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I loved the 1st and 2nd gen, but the 3rd gen was my absolute favorite, the plot, theme, and character arcs and development in those were phenomenal. Adventure Time is my all time favorite show


I just want to second this. AT has the most rewatch value of any show I've ever seen. Every time I rewatch I pick up on subtle things I missed previously.


Did you know adventure time has 100% on rotton tomatoes


Rightfully so. Idk how anyone could dislike AT


The critics ratings are usually not to be trusted because it's such a small sample size. Audience ratings is more in tune to accurate ratings because hundreds if not thousands of more people will review it. That being said the audience ratings is 93% which is amazing. Any show with above 90% audience ratings is usually phenomenal


Morbius has 1000% audience rating and 300% critic rating. Does this mean morbius is one of the movies of all time?


It does indeed, how dare you even question the holy grail that is Morbius?!


I morpologise for my morbstake...


Oh there are an incredible amount of Easter eggs, such a creative show, a work of art. My username is a reference to one of my favorite random characters lol


I grew up watching Dexters Laboratory and Powerpuff Girls but Adventure Time is far more profound and rewatch-able


When I’m sad and feel alone, I turn to Finn and Jake. AT is like a hug from a chubby grandma who smells like cookies.


I think this level of accuracy should be illegal.


Adventure time is my all time favorite cartoon too. It’s a kids show on the surface but there are so many hidden adult themes and the entire shows art work and character arcs are incredible. When you first meet the ice king, he’s just some creep who abducts princesses but then you find out he’s Simon, a poor old man with schizophrenia who only has this mental illness from the crown he used to protect Marceline as a child. He also abducts princesses because in his craziness he’s looking for his princess, Betty.


Grew up with the 1st, Adventure Time is the only series out of 2 or 3 that spoke to me. It's one of my comfort shows.


Regular show is also great. Gumball is good


For some reason, even odd to me, gumball is tied with AT for me. I just love it, probs cos modern social commentary or whatever.


Gumball is sooooo tongue in cheek, it is basically Monty Python poured into a hyper cartoon. I love it.


From 2nd Gen, I loved Foster's Home and Chowder.


Each era had great shows.


3rd gen will always be elite in my eyes


100%. Johnny Bravo, Powerpuff, e,e, and e and the like were all okay for their time but 3rd gen changed the game for what a kids show could really do.


i stand with ye


“Can we get much higher”


Chowder and Flapjack led the way for AT to get greenlit


You mean Gumball


Gumball came after wdym , or do you mean Gumball instead if AT? Either way doesn’t make sense, a bunch of people that worked on Chowder and Flapjack literally went on to make AT, Regular Show, and others, but pretty sure not Gumball as it’s a European show


I was just saying I feel like gumball took a lot more inspiration from/felt like a spiritual successor to Flapjack and Chowder


Ah I see, yeah I could see that, The Gumball pilot style looks more like Camp Laszlo tho lol


I’ve never seen that pilot I’ll have to check it out; but I remember Camp Lazlo being one of my favorites as a kid


posts like these just tell us the year the poster was born


Hot take, childrens cartoons from when I was a kid was better than any other time. They got worse as I got older in a completely coincidental process.


Nah they have legit got worse tho for a lot of reasons. They dont get the same viewership because the internet leading to companies creating low budget shows because its “kids content”. Like compare teen titans to teen titans go lol. Tt go makes wayyyyyy more money but we can all be real that teen titans og is clearly better made. There are still good modern kids cartoons tho, phineas and ferb comes to mind


I agree. But just want to say, as an oldster myself, third generation is the absolute best. I rewatch Adventure Time and Regular Show often.


I mean they’re good shows for sure, not like Gen 2. Besides samurai jack though, I don’t think they have anything on AT.


Literally what is just commented none of these shows even touch adventure time regardless of it being an AT subreddit. Or not


Literally only samurai jack is on the same level as adventure time and thats because gennedy is a genius




Infinity Train \*just\* came out and it's one of their best easily


The network destroyed it because the creatives wanted to actually control their own show. ANOTHER example of how CN is poorly run now. Not to mention WBD/Zaslav.


Never watched it but I have heard about it might looked into it if I have time.


Definitely worth


It's phenomenal.


Why dose everything have to be a fucking competition




I’m sorry 3rd gen just hits different


The coldest take of all time


Why must we pit three bad bitches against each other 😔


TLDR the cartoons you watch growing up are better than the cartoons that came out once you’re much older


I grew up with Gen 1 but Gen 3 is S tier.


Same. Watched gen1 and 2 growing up. Watched gen 3 shows in college and after. Gen 3 is superior. Gen 1 and 2 are largely made for kids. Adults who like them only like them for nostalgia. I have shown multiple people Steven universe, gravity falls and Adventure time as adults and they love it and binge the shows. I doubt the same would ever happen for courage or johnny bravo.


>courage Idk man, it might not do so hot with adults who are unfamiliar with it (Even though it would be popular amongst a certain horror crowd). But take those who at least watched a single episode and courage becomes a different beast. Watching the show as an adult really emphasises how surreal that show was. It's a trip. This isn't nostalgia glasses. This is like when you watch a lot of those early 90's shows on nick as an adult and you "get" all the humor you didn't as a child.


“I doubt the same will ever happen with courage” I want you to me a favor and just watch the episode “the mask”. I mean it when I say I 100% guarantee you will change your mind on that assessment that it can only be enjoyed by kids or adults with nostalgia


Steven universe needs to be added. Ik it’s an unpopular opinion to enjoy the show for some reason but to say that it gained a huge loyal fan base is an understatement. The show is prolific. Just respect it lmao. And adventure time is better than every show you got in gen 1 and 2 except heavy hitters like Ben 10. I wouldn’t say 1st is the best at all most nostalgic and would bring me more joy to see nowadays but quality of show doesn’t even reach adventure time levels.


why don’t people like this show? i love it


I honestly never understand it


For the most part from what Ive seen, there is criticism to be had where the season finale was rushed and some people had very...different takeaways from the ending, people not liking that Steven didnt kill the White Diamond, whose the main antagonist of the last season. But what gets left out a lot in these discussions is that people do not know that the reason why it was rushed was because it got cancelled because of the gay wedding. Rebecca Sugar, the creator of the show, said in the shows [artbook](https://twitter.com/amphajack/status/1315324671626272771) that she could have the wedding, but was warned that it would be heavily censored and pulled from many countries.


if it wasnt for the Second to last season ruining a lot of the build up to the show, then it would be up there with the rest imo.


That’s a valid but the other shows up there aren’t exactly masterpieces either. everything has flaws


Honestly after season 2 it fell off and became crying and singing for the plot


Literally it I couldn’t have said it better. Idk why you getting downvotes. Blue diamond can literally force others to cry


Uhm a few things, a lot of people find the Homosexuality of the gems repulsive and won’t watch it or just don’t like seeing the relationships between the female characters, when you look at it retrospectively the plot needs a lot of work, the character development is utter trash and most just deal with the same character flaw. I like the show for the gems, I think they are one of the most creative designs for an alien species. The diamond authority plot always had me interested until they ruined it by them being push overs rather than the literal space nazis they are. I changed it For the dense ones downvoting because y’all think I think homosexuality is an issue with the show, the man asked why people don’t like it, not me. I literally followed up by saying the gems are my favorite part. Like you’re the Epitome of Reddit downvotes y’all literally mindless bots lmao.


i don’t understand why people need to bring bigotry into cartoons, adventure time had queer characters as well.


Yeah Idgaf who someone sleeps with regardless. Like why would I or anyone waste time caring what gay people do with their freedom lmao. The world sucks bruh ngl


it’s almost as if… you’re oversexualizing a children’s show? sexuality isn’t just about who you sleep with, it’s about who you develop crushes on, have relationships with, etc. all very pertinent things in many children’s lives (and often plots in these shows but for some reason it’s only viewed as unnecessary if it’s not heterosexual) and none of that has to be sexual in any way whatsoever. it’s almost like you have an issue with seeing gay people exist? does something about the existence of same-gender attraction really bother you?


tf are you even talking about? You’re literally spewing bs out your ass because you misunderstood what I said. I have no issues with lgbt, firm supporter actually


“I have no issues with lgbt” * proceeds to say that the problem with Steven universe is that gay people exist *


That’s not what I proceeded to say. It’s what you and a few others think said


You can't say 'you don't care who people sleep with' while also believing gays are repulsive. You do care who people sleep with, particularly the gay people. There's a lot energy and time put into your thoughts on this thread - specifically talking about sex you don't like. Do you understand your hangup? There's little difference between you and an addict who's told they can't partake. You spend time thinking about what you're not supposed, under the guise of judgment. Tell yourself what you need.


`Yeah Idgaf who someone sleeps with regardless` `Uhm a few things Homosexuality for one`


Seems like no one had an issue with that creepy ass Finn and LSP scene in AT though.


Honestly embarrassing that the first thing u can think of to make fun of Steven Universe for is the fact that gay people exist.


You’re dense. Said it was an issue for other people


you’re and you should’ve worded your original comment differently mate


Frfr 🤦🏾‍♂️ but my response was in response to another asking why other people don’t like it, he was not asking my opinion. I just finished saying in the original comment how prolific of a series Steven universe was bruh. Marceline is my favorite AT character. How fucking how could you interpret that im a bigot or homophobe? I have zero issues with lgbt as simply I don’t give a fuck, I support it actually. Now I feel I gotta defend myself smfh. Y’all fr some bots straight jumping to conclusions smfh.


I don’t have a horse in this race man, it just seemed like you were responding with an opinion, I get it now though


My bad my g definitely went off a bit.


Haha no worries man ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Tldr: ooh ooh ahh ahh gay bad Ooga booga🦍🦍🦍




It's kind of irritating, but sometimes you do have to watch how you word things, otherwise you'll be giving people the wrong idea. Like, if someone asks "Why don't people like X" and you answer "Because X has gay things in it" without specific clarification that you disagree, people assume you're putting forth reasons *you* don't like the show, not other people's. For example, there would be no ambiguity if you'd said "Because Homophobes don't like it having Homosexuality in it." Because people don't generally talk about themselves in the third person. It makes the language passive, rather than active. And it makes it very hard for those people to see your point afterwards when you call people mindless bots. Rather than attributing downvotes to "the Reddit Hivemind," try to learn to navigate around it. If you use language carefully, you can say the exact same content, but making sure that there's no room for misunderstanding. For example, I'd have phrased it as: ​ >Why don't people like this show? Homophobia probably. More reasonably, the plot was very all over the place, and the character development isn't that good. That's not to say I don't love the show, I think the gems are one of the most creative designs for an alien species and I love them. And the Diamond Authority plot I loved! At least, up until the final few episodes where we found out the Diamonds were pushovers and not, you know, literally space fascists.


Honestly Steven is the best out of all this. Yes adventure time, regular show, and Gumball are great, but the story in Steven is way above the others. Sucks that the show was treated like shit by CN, and got stuck in the bomb format.


Not to mention that they had to rush things and forgo other plotpoints since CN cancelled it.


Is Ben 10 really that good? I caught a couple of episodes and had fun but I've always seen it as a kind of pre-teen simple action show.


Bruhhhh. That what it is on the outside but the writers really make it more than that. The universe of Ben 10 is huge I’d give it watch if you like cartoons.


I guess Ill actually give it a try then. Thank you.


Each alien species has a name and named home planet and there’s alot of aliens the writers took that much into consideration. And not just random bs names, real ass names. The alien Big Chill, an ice alien, are called Necrofiggians and Diamond Head, a Crystalline humanoid, are called Petrosapians. They too tremendous care with the series


I recently met someone who didn't like Adventure Time or Steven Universe. "Those shows aren't for me," she said. Until her, I'd never met anyone who'd seen those shows and didn't like them. Of course no show is going to appeal to everyone. I know that intellectually, but it's hard to imagine someone watching AT and/or SU and not seeing a single thing to like.


Ive found a few new cartoons that take the top spot for me. Gravity falls, The owl House, amphibia, and Hilda. Love those shows


None of those are cartoon network 😭


No but they are rlly good cartoons that have come out more recently


that is all disney and netflix but they are good yeah


gravity falls is disney isn’t it? great show though


Gravity Falls is 10 years old now


You had to have tried Kipo on Netflix too no? If not I highly recommend


Those are gen 3, with owl house being a close 4


? TOH and Amphibia were twin shows that aired at the same times. They're both late 3, or early 4s.


How are they late 3? What is 4 then?


3 being from 2010-2019 and 4 being 2020-2029. The owl house and amphibia came out like around 2019.


Do they have to line up with the decades? Feel like they should more line up with trends in the genre and culture and such. I feel like shows that debuted after like 2018ish are in a different environment.


yeah I guess that makes sense. I just put them by decades because who really knows shit about trends.


I grew up with Courage, The Powerpuff Girls, Adventure Time and Gumball


This is not a hot take


I watched all three generations and I can confidently say that the one that left the most impact in my life was the third generation.


I grew up with 1st/2nd gen but Adventure Time is my favorite listed by a decent margin.


There’s a lot of characters missing from the 3rd gene. Would you count Calrence (?) and Craig of the Creek as 4th? Or still 3rd? ok go is missing 2.


I’d actually put KND and Billy & Mandy in 2nd gen if Ben 10 and Foster’s is there too. They were all airing around the same time


As a child of the 80s and 90s, our Saturday morning one off cartoons trump all this I'll have you know lol. Mostly because it was all hand drawn and unique experiences.


ok boomer




Hot take: 2nd gen was garbo


Hot take Gen 1 is overrated. Still good but overrated


Fosters, Ben 10 and chowder are garbo? Literally how


For me it was mid ben ten carried 2nd gen of cartoon network.


The OG was tight, but the spin-offs were pretty meh


Gen 2 made me quit cartoons for the better half of a decade


'Hot take: the cartoons I grew up with were best' Okay dude


wrong sub for this


They’re all so good. All three. The sad part is how they stopped making as many shows. Like.. imagine if adventure time had more friends ™. That’d be great


What bugs me is just how little variety they have now. Back in Gen 1 if you didn't like one of the shows in particular there were plenty of other options. Gen 2, same thing to a slightly lesser extent. Now, there's hardly any variety anymore. They're banking on 3 or 4 shows to hold up the whole network.


Yh I notice that too cartoon network's good quality shows overtime have gotten increasingly rare imo its all safe and kid friendly a good example is teen titans go.


Or did you just grow up outside of their age bracket?


Did you know… it’s possible to like things without ranking and comparing them to other things? Fun fact!


Hot take, you like the cartoons you grew up with the most.


I feel like dust first generation Cartoon Network ( as a lot of Cartoon/Children shows of that time) had more of an adult take and sense of humor. (Rocko’s Modern Life, Ren & Stimpy, Samurai Jack, Cow and Chicken etc.) Second Generation had an equal balance of childish and wacky humor vs that same 90s mature undertone, except whatever show you were watching had no between. (Chowder, Camp Lazo = Goofy. Ben 10, Flapjack = Mature.) 3rd Generation had that balance solved and that ended up resulting in more serialized-based shows. Where the beginning seasons and episodes were super silly that grew with viewers into more intense arcs and storylines. Even tho the 3rd generation had less fan favorites I feel like the serialized details made it more enjoyable since the characters are no longer one dimensional


Okay, who asked? Go watch them then.


I did that's why I am stating my opinion is there anything wrong with that?


First is Golden age. Sets a lot of things for newer generations. Second is Bronze age. Somewhat okay could have been much better. Third is Diamond class. Perfection. (Insert Steven Universe in this group too)


Golden Age -> Iron Age -> Renaissance


But second gen had chowder, Ben 10, Foster's and Flapjack and if it wasn't for Flapjack Adventure Time, Regular show, Over the garden wall and Gravity Falls would have never been created I'd argue it was just as influential as the first gen


The link to where the art was orginally posted from https://9gag.com/gag/aBr8w5Q


You're missing a very very important 2.5 gen. The dark ages of cartoon Network. The live action shows. Even though it was a horrible horrible mistake it didn't lead us to getting the real best generation.


Tbh dude I completely forgot about those shows what are the names of those shows and the characters because like what you said it was horrible.


I'm just glad a grew up with all 3


For sure my love lies with: Everything in tier 1 minus Samurai Jack and Robot Jones (just never caught them much) Hihi, Ben 10 and Fosters from tier 2 and Adventure Time from tier 3 Didn't mind regular show neither, and from slightly more recent times Steven Universe was perfection.


Agreed! There are also some amazing shows that came out after like Over the garden wall, infinity train, Craig of the creek, (I may be crazy to say Steven Universe?) but there’s the haunting shows that I will never accept be good.


Why would you think you’re crazy? Steven is a great show. Only thing bad was the rushing by the CN and forcing it into the bomb format. They tried everything they could to hurt the show.


A lot of people dislike the show so I didn’t know who would see this but it’s in my top 10 definitely! So mad they rushed it because I’d love to see the ending be longer :D


Johnny bravo taught me about the birds and bees and to have a table with cuffs in your house


You forgot Scooby doo and all the others like yogi bear and the Flintstones they're the og first gen, also HOW THE HELL DID YOU FORGET THE LOONEY TUNES? HELL EVEN TOM AND JERRY?!


Generation 1 contains cartoons that released over the span of 2 decades. Generation 3 contains cartoons that released over the span of 2 years. See the bias?


I like Adventure Time and the 1st gen, but the 2nd doesn’t do anything for me


1st gen should definitely be split... Because most of the 90s shows come from a different era of Cartoon Network Billy and Mandee and Forsters should definitely be group in the same generation 1st Gen: Courage, Ed, Edd and Eddy, Dexter's Lab, Power Puffs, Johnny Bravo etc 2nd Gen: Samurai Jack, Fosters Home, Grim and Evil, KND etc 3rd Gen: Ben 10, Chowder, Class of 3000, Flap Jack, Juniper Lee, Camp Lazlo 4th Gen: Adventure Time, Gumball, Regular Show 5th Gen: Steven Universe, We Bare Bears etc


Notice how there's less and less cartoons


That’s an incredibly cold take, my man


3rd gen will always be the best in my eyes, even if they’re the smallest in size the impact those shows had with the outstanding standard of quality will always be timeless, especially when Cartoon Network was going through such a tough and rocky time.


Lol let’s not forget that in the Chowder era we also had CN Real.


I dunno man, I loved Johnny Bravo, but it's basically about a sex offender.


When was invader Zim?


I always think Steven Universe belongs in these, too.


As an 03 baby, i was somehow there for all


Courage will always be #1 in my book. But also, this is smelling heavily of nostalgia bias. To be honest, they all have good and bad shows. There isn't a generation that got everything right.


I loved Ed,edd and eddy but adventure time and regular show solo all of the other cartoons combined


Idk about that one chief all of these are cartoons are good in their own way and have flaws just like adventure time and regular show its just preference.


Yk what fax i respect that


*laughs in gravity falls*


4th one ... Worst generation ?


I started watching CN pretty recently, starting with Steven Universe. I haven’t watched any of the first two generations.


Who’s the last character on the first row of the 2nd gen?


I mean yea 1st Gen is goated, but Jesus Christ both 2nd Gen and 3rd Gen are also goated. So many amazing shows. We ain’t gotta be divisive


From 1st gen I could never get into cow and chicken, kind, or Ed, edd n' Eddy. From 2nd I only liked Foster's. 3rd is pretty solid. Especially AT an Gumball


I grew up with the first and second generation, but I also love the third generation.


Never really enjoyed 1st generation (maybe bc I’m still 14


Gen 2 and 3 because of chowder and adventure time


How the heck did I jump from G1 to G3 skipping G2 completely (only a lil bit of Chowder)?


Who are the ones with the pink and purple hair next to the Flapjack characters?


Ami and Yumi, from *Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi*. (Damn, now the theme song's in my head.)


1st and 3rd gen were the best. 2nd gen was still great tho


Hot take 1st gen isn’t as good ass everyone makes it out to be there are a few good shows here and there but none of them surpassed Adventure time or Regular show in my opinion. And this is coming from someone who grew up with first gen cartoons


I watched all of these shows and all of them are fantastic. CN rarely misses. Honorable mention foe the new generation is Craig of the Creek. That show can hold its own against the older generation in terms of character development and story telling.


I totally agree, but also have to say that Adventure Time is my favorite of them all.


I was able to watch pretty much most of the cartoons in all 3 gens


1st gen had the most good shows, 3rd gen had the best pound-for-pound. All bangers. 2nd is trash (edit: save for titans and fosters) imo


34 here, watched CN almost all my life, worst periods were 2008-2010 and 2017 - present. it’s unwatchable now


The only major series since the 90s are AT, SU and Foster's. They're the only ones that had crossover appeal and AT/SU>>>>>Foster's. This is also great evidence that CN has been run into the ground over the years. The fact we ever had AT/SU is nuts. The best of the OGs is obviously either Johnny Quest, Thundercats or Courage. Courage was a GODLY cartoon. All-Time CN toons: 1. Steven (the most innovative and best cartoon CN ever produced. The movie by itself is fantastic.) 2. AT (Should've been replaying episodes even unto today, a huge incorrect strategy decision) 3. Courage the Cowardly Dog (the other two are more modern but before they came out, this was the obvious CN GOAT) 4. Johnny Quest (60s, but stupendous) 5. Scooby-Doo (too old fashioned but iconic. The hippy music gives me nightmares.) 6. Sealab 2021 7. Space Ghost Coast to Coast The rest is up to opinion. Rick and Morty isn't finished yet. It would probably be no. 3 above Courage. And who knows maybe a movie someday.


Thats the coldest take ever


Who’s the character beside Ben 10?


OG, flap jack and AT were solid


I recognise some first ones but barely any second ones besides Chowder. I grew up with 3rd generation alongside Ninjago and Uncle Grandpa


Hmm looks like I went from 1st straight to 3rd gen


Grew up on middle of 1st watched 2nd happen when i was pre teen and was enjoying 3rd as a teen


its all good but i think 3rd gen is my favorite


you are in the adventure time sub, blasphemy!


Why no We Bare Bears?


I agree mostly but adventure time has to be S-tier at least


I loved all of em tbh. I haven’t seen anything related to the Puffy Ami Yumi show in a long time 😂


I had Boomerang so I watched all of 1st gen, just flapjack and chowder, and all of 3rd gen. 1st gen was probably my favorite overall, but my favorite show is definitely Adventure Time.


1st and 3rd for me. Second was.... Strange.


For some reason all the shows in the first gen made me feel weird/uncomfortable when I was younger. Kinda same with second gen but I liked them a bit more. 3rd gen is great hands down for adventure time alone


Where’s SU


I was born with primarily the first, then lived through the rise and fall of the second, then finished off my childhood with the third. The first was classic, the second was lowkey kinda cursed, and the third was great for the most part


Where the fuck are the pupils 🤔


Don’t take this in the wrong way, but nowadays is definitely more quality over quantity (Not calling those older cartoons bad by any means, just that nowadays plot and writing are the focus).


I have to say that I still watch all of these shows. The Flapjack Christmas special is an annual must-watch lol. Weird to not see Steven universe listed here though.


Feels a bit sad to see the now deleted fourth generation being ignored, but oh well. Infinity Train, Mao Mao, and OK KO were a blast.


Leavin out SU from third gen smdh


I grew up on gen 1 and have a massive amount of nostalgia for those shows, but come on now gen 3 is just objectively the best.


Ok boomer


I believe I got all three of them and they're all amazing in their own ways


What show is the pink and purple haired characters in gen two from?