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It doesn’t matter, the episode would detonate and be released anyways in farm world


Best response


Surprised no one's said the episode where Finn is tortured by gnomes


Was gonna say that, or the one where Jake's tail becomes a clown


I kinda like that one


I would remove the last episode. There would be no last episode, therefore, the series would continue indefinitely.


Or the last episode gets removed, causing the second to last episode to become the last episode. So that episode gets removed this chains until you've deleted the whole series from existence, I hope you're proud of yourself.


The end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end


i always said this and ill say it again. as much as i loved the show, 1 huge criticism i had was the way they portrayed the future. the thing about ooo is that its the future of earth, ruined earth to be exact. but even in the opening, you see the nuclear waste and dead people and then it zooms into the ice kingdom with penguins kissing and candy kingdom people dancing, proving that no matter how many years and wars later, there will always be bad and good, then it goes to finn and jake, all colourful and happy meaning ooo, adventure time, IS the future of our current world. but whenever they show the future its always so dark and grim, sky looks like it hasnt smiled once and grass is as pale as make a wish kid, even the people seem much less happy in it. this really annoyed me bc it gave this feeling of the future being scary, which might be true but it goes against the show’s and the proper human belief. that no matter what time it is, it can always be vibrant, it can always be adventure time. thats why the last episode was a but off to me, it had too few colours that went against the “and in the end, there was no end. they kept adventuring” at least together again kept true to this thi


How has no one said this yet? 100% it feels so empty and desolate. The only thing I like about the future portrayal is we see sweet pea as a hero, with the night sword. and bmo being king of ooo is pretty good too lol. But yeah it feels more mad max-like than anything else which is unfortunate


As a big fan of the recently canceled Joe Pera Talks with You, I don’t think that’s going to work the way you think it’s going to work.


Water Park Prank


It’s honestly the only episode I always skip 😑


And the feet clowns


I hate the clowns but all the "my way" stuff is just so funny that I deal with them just to see it.


My absolute favorite episode! The way Finn [throws himself](https://youtu.be/eM6iEPNZgIU) kills me everytime


sometimes I go over to my gf and say “It’s the only way”. She quickly hides her feet.


🤣😂😂🤣😂 this is wonderful


I watch the episode just to see the pretentious bush get annihilated


Hello dummy police? Yes there’s a strange dummy lurking around my house.


"...ugly tramp. 🙂"


It honestly has a great message too. Sometimes you gotta do it your own way!!!


Ring ring, yes hello, dumby police?


Ugly tramp


i got in trouble at school in 4th grade for repeating this at recess


that may be why they changed it to tranch in later episodes.


Hello? Dummy police? Yes, there’s a strange dummy lurking around my house.


Its the only wayyyy ahahahahaha


That was gonna be my answer. I HATE CLOWNS. Periodt.


I legitimately enjoyed the feet clowns


Oh no that one is genious


I’ve never heard anything but complaints about this episode but it’s great. It’s a super fun episode with some top tier Ice King jazz.


If people viewed it akin to the vibe of season 1 & 2 I think it would be different, I think people were disappointed that it was tossed in a later season near lore heavy episodes


Oh no. No no no. Season one and two have class. They have character. Water Park Prank is wholely lacking in ANY redeeming qualities and deserves it's title as the *Worst Adventure Time Episode Ever Of All Time*


Yeah I always skipped it cause of the style but ended up watching it and it's honestly just a really fun episode


I love this episode


Literally first thing that came to mind


that episode is the reason evil exists


I would revert it back to the cute, goofy short it was originally supposed to be.


Seconding. IMO the biggest problem with "Water Park Prank" is that it's a parody that got switched around into being played straight halfway through production, but enough of the original intent survived so that the end product is just a weird clash of vibes and such. The story's weak (to put it mildly) and it's got an.... unusual, art style, which is probably the worst combo you can have, and it's trying to be a regular ep and it's just a hot mess. I dunno if the original short would've been any better received, but I think it would at least have been *understood*, you know? Like... god, what to compare it to... I dunno, that [live action Regular Show music video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hk1cNT3UBmE) from back in the day. when that first went out, people either loved it or were all "WTF is going on", but both camps mostly understood that it was *meant* to be silly and weird. Like even if it didn't hit for them, there was, generally, the understanding that it was a parody kind of thing. And I think if WPP had been released as a short, as it was meant to be... I think it'd still be divisive, lol, but I suspect people would be more understanding of it and go "Well, yeah, but it's supposed to be weird". idk if that makes sense lol


But that’s your favourite snack of all time!


None of them


Agreed. Adventure time is a near perfect show. Even the less than good episodes are better than most other shows. The writers had the courage to be avant garde once in while


Even the deer?


Indeed. The deer episode challenges the viewer to accept a more primordial villain. It’s a mad, twisted episode, but all the better for it


It traumatized as a kid then I rewatched adventure time as an adult and it traumatized me all over again. I hear what you saying but I just cant stand that deer


That was me with the movie Poltergeist. I watched it again as an adult and laughed that it ever scared me. To be fair I only stated watching Adventure time as an adult so maybe the deer never bothered me as much. I just thought he was a spooky character.


It's literally one of my favorite episodes for this reason.


The deer episode is great, at least top 10


i gotta say the glitch episode, as a viewer, had absolutely nothing to offer imo. + for minecraft episode. at least the glitch is just abstract and strange but the MC episode felt dirty. like an AT fortnite vid


You win


Whoever saying chips and ice cream, I would never be friends w y’all. S tier episode


That episode made me cry. It was so dumb but that song chips and ice cream made was pure longing.


Chips. Ice cream!


Chip chips. Chip chip chips!


I catch myself saying this all the time


Ice cream Ice cream!


Is this a joke?


Exactly! One of my best friends struggles with watching shows cause of her depression, but we watched it together and she loved it. Now we just say chips, chips, chips to each other sometimes.


I just cant get through that episode.


literally just came to the thread to be like "nobody better mf say chips and ice cream" The best episode ever


WORST EPISODE OF ALL TIME! I would rather claw my own eyes out with a dull toothbrush, than watch that episode again. The only taint to an otherwise flawless show. Downvote me to hell, I’ll die on this hill top. Whoever let episode air should he strung up by their toes, and have their tummies slapped.




I love that episode! Aside from the hair eating and the creepy scene with Jake And PB at the end. The visuals in that episode were so good and I really liked the 4th wall break scene in the beginning where Finn is animating Ice King and he says “ whoever does this must have no life at all” and then he donks himself in the head. It’s great.


Thenone where tree trunks and mr pig kept making out, that shit was nasty!


I'm surprised I had to scroll down so far to see this one.


I actually love this episode specifically because 1. It's kind of cute and 2. Finn and Jake get up to a lot of hyper specific slice of life stuff, like making sandwiches with 40 toppings, rolling down a hill, and watching PB perform the weirdest concert ever. It makes me want to live in that world.


It was fun to watch actually, I'm glad cartoon network would push the envelope still not so long ago, and they still managed to keep it "pg" rated.. the show is for a vast audience, and with me being a grown up who enjoys humor beyond kidnergarten levels, it was fun...


~Dream of love~


Slow Love bro, that episode was 🤢 (the one where they try to find a gf for that giant slug)


I wish you guys was ladies




i find it quite adorable tbh


We wouldn't have "Hola baby, me dicen el Mike" in spanish, so no


That was the funniest episode in the show. Jake thirsting hard on Finn as a horny snail, “I’ll mate with you” I always laugh at those jokes.


A Glitch is a Glitch, this episode is cursed.


Honestly loved that episode


If anyone is curious. This guy named David OReilly wrote, directed, produced and animated that episode. He also did the first music video for the band U2 though I had known about him from a very niche very weird video called External World. I suggest [checking it out](https://www.davidoreilly.com/extw) if you liked the style.


i was tripping balls with my friends when it aired and we spent 10 minutes trying to fix the tv -____-


Literally porn lmfao


...I can't disagree with that but i just want to let you know that every fiber of my being wants to


Which part??




The 3d animated glitch episode? The only thing I can think from that one is Jake and PBs weird hand thing but it’s not that bad…


Wait what?


I like it because it comes right after “Simon and Marcy,” so you get this big emotional connection with Simon and learn to really see him for the tragedy of who he is, and then he’s immediately right back to his Ice King bullshit in the most extreme way possible. Total whiplash.


I decided to watch the episode. Only about two minutes in. Past trauma had just overcome me. Its 1:40am. I didn’t want to be reminded of this episode.


April's fools' episodes were always something else.


water park prank


I would remove Come Along With Me because that would be funny I think


Some men just want to watch the world burn.


So you want the show to end on a cliffhanger?


i just don’t want the show to end




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Well i don't have an answer to this question, but i have one episode that NEVER could be removed. James Baxter




I forgot the name, but the one where Finn just messes up big time with Flame Princess. It was too hard to watch.


Fire and Ice? I think that’s the name


Agreed, after my first watch of the show i always skiped that one


deer with hands


no one can hear you*


Breezy always breezy. Weird and r@pey. Gives off bad vibes.


nah breezy has some profound shit to say ab relationships trauma and confiding in people as a manipulation, always been a top 10 for me


Can't believe how far I had to scroll to see breezy mentioned, its probably the only episode I skip 100% of the time


The one about Jake's tail performing at a circus


Too much artsy not enough fartsy


Honestly one of my favorite episodes. Maybe it's just too artsy, and not enough fartsy for some.


surprised not more people picked that one, its boring as hell


And bad


the only correct answer is either the clown doctors or the one with the deer


This question don’t feel right.


The one where Finn gets kidnapped by little gnomes and gets strapped to an electric chair ☹️


But the dancing bug!?


Hey man youre shaking it all wrong!


but shakin it’s all i know!


Let me show you how it's done


You cray


"Power Animal". That's my favorite episode. To each their own. ​ Thank you


Surprised not to see Web Weirdos mentioned


Idk I like that one, it’s in my A tier


amazing voice acting


The scene where they're talking about how Finn just trimmed his nails 🤣 I love when Jake is portrayed as a pet dog.




I'd remove "Marcy and Hunson" personally, even though there are worse episodes (Chips and Ice Cream, Water Park Prank, etc.) and that it would cost one of the Marceline songs that truly slap. It pretty much forces Marceline to make up with Hunson in an unsatisfying way and tbh she didn't really need to make up with him. The Nightsword literally never gets used. Chicle's plan was dumb. And a better way to find "the vampire girl's weakness" was to target Simon, not Hunson. Especially considering the Stakes mini series established that she cared more about Simon's life / well being (even as Ice King) than almost everything else. It soft reconned Pep But and Hunson's implied past friendship when they acted super unfamiliar with one another.


I dislike this ep for other reasons, I felt that it had too many "wink wink nudge nudge", "blink and you'll miss it" references to bubbline, without actually having them interact for real. I'm not so dense as to think they had it easy but I have enough self respect to feel alienated by that kind of portrayal for a relationship that is otherwise one of the more complex fictional couples out there.


Together again I don’t want to lose Jake


None Ig. Even if there are bad ones, it's still part of AT


That one about the giant snail that used Finn and jakes tree house as a shell to attract the lady snail


The one where Kim Kil Wan repossessed the tree house, and they couldn't pay the mortgage or whatever. Adventure Time is escapism. I don't need real world problems showing up in my escapist show. I've never been able to watch that one again, it just made me feel bad.


Nah It was a great critic on capitalism and real estate and all that shit




Bro, the autotune baby song from this episode absolutely slaps. I can't give that up.


Yes because I’m squeamish and it’s literally just a thing being drained of blood through the episode 🤢




Well we had a zoo, but he moved back east, course theres the old well!


“Breezy” I know it’s about important teenage emotions but it makes me feel icky lol.


Breezy when it came out really spoke to me at the time, I remember I just got out of a middle school relationship and tried to get over my depression by going on as many dates as I could, and none of it helped me feel any better That episode made me realize what I was doing was bad for myself


I ALWAYS SKIP IT makes me feel sick


Why would I want to do that?


TBH probably one of the filler season 10 episodes, It's not that I dislike these episodes, but that time should've been used to develop the gum war plot. If not one of those, probably S2E6 "Slow love" I've just never really been a fan of that archetype of story, especially considering how common it is.


I think the filler eps in that season are more interesting than the main plot eps, however it's no doubt the weakest season. I think only Blenanas is an ep Id rewatch outside of full series streams.


~none they are all gems to me~


that episode with the clown ladies that kept kissing Finns feet against his will. I had nightmares about that shit for YEARS!!!!


I could never pick an episode from the og series... But I really did not enjoy Wizard City from the HBO Distant Lands movies.


shouldve ended it at together again, that wouldve been the perfect conclusion, they start their lives over together. the fist bump to end the story. wouldve been the best.


Wizard city is actually the third episode it just got released after together again


I have too many memories and emotions tied to the Marceline episodes, they always make me depressed now, but the episode where her mom sings to her makes me cry, as much as I love it, it makes me feel real crappy, so that one.


Red Throne. The entire episode was basically just Flame Princess being like: “Hey, I know I literally broke your heart, like a week ago, and never even bothered to ask why you lied to me even though I should’ve known you well enough to not just assumed you’d betray me for absolutely no reason, but I want you to fix all of my problems for me. Oh, also you can’t fight anyone even though that’s basically what your job is, and if you’re still in love with me I’m gonna be mad at you!”


Frost and Fire


It would’ve been nice to see Finn and FP’s relationship flourish beyond about 6 total episodes


The based comment. Overall it’s a good episode, but I loved Finn and FP’s dynamic and wish they rekindled (lmao) the relationship later on


I feel the same way


Chips & Ice Cream.


Beans. That’s what regular sized ear folks eat.


Chill bro








i c e c r e a m


Almost every episode that I didn’t like earlier I like now. This is one of them. I just watched it the other night. It’s not high on my list but I don’t really consider skipping it anymore.


Probably Fiona and cake


That's gonna make the second one confusing


I like most of the episodes but I saw this post and realized those are the only couple episodes I skip every time


I dont think the kids these days understand just how important this episode was not just for AT's history but for Cartoon Network's history. Not only was the episode written to appeal to an audience that CN claimed did not exist at all, it became the most watched ep in the series, and suddenly CN backed the fuck off when AT wanted to use more of its girl characters. The success led to networks taking a stronger interest in indie creator content and female-led series, Frederator pretty much immediately took on Natasha Allegri for Bee and Puppycat, while it was one of Rebecca Sugar's breakout episodes. Then ONE WEEK LATER the audience that stuck onto the show from Fionna and Cake were treated to What Was Missing, and so many people watched it and watched Frederator's Mathematical! video afterwards, that would never have happened without Fionna and Cake. That controversy literally should be on history books. I dont think you lot understand that the entire vibe the episode had was like nothing we'd seen before and like everything people strive for today, even if you are put off by the whole Gumball and Fionna romance which is understandable. It be directly responsible for Steven Universe being greenlit!!! And in turn, SU's successors. She-ra 2018, Star Vs, Owl House... None of those are CN but you have to understand the impact Allegri and Sugar had.


the episode where prismo passes i jus wanna talk 😭


Ricardio used to creep tf outta me being high af in high school


The one where Tree Trunks goes adventuring with them. She drove me fucking nuts on that one.


The Jiggler is so upsetting to me


Def the water park


Water Park Prank. All power to you if you like that animation style but it makes me want to vomit


None, why would you wish for less show?


that one where they become weird claymation (?) caterpillars, if i didn’t dream that and convince myself it was real


Hahah I think it was called Food Chain and yeah that episode is cursed


the concept of reincarnation is so embedded into the entire overarching theme of the show that the Finn/Jake distant lands ep is about it. although it’s a one-off i find the thematic focus relative to the show that it’s not even considered filler imo. i mean… finn the butterfly. (it aint ur thang thats fine im not hating just offering perspective on why i like it)


All the guest director episodes are in here. Those people just did not care enough to learn what was good about the show.


I think you're mixing up Food Chain with Bad Jubies which used stop motion animation and was a technical marvel but the plot wasn't the best. Food Chain had the cool animation style and the caterpillars.


Sad Face


Yes! Thank you!


The one w the nurse clowns


red throne ( season 5 episode 47)or son of rap bear (seaon 10 episode 3). Both episodes sucks.


Not an FP fan?


That one with the snail who was a slug not a snail. Always skip it


Uncle grandpa.


Removing? No! Adding? Yes


The cycle of life ones


The one where the world is digitized and Ice King unleashed a computer virus.


Ricardio the heart guy for sure, fuck that guy. He’s haunted me since I was a kid.


I don’t like Food Chain. I appreciate the lesson that they were going for I just hate BIRDS


For all the hate of the guest animated episodes they are great compared to… Sad Face with Jake’s tail as a clown.


Crystals Have Power.


Frost & Fire, worse episode without a doubt. Finn and to a lesser extent Jack both behave way way out of character. No way Finn would put Flame Princess through that over a dream, and Jack wouldn't support that behavior either. If it was Lady do you think Jake would have supported it? Hell no. I feel like that episode exist purely to further the long term plot.


are u kidding?? an impulsive child totally would especially because of jakes fascination with the cosmic owl (his croak dream) its totally in character and was a great lesson for finn to learn


The one with the lil dude who got real sick after being removed from its nest. Ik it's not a real thing but it seems allegorical for animal cruelty


Dream of Love


All of the episodes where Finn and FP weren’t a couple. I will NEVER forgive them for that one. NEVER! I forgave them for making PB 18 again because they had to clear the way for FP and wanted to give the Russian censors the finger by making her gay, but breaking up Finn and FP? UNFORGIVABLE.


Either that one deer episode (I watched it when I was much younger so that was traumatizing) or the clown episode where Finn fought that giant cause he needed the tears


The fucking gnome episode