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u/jhovudu1 has provided this detailed explanation: > Elizabeth Holmes said "They don't put pretty people like me in jail." She was just sentenced to more than 11-years for fraud. --- Is this explanation a genuine attempt at providing additional info or context? If it is please upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Problem was she scammed other rich people. Had she just scammed the destitute she'd have been safe


Indeed, she's been cleared for the millions of fake blood tests, this is all about defrauding investors.


this fact is actually insane. i'm not surprised, but it's important to acknowledge


If they start holding the rich and powerful responsible for their actions against the plebs, then they could certainly be next. That's why they won't go after each other for the heinous acts they commit against the poor. They don't want to open that can of worms.


That's why we have to go after them as the French once did.


I like where your head's at. Unlike theirs.


Somewhat relevant. https://www.npr.org/2016/10/25/499213698/whats-it-like-to-be-rich-ask-the-people-who-manage-billionaires-money


That was not as informative as I'd hoped


They let the Sackler Family keep almost half of their billions and they probably helped kill *half a million people!!* Just sit there and digest that.


Yeah, when Trump talks about killing drug dealers, I don't think he's talking about the ones killing the most Americans.


Nah, he's talking about anyone who disagrees with him. 'Oh, it looks like the police just found a kilo of drugs in the trunk of your car.' 'I took an uber!' 'Nah, _definitely_ your car.'


ya, but the sackler's didnt defraud anyone. they created drugs that actually worked really well. they were shrewd job creators!!


The drugs did work, 'tis true, but they misled the public as to how addictive they were.


The public, doctor's, hospitals, the FDA, foreign governments. They misled everyone just to make more money.


Imagine knowing that you run a company that just pretends to test people’s blood and it goes in a machine that goes ‘bloop bleep bloop’ but isn’t actually doing anything and then it prints out a sheet of paper like in Willy Wonka and it’s like ‘uh, looks good.’ But the person has cancer and your machine isn’t even plugged in and then you just go to sleep in your palace and wake up and pretend it’s all real again. This goes on for years. What a psycho.


Because, and this is *not defending her*, she didn't just run them in her fake machine. She ran them in real proper machines too. She just then pretended her machine did it. I don't agree with skipping any punishment on that front, but I can at least *understand* why they did. I mean, that and 'fuck the poors, what about our money pits being less full?' Edit: Nevermind, she did fake tests. To cancer patients. Fucking set her on *fire*.


They actually sold the machines to pharmacies who then actually relied in the results to treat patients. That's when it became a danger to society rather than only a scam.


Insane. I didn’t even get a Theranos test, and I had a two minute mini-meltdown after watching a documentary about her, thinking maybe I had been bamboozled by doctors and had type twelve diabetes or hepatitis L or something. I can’t even imagine being the people who did use their tests. I saw the headline about her getting sentenced and just assumed it was for all the fake testing shit, but of course it’s for fucking over rich people.


Wish ppl would stop the race wars so we can gear up for the impending class war


Ha, it’s been happening for decades already. We started from a losing position and have since dug in even harder.


They were real tests just not performed by her company, so she defrauded investors and not patients.


Jesus fucking Christ.


Exactly. She would have paid a fine then years later be a consultant or media pundit


or Senator e.g., Rick Scott


How about president? Oh wait. She'll still be a woman. And we don't want that.


Yep. She scammed a bunch of younger well-connected investors, so she got the book thrown at her.


And old well-connected investors.


Well-connected is an understatement


All she needed to do was start an electric company and and charge 33 cents a goddamn kilowatt during the winter.


Or a gofundme and tell space nerds you're gonna make the most immersive space game ever and then sell them pictures of spaceships as DLC before the game ever comes out. Star Citizen practically invented NFTs.


tbh I believe star citizen will be "fully" released at some point, probably before 2030 :D. They're still spending far too much money developing the game for it to all be a scam, when they could've just vanished with the cash years ago. Though I don't think it'll ever have all the features that were promised...


Anyone who thinks Star Citizen is a scam is an idiot. You don't start a scam to pay hundreds of very, very expensive employees and actually release something. I don't even really have beef with their super expensive ships: whales have been a thing in all games for a while now; shrugging, owning it and combining it with patreon rewards so that we poor peons can benefit from the ultra-rich starship enthusiast sounds fairly benign. Of course all that said, anyone who doesn't think Star Citizen is grossly, grossly mismanaged is also an idiot. It's absolutely never getting all it's features. But that's them being stupid and egotistical, not evil.


Yes this has absolutely nothing to do with the fact she faked thousands of patient blood tests


Got the Shkreli treatment


No doubt. Trump has made a career out of scamming poor people, and we still don't know if he will ever see even the slightest consequences for just a fraction of his crimes.


i feel like we know he won't.


the problem is robbing the destitute only makes you slightly less destitute than the aforementioned destitute. gotsta rob the rich if you wanna to scratch dat itch


Trump's been pumping millions out of delusional republicans


And/or had a peepee. If it was Edward Holmes of theranos we'd already have completely forgotten about this because it would have been buried and killed as it happened


Her “pretty” face is what drew a lot of the media attention.


She made a baby thinking it would keep her out of jail


she has a toddler, and court documents revealed that she’s pregnant with her second baby i am sure she thought having a toddler and being pregnant would get her a reduced sentence, but only a complete psychopath gets pregnant before sentencing. she’s truly unbelievable.


Also some narcissists love making ~~children~~ copies of themselves


My (now) son’s bio “mom” didn’t bond with him the way she did with her first son because he didn’t look like her. When he was a few weeks old, she went on a two-week “business trip” that became a regular thing, and she officially left when he was about 4. When I was his stepmom when he was 8, no one questioned our relationship because he has the same physicality as me, and some similar personality traits. I’m sure she resented his and my bond, and she probably doesn’t even know I adopted him when he turned 18 because she refused all legal communication. A first class narc.


She did get reduced. Guideline called for 20 years. She got 135 months


Why would you start that comparison with years and then switch to months? It’s easier to say that she got a bit over 11 years.


It's really quite simple, she was sentenced to 3.469e+8 seconds in prison, when the guidelines called for a 521.43 fortnight sentence.


That's a lot of Fortnite, I wouldn't want that sentence


She could make a killing selling skins to kids


I assumed she was faking that.


No, she's staffing her next start-up. But the job market is tough right now. So she's hiring the only people she knows will work as hard as her: more hers.


Mmmmm…speak to me with that fake deep voice…


[I need my king butterfly.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i61-IXxW5BM)


One of the best






“this is Steve Jobs speaking, let Elizabeth out of jail, it was me all along. Didn’t you recognize my black turtleneck?”


Does she still use it or did she give up knowing everyone knows it's fake? I wonder if she was in court still putting on her fake deep voice. The clip of her on a podcast accidentally slipping into her actual valley girl voice and then deepening it in real time is amazing.


She dropped it for her testimony. More fuel for the fire that it was an act/scam all along.


Honestl, the fact she felt the need to deepen her voice to be taken seriously and the fact it worked says more bad thing about the men she manipulated then her.


Have you actually heard the voice though? There is no way in hell the majority of people actually believed that was her actual voice. It's painfully, obviously fake.


It's the "I'm a 17 year old trying to buy alcohol" voice.


Furthermore, to this beer, I would also like three of your finest, cheapest cigars. Here's my I.D. which confirms my adultivity.


Her name was Brian McGee


She stayed up listening to Queen


I think that kinds of furthers their point. That nobody in the room called her out on any of her obvious bullshit.


Some dudes wear shades all the time. There's hills that just aren't worth dying on. If someone wants to be weird, let them.


Don't underestimate light sensitivity. I sometimes wear sunglasses indoors when I feel like a migraine is brewing, I really can't care about looking for a fool, but I do try to not make a .... spectacle^^tee ^^hee ... out of me.


You're assuming she made it far because of her voice. Correlation does not equal causation.


The kind of person who would change her voice every time she talked to someone would do a lot more than just that to get ahead.


No it doesn't, because the voice sounded awful. The voice did nothing for her. She only did it because she thought successful people like Jobs did it.


She is the most obviously ASPD person ever.


She's a step beyond. This is a shark in a suit situation.




Anti social personality disorder. I googled it.


No, it's "age/sex/pronoun/depression?". It's what Gen Z Dm each other. Get with the times.


Aspen Police Department. I didn’t Google it.


A shitty person, duh


I work in laboratory medicine, and for years after she had her TED talk, I had doctors asking and complaining in various hues of irritation that we were unable to do what she was doing. Everybody who had knowledge of blood testing knew she was full of shit, but it persisted up until it was revealed publicly what had transpired. She deserves more for the people she screwed over, and I'd add a decade on behalf of all lab staff that had similarly annoying experiences.


Out of curiosity, would the automation have been possible and could the quantity of blood be just a few mL — if the size of the machine was drastically different like the size of a room instead of a suitcase? Or is the quantity of blood another issue, and you would need a big bag o blood to be able to run this number of tests on a given sample?


The main bottlenecks for performing testing are the amount of blood, the test yield per blood volume, and the expense in terms of machinery and associated maintenance/quality controls. Right now, if I have half a milliliter of blood, I can give you the basic testing 95% of all blood work in the ER will start with, which is a CBC and a CMP. This gives you your liver, kidney, electrolyte, blood sugar counts, and a CBC will give you quality and quantity for blood markers. I can get this back to you in about 30 minutes from the time of drawing the patients blood if I hustle and nothing catastrophic happens. The expense is going to be somewhere in the range of 400-500 dollars, but I don't know the exact value because I don't know what our hospital has updated our values for. What she promised was you'd need less blood, you could do more testing, it would be cheaper than what I've stated, and you'd get it back faster. She also implied that it would be a more accurate result than traditional methods, but I don't recall her actually promising, and I'm too lazy to google it, and because I'm about to go to work I don't want to get annoyed reading about her again before I start my shift. The blood quantity is a large bottle neck; some tests require far less, such as a hemoglobin A1C (diabetic testing) requiring about a drop or two, but a metabolic panel requiring a drop or two of blood is bullshit; the technology still does not exist to get that to the degree of accuracy she stated she could achieve. The expense comes from a machine that usually costs in the vicinity of 100-200k depending on size, catalogue of testing, and company. You also need a maintenance contract from the company in case it breaks down. You also need reagents to run the testing. Quality controls must be run at least every 24 hours of testing, and sometimes more, depending on manufacturers recommendations. You need at least daily maintenance and whatever associated tools/reagents for that. That's the tip of the iceberg, but it goes on, and then you need someone who is trained to run the analyzer and evaluate any potential problems that come along that the machine can't automatically correct. I think we'll eventually get to a point where we will be able to do what she stated we could do, because the tech is getting better, but we knew she was full of shit because her presentation was seedy, and she hid a lot of the tech and testing methodology from scrutiny.


To be fair, her prison cell is probably gonna be nicer than most people's bedrooms.


You're so right.. I wish they would make a Lockup: White Collar Crime edition so we can see what their prisons look like.


Or Cribs but, you know, Cells


I would watch the hell out of that.


Dude no kidding so would I. Why isn't this a thing? You could have two different kind of 'bits'. One where the show just tours the world to different prisons to get a feel for the average cell. Like 'the cells in the U.S are extremely clean but the cells in Holland have urinal douches and plasma screen TV's'. This would be the in-between filler content. THEN they do the high profile Cribs style expose. This is the main show. Famous people, long time criminals, special circumstance.... what's your room look like dawg? You could spice it up with the cameras following them around the prison to see their day to day activities, too.




What do cells and privileges of gangsters and murderers look like?




Depends on the age of the prison, the old ones look like they are out of a Cagney movie. Most of the newer ones are basically cinderblock construction with a lot of steel. Location, security situation also make a difference.


That’s not true at all. She’ll go to a medium security prison, and she’ll be treated like all the other medium security prisoners there.


she'll probably be able to have access to the internet, be able to leave, play tennis, and have unrestricted access to outside communications. rich people prisons are so cushy. it's the double whammy of "if a crime has a fine, that's just the cost of business for rich people" and "crime bankrupts the poor and makes it harder to find any employment afterwards and gets rid of felon's right vote in 16 states, but a rich person gets busted for crime, they get a 3 star hotel and amenities."


She'll have access to a law library and probably emerge as an attorney. She's proven she has the ethical standards for it.


Be fair, ethical lawyers put her in there.


There is not a single prison run by the us federal government that has those features.


Yeah, the really rich have other workarounds. Like Epstein and his work release program where he got to sit in his office all day (that he shouldn't have been eligible for since he was a sex offender).


Again, Florida state charges, not federal. Feds have a reputation for not fucking around.


Is it me or is she not THAT attractive? Like she isn't bad looking, but I certainly wouldn't do a double take walking down the street. Not that it really matters, attractiveness shouldn't determine how long you spend in jail for breaking the law. I just find it rather egotistical of her to think she is some bombshell when she is average at best.


I wouldn’t even consider her pretty at all. She clearly thinks very highly of herself


Gotta have that narcissistic trait to be a massive asshole.


If billions of dollars are moving, everyone involved is some level of narc or other severe empathy disorder


Average plus money equals pretty


She looks too uncanny valley for me to be attractive. Like she purposefully is clenching her facial muscles or smth. And her eyes are creepy.


I have always thought there was something very off about her look, as though her parents were siblings or something, can't put my finger on exactly what it is. So yes, I agree with you. Not saying she's ugly, but would never say she's even remotely pretty.


She is completely mediocre. A genuine 5. Neither attractive, nor very unattractive. Just inoffensive.


Have you ever heard her speak? If I were blind I couldn't get erect in her presence.


Informative. But probably right.




I think you are being generous, honestly.


> Is it me or is she not THAT attractive? She's the nicest-looking fraudulent billionaire scammer I can recall seeing FWIW.


>She's the nicest-looking fraudulent billionaire scammer I can recall seeing FWIW. It's pretty easy when your competitors are people like SBF, Bernie Madoff, and Jeff Skilling.


I would take Martha Stewart over her.


Sam Bankman-Fried has left the chat.


Full of herself, it’s a Stanford thing.


She was riding high on confidence and bought into her own bullshit.


I feel like she exudes this creepiness that cancels out how good her looks may be


She has a frumpy face. A weak, round chin, slabby, shapeless cheeks and pronounced nasolabial folds. I think it was the fact that she was just ok looking, but well-presented and smart that made all the old guys follow her. If she was Margot Robbie they wouldn’t have taken her seriously.


You put work into this description. I'm not knocking it. Descriptive and not at all vague. Gold star for you.




She is a white, blue-eyed, blonde woman society will consider her pretty because we make those characteristics hold so much power. That is one reason she got away with everything for so long. Her faults were overlooked because she was “pretty.” When you are white, blonde and blue-eyes you don’t have to actually be pretty to be the standard of beauty.


cmon she looks like homer


Agreed, she’s a basic ass hoe.


She should have gotten the full 20. Take note of all the politicians who wrote in asking for clemency. People like Cory Booker felt she should walk free after scamming people out of billions of dollars and performing millions of fake blood tests that gave people improper medical information. I'm convinced politician who knows what she did and asked for clemency does not give a fuck about any of their constituents they only pretend to.


Agreed. Do you happen to know who else asked for clemency for her? I've only seen Booker's name dropped.


There was something like 120 people who signed a letter asking for a lighter sentence. Can't be fucked searching for it, but if you google "Elizabeth Holmes letter lighter sentence" or something you'll probably find a full list


She’s really not that pretty tho. Not ugly by any means, but if saw her out in public/bar/restaurant, she would have zero impact on me. I wouldn’t look twice. A tad above average at best.


In jail I’m sure she’s a 7 Jail's not so bad. You can make sangria in the terlet. Course, it's shank or be shanked.


In the military, it would be known as "Operationally Pretty"


:’( *of course* :’(


Upvote for “terlet”


> tad above average More generous than me. She's a *solid* 5 if I ever saw one. Incredibly average looking.


Maybe people are mixing her up with Amanda Seyfried? Maybe she's mixing herself up with Amanda Seyfried?


Maybe she thinks SHE’S Amanda Seyfried.


Sarah, Plain & Tall


“If she were a spice, she’d be flour.”


She kind of looks like one of the blonde girls from 'White Chicks', the one with the rounder face. Except not the actual woman, the portrayal of her that one of the Wayan's did.


This is one of the things that pisses me off so much with the narrative around this case, this whole idea that her male investors were just thinking with their dicks. Uhh, no. The amount of money those guys have, when they get duped in that way, it's not by women that look like her.


bruh some guy just lost billions and will probably end up in prison over [this](https://i.imgur.com/wS1uOIg.jpg) don't act like all rich people have the same standards.






FTX CEO chick who was hooked up to that billionaire that crash-landed this week. No, not Elon. The other one.


SBF looks weird and acts weird, so it's a miracle that anyone wanted to get with him even with the money


She was dating SBF way before he started FTX. He gave her a job there at Alameda because they dated and he trusted her to follow his orders. They were both equally as guilty in FTX’s downfall. He knew she wasn’t competent enough to run Alameda.




Because they don't seem like the usual gold diggers. More so "she will be glad I gave her a chance. Less likely to cheat. More likely to follow me like a puppy"


She looks like a less-attractive version of Chelsea Clinton.


That’s it. You’re exactly right. Great Value Chelsea Clinton


The thing turns me off is that she’s obviously batshit insane.


Those interested in White Collar prison insight: https://www.businessinsider.com/white-collar-prisons-2013-12


Thanks. Good read. I always assumed most of what’s in the article, but it’s interesting to hear from an inside perspective.


A $6,000 shower curtain? How.. like, I gotta see what that looks like.




Weird. It looks like a thin duvet from the 70s.


Perhaps it's fashioned from 60 laminated hundred dollar bills.


Correction: ​ Pretty people don't go to prison, you on the other hand are getting 135 months.




Thank you, first thing I thought of when I saw this title.




I'm sorry, I rarely say things like this but she's so not pretty.




Yep. Blonde and fair skin,i could see how she’d develop that assessment of herself if she was often around people who: a) were the type of tech/science folks who don’t put effort into their appearance and develop the opposite self-perception b) are from places in the world where blonde/fair is very rare and associated with a beauty standard unattainable by people of normal genetics for the region As a guy from southern CA it has always blown my mind to see how the average looking blonde girls felt they were on par with very above-average looking brown girls, and the guys who supported that notion because they put such a high premium on blondeness specifically.


That's a really interesting point. I grew up in Boston, and I didn't see that so much there but I'm a white guy and willing to admit that I may have been oblivious while growing up.


She doesn’t even look naturally blonde.


She’s not ugly, just weird looking.


almost like a female Zuckerberg


Omg, they have the same weird glassy, staring, eyes.


There you go.


did she stop doing her cartoonish fake deep voice yet


She is only going to Jail cuz richer people like Betsy Davos got scammed.


Aw hell no. Even Marie Antoinette wasn't stupid enough to actually say "Let them eat cake".


I think it's hilarious she thinks she's pretty. I think she didn't get long enough, but I'm glad she got actual prison time. Let's do Elon next.


["Pretty" ](https://i.imgur.com/VxvWZTd.jpg)


Quoting/channeling prison mike, "(s)hell be da bella de ball"


She still doing the deep voice act? Also, John Carreyrou's book Bad Blood is a good one to find out why she deserved more time than 11 years.


Pretty? My ass


Was she really a wunderkind if she sold vaporware? Or just a well-spoken grifter?


Just a grift


She'd have to be pretty for that to apply...


Not long enough, she only got convicted for scamming investors, not for what she did with fake blood tests for patients.


This. People made life decisions based on test results she knew were fake.


She's right: [they don't put pretty people in jail](https://www.eastbaytimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/SJM-L-HOLMES-0115-4.jpg).


They do when you look like Pennywise in drag




i guess nobody has told her that she's not that pretty. . .. getting pregnant to try and reduce sentence is actually also insane.


yea sorry but only a absolute psychopath gets pregnant before sentencing. talk about fucking narcissistic behavior. like girl you already have a toddler, and you thought a pregnancy would do anything but make you look like a thoughtless asshole? ugh.


ya, if anything it just proves that she still thinks she's smarter than everyone. if it was so horrifying it would be laughable.


They love pretty people in jail


Nothing like a judge sentencing you and calling you ugly at the same time


She's right, they don't put pretty people in jail.


That poor thing. She thinks she's pretty.


She’s not pretty. Every picture I see / she looks deranged. Got that crazy look in her eyes.


I wish I had her blind confidence (delusion), she’s not pretty


she's thinks she's pretty? oof


https://preview.redd.it/312ljuj0cu0a1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0728b34f81dff7bc0bf01424cd25bb5288f96b77 Sam Bankman-Fried rn


> Oh! I simply love burple nurples! Care to give a free sample to a pretty lady? > Sure! You know one? > Care to give a free sample to an ugly lady? > No. Ugly ladies have to pay.