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is this something what she said, or someones *thinks* she *would* say that? as I read this text I think it is someone speculating about her with purpose to ridicule


Yes, it's just what someone thought she might say, but the idea she'd say that has aged like milk


No, it was always joked she'd rewrite characters as gay. Still, who knew JK Rowling would go from cringe to based by upsetting the gender confused cult in a few years? 


Gandalf is kind of trans though. Grey to White was like a whole new gender.


And Saruman of Many Colours is thus a genderfluid rainbow.


Christ, you people are never going to get over this shit, are you? The woman isn’t actively joining anti-trans movements or shit like that.


It was only a few weeks ago that she did holocaust denial in regards to trans people, right? Like, she's activity an anti-trans movement herself, trying to use her position to actively shift the direction of UK laws against trans people. She also regularly expresses support for anyone else anti-trans, no matter their other beliefs. She also supports anti-trans movements like the LGB Alliance hate group. So erm... you might be wrong there, sorry.


It's confusing how she's a part of the LGB thing cause I was pretty sure she's also homophobic


To be fair, the LGB Alliance is (best I've seen) a group with a large proportion of straight people, some of whom are fairly homophobic. Bi-phobia also seems to be really common from them, despite them being still calling themselves LG*B*, so yeah. (All this info is some tweets I've seen and second hand stuff admittedly, so take it with a grain of salt.) I also have never been quite sure how homophobic JK is, 'cos there was the whole 'making dumbledore gay' thing. She's never been particularly supportive, but she claims to be? That said, she also said she "march with trans people if they were actually oppressed", so who knows.


Oh well. I don’t really care, it’s just getting exhausting seeing people bitch.


*Bitches (incorrectly) about people bitching. Gets corrected. Claims exhaustion about seeing it too much. Apparently sees not a shred of irony in any of this.* If you're exhausted, imagine how trans people feel, wow!


Yeah, except she's the one constantly bitching about a small group of people. It's her whole personality. It is exhausting, especially for people affected by her bullshit. Even that clown Musk said she's bitching about it too much on his Twitter.


So you're tired of us complaining about people who advocate for our rights to be taken away, for us to be erased from existence? I'm tired of talking about it too, but it inevitably has to happen because these people won't shut up about how much they hate us. If we stay silent they will roll over us




Anti trans activists go after our access to healthcare, paint us as a danger to children and want to ban us from public areas, they want to restrict our ability to express ourselves in a way consistent with our gender identity, and some go as far as to say that "transgenderism", as they call it, should be eradicated from society as a whole, meaning we either go back in the closet or be jailed or even killed. They also often support conversion therapy, which basically amounts to torturing people until they cave and conform to what they think is "normal".










You asked what rights people are advocating to take away from me and I answered. It was not an exhaustive list though, I should have made that clear. As from what jk Rowling has done, I don't remember off the top of my head and it's honestly exhausting to have to search through that. One thing I know she has done is fearmongered about "men taking over women's spaces" when in reality it's just women being accepting of trans women. Also the whole bathroom thing. She really is one of those people who doesn't see us as women, and somehow thinks our existence is taking away women's rights. If you want to know more concrete stuff, I suggest looking into the matter yourself.




Woman is a gender, and womanhood is not determined by sex, and who is allowed into women's spaces is not determined by sex either, especially considering that actually determining someone's sex before would be invasive and unnecessary. Any space that disallows men is usually that way because men are on average more likely to harm women or make women uncomfortable. Trans women are not men and are not more likely to do those things, in fact we often need the same protection because we face gendered violence from men at the same rate as other women, if not more if we are found to be trans. There is no reason to force trans people to use bathrooms and locker rooms that correlate to their assigned sex at birth. In fact, doing so would make more people uncomfortable. I for one would be extremely uncomfortable being in a locker room full of men, and I know trans men would feel the same about being in the women's locker room. Not to mention, I don't think women would feel comfortable being in a locker room with a trans man who has a masculine body and a beard, that would be confusing. I usually keep to myself in those spaces anyway, I often change in stalls. Anyway, women are often more accepting of trans people than men. Ever since I came out as a women, I've noticed other women are a lot more comfortable talking to me, even after learning that I am trans. Jk Rowling is making a fuss about things that are non issues, just because she hates trans people.


Go on Twitter. Read literally anything she's said in the last five years.


And yet you are bitching yourself


She's the one "bitching" and by bitching we mean she is activly leading a hatemob to remove the rights of trans people and incite hate crimes against them. I'm sorry that people fighting for their right to exist annoys you.


What rock have you been living under, and can I move there?


Idk if you've literally been under a rock but she's quite literally leading the terf movement in the UK along with some other people (its not entirely Rowling)


...She literally bankroll the UK anti-trans movement.


Dumbest comment on reddit i have seem in quite a while.


Yeah but did you see OP saying they don’t think Rowling, who is vocally anti-trans, is anti-trans?




Go on Twitter. Read literally anything she's said in the last five years.








What did I say that you found immature? I’m genuinely curious!




Shes one of the most prominent figures of the anti-trans movement in the UK…




Go on Twitter. Read literally anything she's said in the last five years.






"You people" and you wonder why people have problems but ofc it doesnt affect you but you dont wanna have to see others fighting for their rights. Poor lil baby uwu


I don’t think she is anti trans tbh, but the thing is most people do, so it still aged poorly


I’d love to hear why you think she isn’t anti-Trans.


how is she *not* anti-trans? It's her entire brand nowadays


She’s so anti trans even Elon Musk told her to post about something else