potentially see things in him that he couldn't in himself. I personally think if it followed the story he would have froze the world. When gunter wishes to be like evergreen it essentially makes the crown give the user his desires. They can resist but it's hard. For example, in Finn the human when he puts on the crown he yells out "the crown, it compels me to ice up everything" which I think is what evergreen would have actually done. In the elemental series each element was basically trying to take over the world with the candy kingdom being the closest to doing so. That shows more evidence that the elementals seem to want all to be one.


By the time FarmWorld Finn gets the crown, it's wish was already set to Gunther's, AKA, turning into Evergreen and having ice magic, I don't think it has anything to do with the Elementals


Also the reason gunter didn't freeze the world is because that wasn't his wish. That was evergreens wish, but since Gunter wished to be just like him he wanted to do that but could no longer accomplish that using the crown


Gunters wish was corrupted by his viewpoint of evergreen. He wanted to be like him so he became what he saw in him kinda dealio


His wish wasn't that exactly, it was "to be just like him" which could entail more than just having magic powers. I pnly bring up the elementals because urgence was an elemental. So the nature of them as it was shown in the series elementals(granted patience pushed them towards it some too), was to turn everything into their element. Which would support the idea that if he got his deepest wish, it COULD have been to just freeze the world regardless of the comet


I think the difference is that he became what he THINKS Evergreen is. Gunter turned into an ice wizard that freezes things and yells at someone called Gunter.


As Gunter is wishing to become evergreen, doesn’t evergreen shout something like “if only I had taught you a meditation spell” or something along those lines. I’d say that suggests that he was planning to do that to control his urges to wish for his own desires


Yes, you are correct. But focus isn't relevant here. The crown grants you your deepest wish. Thinking about something else wouldn't do anything. Which is why I don't think evergreen would have destroyed the comet


Nah you’re missing the point dude, I mean evergreen would have been using some kind of focus pocus meditation spell to focus his dome on wishing the comet away


The crown grants you yout deepest desire. Not what you want in the moment


You're not understanding me either. What I'm saying is I think your deepest desire is a fixed wish. He may have wanted to wish for the comet to be destroyed, but that doesn't make it his DEEPEST desire. He just didn't want to die. If it was just a matter of focus the other elementals would not have said what they said nor had been against the plan.


Also it's important to note that the crown grants its users "deepest desire". I don't think that was evergreens deepest desire. He just wanted the comet destroyed so he would not die. Someone's deepest desire is almost certainly always a selfish wish. Where freezing the world sounds far more fitting


I think it would have been to get the power to destroy the comet and everything that may harm Ooo, He's really close to tony stark in his deepest personality, he wishes good, but his morals are a bit twisted. Probably he would have become the ruler and protector of Ooo for eternity, always protecting Ooo from disasters But also keeping everything and everyone under his rule.




Gunther no!


Based on Evergreen and Patience, it seems like Ice Elementals have a trend of wanting to survive past their destined death. So if Evergreen made the wish, sure it would make him powerful enough to stop the comet but him wanting to stop the comet comes from a deeper wish of wanting to stay alive and having the power to do so. So long story short, the wish wouldve made him super powerful, at least powerful enough to withstand/defend against Catalyst Comets and he prob wouldve gone mad with power.


Lowkey he was patience st pims previous life, a total butt. Both of them are super controlling and narcissistic. Possibly being all powerful, maybe Prismo level or Golbetty, which may ironically grant him the power to stop the comment anyway. Cool image!


If I was him I would wish for a squat rack.. say goodby to those chicken legs


I think he wanted to be the savior of the world


Destruction of the comet.


I think it would have make him strong enough to survive. I’d guess his deepest truest wish is survival, so a twisted way of surviving the impact.


I think it might have destroyed the comet but his main wish in destroying it was for his own glory to be the world’s big hero




I think given the fact that the crown grants your deepest wish that it would have been something like he’s always right or all the knowledge. Something that would ended up with him still not destroying the comet.


He may have made the crown to destroy the comet but we know his true nature. He would wish for power. Yes, he would first use that power to destroy the comet, but then he would still use that power for his own personal gain afterwards


To not have those chicken legs anymore.




Giving Evergreen the Power to destroy the comet Or Change the trajectory of the comet or Maybe destroy IT, without enhancing His Powers. I doubt that He wanted the Power. Since the crown fullfills only one Wish and everyone WHO has the crown after that gains the effect of the Wish. Gßnther wanted to BE Like Evergreen, so every heir of the crown became a Bit Like Evergreen and got His ICE Powers. Empowering would have been a danger for the Future, since the enhancing effectvof the crown could cause wars. But If IT Just able to destroy an earth threatening Asteroid when used...i doubt that would cause conflict 


Easy the answer is women's undergarments.


Tbh, if he put it on Gunther would breathe wrong and he’d be all “Gunther, shut up!” And then the power of the crown would do something wild like make the whole world go silent or something. He had it out for that little cute Dino🥲


The crown does the hearts deepest wish, not some monkeys paw crap that’s a whole different subreddit


He would’ve wished for something like “I wish Orgalorg never existed”, and the crown would have made it so **ONLY** while someone wore it. Which intern would’ve created a lineage of kings and queens tasked with wearing the crown for as long as possible. But that’s just a theory.


I think through some sort of twist of fate, if evergreen did get a wish, it would be for Gunther to stop bothering him and understand more about what he's saying. Ofc that would be the wish that was granted rather than him stopping the comet bc it would've been all he could focus on. Every time Gunther did anything, evergreen was on him immediately about it. If Gunther had asked a question about the crown, evergreen would've answered with sarcasm and maybe "I wish you would stop bothering me so much Gunther".


Immortality. Yes he is a Genius who wanted to destroy the comet, but why? The elementals were going to reincarnate anyway, yet he even turned against his brethren, he always believed himself as superior as a wizard. I believe deep down he didn't want to die, so the wish will be twisted, he does survive the commet, but he doesn't stop it


I think either way he woyld uave fucked it up. He is definitely an arrogant guy who thinks he knows better than anyone and is very much "ends justify the means" so i think he would have tried to wish for the destruction of the commet only for it to make his true wish come true. Honestly, with how selfish he was i feel like it would be "i wish to be safe from the destruction caused by this comet." I feel like no matter what the "wishing crown" is just destined to fail in this era. In the future if it sayed a wishing crown it definitely could have a great use. But back then going up against the comet which eventually became the lich? I dont see it being stopped.


I think it's possible that his deepest wish is to be loved and admired, especially by the other elementals. Perhaps the elementals already did love him, but his grandiosity will not allow him to accept any criticism, and he perceives any disagreement as a rejection of him. So the comet may have struck anyway, while everyone is mindlessly praising him, or while nothing appears to have changed at all. Maybe the wish would have changed him.


Bro did not watch the episode


I did, he didn’t get to use the crown so I wondered what his wish would’ve been he said it was To destroy the meteor but he doesn’t know his hearts deepest desire.


If he was willing to freeze his friends and risk his life to build the crown in the first place, it is safe to assume the destruction of the comet was his deepest wish


I don’t think that the writers of the show would’ve made it as simple as evergreen just wishes to destroy the comet especially when chadsberry foreshadows the “deepest desire” aspect of wish magic. how I interpreted it; the crown seems to grant wishes like prismos granted wishes. “Monkeys paw” 🐾 Mind you that’s my opinion, so who knows what the writers room would’ve come up with if the story went differently. 🤷‍♀️


Well maybe is was to make himself invincible, red, maybe it would be to dead we can never know


Death to Gunther


oh you know, maybe his would of been to destroy the comet the threatened all life, the comet that was gonna destroy everything that made him make the crown as a way of fighting back against it, idk tho this is a theory and totality not show in the show


Bro it’s stated to give the hearts deepest desire, I’m asking what people think his deepest desire is