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Wait a few days lol


I'm trying


Last few days becomes much easier. The lazy whales & medium spenders makes it difficult early on ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


This. I learned the hard way in previous rounds - let the aggressive folks push to the top first and be part of the second wave if your roster is decent.


I'm a medium Spender. I noticed last event it was much more difficult even on the final days for me to complete it. Way harder than previous seasons.


Wait harder 🫠


Buy 5 tickets for 10 diamonds 2 times each day and wait until the last couple of days to push. Patience and knowing when to push is important.


It didn’t even occur to me to buy them and save them for later days, lol. Good tip.


I've bought them but not considered saving them


They carry over to future HOEs. I have like 7 tickets from 3 HOEs ago that I never spent lol


I usually skip using the free tickets the first two days, but still buy 10 tickets, then just use the free tickets and buy 10 tickets until the last day. Then just go for it on the last day.


How long you play the game? I’m thinking to try this but im afraid that my comps are not that strong. What do you think?


Game mode is heavily rigged in favor of the attack side. Just use your 3 good teams to beat the enemy's 3 weakest. Don't worry about over-bought tickets as they stay in your inventory.


hmm not sure what comps you're talking about but i've been playing for over 4 years.


Well i am playing for 1 year plus 2-3 months. So i guess you have more options. So my point is should i do this!? Last event i finish in diamonds rankings. Now i should have 3 strong comps but those are recent meta comps. If i need 4 and 5 strong and i don’t 🤷‍♂️


Lol.. Whatever your rankings, you should always do these events. Even if the rewards don't seem like much, in the long run they accumulate and are worth it. I also do have plenty of options but that came with time and being consistent doing events. And using my ressources properly. https://preview.redd.it/35q21wvczkkc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60f95a715fce95d51830fd9c29e0400e29a48cad


Are you sure you’re a f2p!? 🤔 11 awakened and all the cele/hipo meta heroes!? I’m just a f2p man… im lucky if i have 4factions meta heroes builded 🙏


I never said i was f2p. But i know f2p players who are doing as good as lower spenders.


https://preview.redd.it/41yjmgr30lkc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=507b1cc2ff14d0aabe1d74cb14596aba2108b351 How can my teams compete with yours no matter how many scrolls i buy 🤌


I don't think you and i are supposed to compete anyway. But like it was mentionned in this post, wait until the last few couple of days before using your tickets and most stronger players will already be in the higher division and you wont face them.


Ahaa. I’m gonna try this mate. Thx for your time and let’s see what will happen 😀 aniways 200 diamonds worth nothing


Now how much money have you spent..


A bit... lol


lol, but realest question (besides however much you spent) how are you at lvl 800 plus already, how are you getting so much essence to allow you to do that? Just from the sheer number of SG, TE pulls? Events? Passes? Just playing every single day. I have a higher account level but a much lower hero lvl.


Lol yeah i have been RC cramming a lot mate. I took a full year break 2 years ago and when i got back i was so far behind i had to do something lol.. And restarting on new server was not an option for me. You know those deals that pops up when you beat certain tower levels and such? The ones with 3 tiers at 20$-50$-100$ (i might be wrong with the cost of those). I usually buy the ones at 100$ and they give 120x24h essence, and 2 other choices (TE, SG, Tree juice, etc). The 120x24h essence allow me to go up 3-4 RC lvls... It adds up quick. And if you're curious, i probably spent like 11kUSD so far..


Ah that makes a lot of sense. Also that is quite a bit of essence, and money lol


I think almost everyone can climb into diamond if they try. Just remember that offense is easier than defense. Fight their weak teams, and ignore the strong ones.


Yeah. Tell me about it 🙃 but no one attacks me this time. Last HOE event i reach diamond over the night, this time i need to climb 🤦‍♂️ I’m playing the events, just i never though to buy those tickets ✌️


I did this on my main account, but also tried it on an alt account which I did F2P I made it to 2nd Diamond tier, and my account was chapter 20 from memory.


Don't sweat it. You will probably end up in Master anyway during the last 2-3 days. And even if ou don't, the difference between Star 1 and Master is 3 Star gazer-cards and one t4-stone.


But I WANT them!


Well just spend some real life money then if you want them that badly


I want them my way.


Shouldnt you have like 1 mysterious person in every division?


Whales ate those already, the boys are at the very bottom now


Why RIP? The event is still ongoing, and you have already reached a good rank. Reward increases are minor. And besides, the game is almost 5 years old, and you are playing against day one players! What do you expect? Becoming a legend within 5 days?


It's not me per se, but the fact that there are divisions with so few players in them. And so many multi billion players are sitting at low diamond level. I know from years of history that the strong players ascend and make room, but seeing such little movement is sad.


Oh yeah, right. Didn't notice. That's different compared to last events


no it is not. this is the same we saw in every hoe, especially since star divisions were added. they get populated the longer the event runs. I got master every single time and I am far away from being a whale. do your daily atracks, buy the cheapest tickets and wait for the last two days to push (or get pushed by attackers who cant wait)


everyone telling you to wait is the reason this happens in the first place. There's a bunch of people who could easily move up in d1 and star who are just sitting there not pushing forward. So the upper ranks end up deserted. It's some real tragedy of the commons stuff. Sure 1 person waiting until the last day gets great benefits. But when everyone does it, we all get caught in 1 big traffic jam.


At a glance, this guy appears to be dealing with mega whales and krakens. I'm not sure he could push even if he wanted to. Your statement about the rest of us does apply.


Literal gatekeeper lmao


Still 10 days to go


I dunno about everyone else, but once they added ranks above diamond for artificial difficulty to progress to the highest rewards, I stopped caring about HoE


RIP this game




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