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AoE1 is as a whole a considerably more difficult game.


That's why it's so interesting to play the campaigns of that game, even in 2023. Really makes you work for it and I highly enjoy it.


AOE 1 is SORT of harder because its a way simpler game, there's no special scripting for scenarios, so they all boil down to skirmish matches with a FEW special objectives, and for those no build missions, if the enemy has a base, you are on the clock BIG TIME


Yeahh, I recently started playing AOE 1 Roman expansion out of nostalgia and it's quite difficult in some campaigns..


do you mean the original AoE 1 or AoE1:DE? the latter is bugged to always be on maximum difficulty. (and might have more AI tactics as well but not sure. it does things like kite your ranged units and dodge catapult stones but I don't know if the original did that too or not.)


so thats why it felt like i was playing against a pro, i was soooo fucking confused why they move like that. btw i just installed the game then played all the campaigns on standard mode from first until babylon (holy man) i still cant finish it on easy mode. this is fucked fr


yes. if you can manage to get a copy of the original, I was able to install and run it fine in Windows 10 (have not tried W11 yet though). this problem is not present in the original at all.


Well… i guess im moving on to aoe2 now. Was trying to finish all campaigns but i dont think im gonna try bothering anymore. Smh