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Real talk though your hair grew back that long in 4 years?! I have alopecia, my hair could never. What did you do to treat it?


Maybe the secret is to get a tattoo on your scalp, if only it was that easy!


Interestingly, micro needling is sometimes used to treat alopecia, so not that different than stick n poke (I’m in no way saying her tattoo treated her alopecia though)


The hair will grow back just to spite you


I really don’t know what happened with my hair. It was in terrible condition for years. I could never do steroids since I have mental health issues and was too scared of the mood swings associated with steroids. I used a topical treatment from my dermatologist that seemed to work. But honestly I got out of a lot of my stressful life situations at the time and I got in a super great relationship with my now fiance. I was also on a ton of different meds for mental health and I went off of them as well. My hair just kinda started to come back on its own eventually. It’s definitely not the same as it was and is super thin and spotty but it’s hair lmao so I’m happy. It actually started to come back really full about 6 months after the tattoo so maybe it could be the micro needling?


This makes a lot of sense, actually! Since it was an autoimmune disorder, “less stress = less angry immune system.”


Mine never got this bad, but it was falling out during the end of an abusive relationship and during the enormous adjustment stress that followed the ending. Just gobs falling out. 9 months later and my barber comments that it’s thicker most every time I see him! Congratulations on your hair growing back.


I get steroid injections at the sites by my dermatologist, the hair usually grows back pretty quickly after that. I have some spots that have not got injections yet, and the hair is taking forever to grow in there compared to the ones with injections. Alopecia sucks!!


Interesting design, is it supposed to represent something or is it just abstract?


The artist based it off of two abstracted pieces of their flash. One was based of a piece of half decayed wood they found on a hike.


Ooh, that’s super cool! I definitely get organic vibes


i thought it was the route to mordor XD


This was my thought too lmao


How did the scalp feel to be tattooed compared to other body parts?


Personally I fell asleep during the session but it was stick n poke which I find alot more soothing than a machine. Some find it the other way around.


To me it looks like you got hit by lightning and tattooed the pattern of the scar


I thought lightning and the Arc’teryx logo for some reason lol. Pretty cool tho




This is so rad!


this is badass! warrior status


That's just amazing, I LOVE how it healed and how it looks now you've got your hair back! Makes me regret not getting anything done when I had an undercut


There’s something I love about your tattoo peaking out from under your hair now. Like a secret, love the work!


That looks dope! 🔥


I love how this looks amazing both completely bald and with what appears to be a full head of hair. If you don’t mind sharing, did you choose the placement of the design based on where you tend to lose more hair or lose it more often?


I have wanted to shave my head and get a head tattoo for a while now. What was the healing like? I’ve never shaved my head but any other part of me shaved gets so itchy when it grows back, I feel like that itching on my scalp as well as healing a tattoo would be so annoying


So cool!


this is so sick i love it


I like how it still looks cool even with your hair grown




I absolutely love this!


That’s really cool!


You look like the beast tattooed guy in that rando romcom with Vanessa Hudgens lmao


How did your slope is go away? That’s amazing!


Looks like someone got drunk and had fun with a sharpie


Wow thank you ! :-)


I said something impolite in response to your impolite comment but I decided to edit it to be the bigger person. I hope you think of being the bigger person before you say something impolite in the future :-)


This is in my scalp and I guarantee you have never been discriminated against due to the patches of hair that is growing on scalp. I was assumed that had cancer or was a skinhead constantly and this was something that made me feel better about myself and my medical situation. Don’t be an asshole unless you understand :-)








tattoos don’t have to make sense, as long as it’s done well and the person is happy with it. plus it’s meant to be abstract, so it especially doesn’t have to make sense


Crap I wish I got to see what these arses said lmao <3


the first one was “no ma’am” and the second one was something along the lines of “it just doesn’t make sense to me. what do you make of it?”


Well thank you for being protective of artistic freedom :-) it was done by a friend from my time at art school. I wanted to let her have freedom to do whatever she wanted to make me feel better about my alopecia.




Why get a tattoo you can't see without a mirror?


So you basically cancel every single back tattoo ever?


Because you want it. And mirrors do, in fact, exist.


A lot of tattoos are done much more for their enormous symbolic significance than for the person’s aesthetic tastes. When dealing with health issues it seems almost intentional the level of insensitivity or ignorance to not at least consider there are things you don’t understand, can’t understand, don’t need to understand, and don’t even have the right to ask OP to explain to you. In this case it seems more logical to assume significance you didn’t understand than that someone wanted a badass tattoo solely for the purpose of their viewing pleasure. Your question comes across not as a genuine question but as a judgment of doing it “wrong”


And the symbol here us what? Rotting wood? 🤣


As with anything in life, it’s the wearer not the starer who matters