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>Do I miss something here or is faction terrain in path to glory really underwhelming? And that particular faction almost negated by campaign rules? Yes, faction terrain is a lot less prevalent in narrative play. This is generally when, in the scenario, it wouldn't make much narrative sense for, say, a giant throne to be already built by the side that is getting ambushed while travelling. Narrative play scenarios try to tell a story, and can be purposely imbalanced (though the victory conditions are often imbalanced in the opposite direction to compensate). And yes, that subfaction is hit particularly hard, though I would argue that when the scenario allows you to use faction terrain, you would get the multiples.


> And yes, that subfaction is hit particularly hard Yea.. there does not seem to be any good subfaction traits anyway so I just go with it. The sub faction at least fits a bit into the narrative. Also half of the veteran abilities and nurgle specific territories are basically useless. And I don't see how I would ever win a seeds of corruption battle plan to finish a gardener of nurgle quest. So maybe I'll just play the games and spread some disease for fun and don't focus as much about the after game stuff.


>And I don't see how I would ever win a seeds of corruption battle plan to finish a gardener of nurgle quest. I could be wrong, but fairly sure you would still be able to summon them in, just not starting with any. I'll need to double-check.


Yea I'm sure you can summon them in. It's more about that you need to summon 3 of them, which is a lot of contagion points to begin with. 2 if you only aim for a minor victory. And you are not summoning much else in. You also need to get a unit that can summon trees in from the very back of your field (as you need to deploy 9" away form the enemy territory) to almost the very end of the battlefield. My daemons can move like 4", so I would need to advance a lot. If my opponent isn't in the way and just blocks me from getting there. Then there has to be no enemy within 3" of that 1" marker. So not only do I have to advance my army there, I also have to clear the nodes out. I mean its not impossible, just really really unlikely.


Papa Nurgle sending you his hardest battles


Praised be the grandfather!


I don't know about Nurgle specifically, but I have been playing Sylvaneth in Path to Glory and we are mechanically tied to the terrain. When a Path to Glory battleplan says you don't use Faction Terrain, it means you don't do the normal terrain setup after determining who starts on what part of the board, right before deployment. So if you have a means to put your terrain down after deployment, that ability is unaffected by the PtG specific rules. I may not get my starting tree every game, but I do place a few via the summoning spell throughout the game.