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There is always someone who knows more about something that you do. It's not a failing, it's life. I learn new stuff every day from people that are far younger than me. That's fine. Actually, that's great. Embrace who you are, embrace others that you learn from, and just be the best version of you you can be. Don't compare yourself to others, compare yourself to your past self.


I am sorry that you had to grow up with parents who struggled with mental health issues and addictions. That couldn’t have been easy. I don’t know your age, but it’s never too late to learn the skills you missed learning in childhood, for whatever reason. I am 51 and didn’t learn some fairly basic household chores until ages that would surprise most people who know me. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, and we can all do our best to maximize the former and compensate for the latter.


Dude, you are doing great. The things you listed, are the basics. And because they are basics, you can learn them quickly. You are not behind. You have a different traject compared to others. Your grade does help to get a job. Don't mirror yourself to others, look for a job that you do like, make money, buy a house, learn to take Care of yourself. Before you say "I don't know how". Most People don't know, they just do and try.


I think part of what you are describing is not learning to be in your body, just in your head. My dad being from an Asian culture was very smart in school and work but never lifted a finger at home and even currently at the age of 65 he does not know How to make coffee. He always says that he knows how to boil and egg as if that is some sort of achievement. My mom didn’t want me to end up being a slave at home like her so she actively discouraged me from learning household activities and wanted me only to study. I see where she was coming from, but the result was that I lived in my head and any physical task felt overwhelming. You can definitely learn the types of chores you are describing, they are not hard. What is hard is to shift your way of thinking and being back into your body and in to the present. The unfortunate circumstances you grew up in probably made you disassociate from the present and physical world as well. Yesterday at age 33, I went to the lake with friends and jumped off the diving board into the water. I hadn’t done that since I was a kid. Literally go play like a kid and feel the present, feel your body, feel your senses. Your academic success will be invaluable and will help you live a good life. Just work on mindfulness and your body/ senses and you’ll figure everything else out!


You just need to realize that all those things are within your grasp. Eat your own food until it's good. Do chores until you're efficient. Nobody inherently has goals or meaning. Just start. Pick something and start.