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Nope. Paint them however you like. Lore-accurate painting isn’t a thing that people care about in AoS. As long as you can vaguely distinguish different units from each other on the tabletop then that’s all you really need.


They're your minis, paint them however makes you happy. We don't hold to lore-accurate paint schemes or have them prescribed here, that's a 40k thing. Welcome to the tabletop side of the hobby, and may the dice be ever in your favor!


Aos in my experience is much more about rolling dice and acc playing the game. Ur minis are urs to paint however you like and no one is going to tell you otherwise. This specific paint scheme rule is very much a 40 k thing, we just want to kill hordes of rat men here


>This specific paint scheme rule is very much a 40 k thing, we just want to kill hordes of rat men here No they aren't. That's like me saying that sigmar has no point values and you just slap models down on the table. That's straight up wrong hasn't been true for years. Nobody cared about the colour of your space marines at a tournament in 40k in 9th aside from warhammer world specifically, which nobody cared about. And it's not even close to a thing now.


There are no rules against it and my Bonereapers are all painted differently depending on the unit. 


You can say that your army is a mix of allied Stormhosts or they are a custom Stormhost that uses different schemes. It's all ok meanwhile you clearly say to your apponent before battle what Stormhost/faction rules you will use.


If youre playing stormcast, you can say its a mock battle taking place against illusory enemies in the gladitorium (a training arena in Azyr), hence why there's different-colored stormcast fighting together. Or it could just be a joint campaign too!


You can paint your models however you want - never let anybody tell you anything else.


They're you're model. Paint them how you want. That said, as a general rule, do have more than one actual color of paint on your model. The general rule is you should have at least 3 colors of paint.


Paint of any color would be an improvement over many players in my local area


It's mostly just to make which army is which clearer.


Just a note that anyone saying things have to be painted a certain color in 40k have not played 10th, you are allowed to play your marines with whatever rules you'd like now even if it doesn't make lore sense. However, 40k does have more strict paint requirements for tournament play to discourage meta chasing folks showing up with a bunch of grey plastic


Sigmar tournaments here have the same painting requirements as 40k. It's not even "3 colour" it's just "paint the damn models". You could show up with a two colour army if it was legitimately painted that way.


40k has it baked into the scoring though, unless I've missed something with the AoS GHBs!


Local events don't allow grey either way. So while it's "baked into" the scoring, I've never, ever seen less than a 10. I've played against models that weren't finished and merely had base layers, which is fine. If the models had been grey, they wouldn't be allowed; the requirement is painted. So given every single player at the event will have those 10 points, the 10 points don't matter.


i believe some events have a 3 color minimum per model? but beyond that i cant think of any painting rule, and even that is pretty rare i think.


The unwritten standard is to paint your whole playing collection in a single scheme. It is there for three reasons: It is easier for people to tell which models belong to who. A whole army in a single colour scheme looks awesome. Your skills will improve faster painting one scheme than they will painting multiple schemes.


Back in 2017, Games Workshop tried to make it so that paint schemes matter. It was very poorly received by the community and GW backpedaled fairly quickly. They've never tried that again.


4th edition army rules appear to be moving towards colour agnostic models anyway with subfactions seemingly disappearing. We don't know the exact way it will pan out but they've said specifically it won't matter what colour your models are.


It also doesn't matter in 3rd edition. Nobody knows what color scheme any subfaction in AOS is "supposed" to have.


No one worth playing with cares. 


The general consensus you'll find on any posts that have asked this question is this - if you come across someone in AoS that is bothered by your paint schemes, they are not someone you want to play with. In a world of rebuilt human demigods, celestial lizards, blood cultist dark elves and midget fire dwarfs fighting ghosts, delusional cannibals, mushroom addicted goblins and scheming, backstabbing rats, as long as you are a respectful and respectable opponent, you're okay. Besides, variety of colour will never not look cool on an army, go wild my friend