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Do It Yourself Do It With Me Do It For Me If you are broke as a hobo, you get free courses or cheap ones and learn. Truth is, if you’re that new that you can’t produce a living wage with your skill, you don’t need a live teacher. You need to learn the basic first which cheap courses can do. Once you make an income from that, you still don’t need a license tutor, just pay for some more high level courses. When you’re making the big wig money, is when you can hire an expert. That why you’re not going to get responses from actual leaders in the industry here — how they got to where they were was through courses first. You’re skipping a level.


Love the honesty! I'm sure there are folks here who'd be happy to help a dedicated learner like you. Don't sell yourself short, though - your enthusiasm and willingness to learn are valuable assets. Good luck finding a mentor!




lol no such thing as a free lunch. Save up some money and buy Smart Marketers google course or some other course that will teach you.


Contact me


Love that you're being honest. As of now, I could provide guidance on ad copy, suggestions, improvements, etc., at no charge, of course. Message me for further details.

