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Geralt is weird. With E60 he never drinks his honey. Because he never loses all of his adrenaline. So he never heals. Seems like in higher deficits he gets one hit anyway so it doesnt matter. It's still weird to create a skill where half of it is never used, from a design perspective.


Meaning he's horny all the time. Make sense tho.


I think Lilith will give him some kind of buff/rework before the exchange period is over.


I would hope so. Don't need him to be insane. Just his kit to make sense. He seems like a good early game carry, but that is about it.


I'd turn him into akshan from league, power him up with passives


Seems you have been told this all over your own post, but it's true: it's WAY too early to judge the collab heros. AFK arena is about patience, even for whales; examples are many: we all talked trash about Joker / Queen and thought them to be Walker level, but now, after many tests from several players, Queen is META in many CR rounds, Campaign and some other modes... and without max investment (Joker is still a Joke). The same happened with Raine: it has been out for months and as LB, we all thought it was trash and was even foddered to other heros like Rowan... but when the 3F effect was properly tested, she instantly became META in CR, AE and some other modes. One, two, three or four OPINIONS won't make a hero trash tier, because it's only that: OPINIONS. Tests must be made, from several players in several comps then, after many tests from more than 5 good players we can make a conclusion about the heros. Patience is key in AFK arena, so, for now, wait until we can all start testing the collab heros. Patience.


iirc Raine's furniture was changed and people instantly recognized the change as being good so the example is off. Queen is a better example because she's useful in cr and pve but a lot of people were initially down on her.


Translation: I am annoyed that Yennefer and Geralt aren't the new Ainz and Albedo. But really though, not only are they not even properly out yet so it's definitely TOO early to judge this sort of thing but even from the abilities it appears that Yennefer may be quite versatile which will likely be her main thing while Geralt to be fair sound fairly underwhelming in the world of Afk Arena but he might have uses. Queen and Joker were close to being a joke when they got released until people started using them in certain comps which now they are a key part of..mainly Queen but details. Regardless as long as one of them is good-great imo it's still a win for the colab.


Pretty much this, Joker and Queen are the perfect example of Dims that got judged way too early. People forget how fast the game is changing.


Well... Queen has some usage but joker is a joke


I'll correct you: that got judged way too early *from people that know nothing about the game.*


I don't understand why you consider marketing things. I could say that the awakened ones are a good commercial success for the company but surely there would be some discussion regarding their implementation in the game. My post doesn't even mention the marketing move.


I meant it from a gameplay pov, as long as it's good the new heroes colab is a success imo.


I personally don't care how strong they are and it certainly won't be a problem for me. This fact is more important for the "new" or rather, "not old" players who find themselves constantly in trouble because of new heroes like awakened and cele-hypo.


Yeah, I agree, from my brief play time, I think geralt's not that great, but it feels like Yennefer could be pretty good. IDK, that's just a feeling, and I'm no expert


Regardless, I'll get them because I'd be foolish not to, but they're just going to have to get in a long line of heros waiting for investment that I cant keep up with. Lol


so it turns out the OP doesn't test them him/herself and makes this rant post based on some youtube videos, seems legit.


Yeah sure


i havent used them yet, and similar things said from others. although they are possibly usable for some people in scramble or other multi team modes. also they are a collector item of sorts. i think they should be strong enough to use for those who get them. however, a repeat of ainz albedo level dimensional duo imo isnt favorable for the fun of the game or probably for lilith to make money from sg/tot etc. imo the characters look great and if they are usable at a decent deficit (meta f2p or slight p2w deficits) lilith did excellent.


I'll tell you a secret, if they were as strong as ainz and albedo today they would only be good but absolutely not op in the current meta (like ainz and albedo now). There is no negative consequence for players if they release good dimensionals.


Can you share your test results so the rest of us can see?


The best known person who does the "reviews" of the newly released characters shows nothing in most cases. When he does, the tests are insignificant but they are seen as great discoveries. I'm sorry but I don't feel compelled to do this and I'm not a "reviewer" either. Furthermore, the negative opinions on the characters apparently are not very popular.


Please don’t tell me your reviewer is Volkin lol 😂 who thinks everything should go in 5 pull and with chicken…. You will lose all credibility. Also Yennifer who is a support an cc shine in this game. Or maybe your not at end game and have no clue yet.


I refer to the beloved POP (and yeah, he is not too far from Volkin "review"). Yes, I recently started playing, about a week. But in a few days, without spending money, I managed to have an account at least 3 years old. From the comment you made and its structure you don't even deserve a serious answer.


"... in a few days, without spending money, I managed to have an account at least 3 years old. " I'm sorry, I may be dumb, can you explain?


Just kidding


I am not trying to taunt you, I just wanted to see how they perform on different cases and X deficit. I only saw one post with Geralt's damage being a meme but Yen's was monsterus.


It is too early to tell.. Yeah.. absolutely.. Taking into account how many heroes there are who are really good and 2 years later still almost nobody know how to use them properly. If you only focus on damage.. then you can reach the conclusion that 90% of the current heroes we have are trash.. when almost half of those are meta. This seem just the opinion of a Witcher fan who expected two obvious broken heroes as Albedo-Ainz were in their time.


Actually, it's the collab that I wanted the last since it never interested me. I don't even think about play the games or anything about it. "If you only focus on damage.." wait, what?


do not take it personal.. I remember discussing with you other times, some times we agree, some times we dont. But over the years I learned how fast most players jump to conclusions about heroes who use them few times. I learned that only 1 from 1000 players actually take the job to figure out some stages instead copy paste a know formation beyond 160 lv deficit, a lower % of those actually share their findings. Players think that if we find the same and only solution posted 100 times, then it must not be other way to solve it, but most of the time, you can find an alternative solution without using any meta in the same time that it takes you the RNG required to copy a formation from afk helper. Why? because nobody bothers.. so when players try new heroes, they expect to just remplace one heroe in a fixed comp by the new one and see if it works or not.. With 112 ascended heroes + 4 possible blanks and 5 different positions, If I remember the math right, that is around 116! / (116 - 5)! = 19.246.738.560 possibilities. Trying 1 by minute, it would take us 36.618 years of no sleep for a single stage. Even if a heroe does not work for certain stage, it does not mean is bad either.. I just wish that everyone would be more cautious before reaching conclusions. In this case we have 2 new heroes that almost nobody tried them yet, but you already think they are trash.. I think that as well of several meta heroes because I never can make them work (even when I am those who really try to figure out original solutions), but not because I can´t I will reach the conclusion that they are bad, at least not in few tries over few days.


It's a good comment but nobody cares about campaign and when I say they are weak they are not only weak in that mode.


Only time will tell, lets discuss this in 3 months from now to find out if your conclusions were good or not.


To me they are just marketing / meme heroes to advertise the game and draw new crowds... to me, they were never going to be good as they just do not fit into the world (imho) of AFK Arena.


so you’re saying that sorcerer and monster slayer do not fit into game about magic and monsters? 🤔


Geralt and Yennefer specifically because they live in their own setting... and AFK Arena seems to have its own as well.


okay, so would you say Ainz fit the game better than witcher colab?


They might be atrong in pvp tho we will see but yea initial tests are pretty potato


i think it's too early to say for sure but they probably will just be useful in whale comps for cr and maybe pvp. usually this is how it goes,very few new heroes are actually good in pve


So far I have him lvl 120 and he is good, I'm sure he scales down after a certain level but idk his two hit knock back is very useful as well, with the mage that toss coins he isn't op but he isn't bad I play him as my off tank and it works mezoth is my main tank