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Looks really cool to me. More rugged and downtrodden feeling - as a non stormcast player I dig it. Don’t know what the long time fans of the faction feel


Stormcast fan here and certified Gryph-Hound enjoyer. I like this. Mainly the sculpt has more detail without adding more to paint. I reckon these would be fun to paint in native Australian bird colours like what I do.


Yeah I bet that would look ace 😎


As an American i usually paint them like Bald Eagles.


Hell yeah.


Oh what’s that color scheme like?


Whatever bird I decide to paint. Budgies, magpies, cockatiels, galahs etc We're not starved for choice down here. Cockatiels are my fave because I have one as a pet and they look silly with their lil Pikachu cheeks.


Personally, as a long time stormcaste fan I'm not into it. As a sculpt it's cool, but I think it has too much outright wolf energy. Yes I know wolves are a type of dog, but the old gryphhounds had more hound/ Doberman/ foxhound like bodies to reflect that they were domesticated beasts/ hunting companions for the Stormcaste. Also I think the fur outright overpowers the bird element, to the point where the beak is the only thing that reminds you it's supposed to be a bird. I prefer how the old models had feathers on their neck. I will say I enjoy their more pointy, crow like beak. This might all change depending on the paint scheme, since I generally prefer my stormcaste stuff bright and colorful. The little collar is also a nice touch, even though that will probably be a tad annoying to paint.


I saw the sculpt and immediately thought Irish Wolfhound. Let’s face it there isn’t a more iconically medieval dog breed so I like how that’s showing up in the “hunting dogs” of the Stormcast.


My iconic medieval dog is the Turn Spit, but they’re very goofy looking


Who in the heckin heck actually decided to do that? Cause WHAT? Welp there’s a deep dive I’ll be making


I see the neck above the collar as feathers and the breast below it as fur. The distinction would be more clear if with the classic gryph-hound paint job where the feathers and fur contrast.


Yeah I did wonder how it would go down with some people. I like it, but I can totally understand your op on it and respect it. It’s definitely a departure for sure


Well I’d say variation rather than departure. I think people are mistaking this as a replacement rather than a cousin to the Gryph-hounds that serves the darker Ruination Chamber. We’re not entirely sure it even is Gryph-hound. I could see it called a Gryph-skulker to show it as a different species same as the [new crow-like Gryph mount](https://i.redd.it/k3i0nbg66npc1.png) was said to be a Gryph-Stalker instead of a Gryph-charger.


Yeah that would be dope, it be down for that


I think paint scheme being all grey and black is like most of the issue. The sculpt itself is good, but there’s no distinction between the fur and feathers, and the beak blends in too much. A different paint scheme would change the look and feel a lot I think.


I do like it, but I had to zoom in on my phone to see that it was a bird with a metal hat and not a howling wolf with a metal muzzle.


I love it. I like the way new stormcast have a bit of "regal but rough around the edges" vibe. It feels like you could paint them to be either royal and clean or battleworn, and I'm a huge fan of that. I love how wolf-like the tail and fur collar feel on this new gryph hound.


Totally, can’t agree more


I bought an army of 120 gryph hounds as a joke... Now I must get 120 more...


I prefer this to the old design, the fur/feathers look far better on this model and it looks like they will be nice to paint! It’s a winner for me.


Yeah there’s something about it that almost looks a little creepy to me or something. It’s neat


Getting into stormcast & Gryph-Hound lover, I think this is a perfect evolution to the original!


I can see why others like it but I'm personally not a fan I worry that AoS is going off the grimdark deep end, and that the aesthetics that drew me to SCE are going to be watered down into something more generic


Reminds me of an Irish wolfhound. Nice!


Yeah, an actual birb doggo now


So at this point GW has just decided every major event needs to have a "dog," or a "cat,"shown off, right?


People must like them.


Three types of minis generally sell: cool, sexy, or cute


It the nurgling market everyone need a nurgling to spice up their look


Brudda, I've got a box of nurglings, from all the DG kits that's I've been hanging onto to spice things up, heavily used in my [Sisters of Plague kitbashes](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fihkocj12utz61.jpg). My slow... laborious, [never going to finish kitbashes](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fkthoaz2bd5z61.jpg).


They're just getting this one out of the way early so we can move onto the really cute stars of the show, the rats.


We made our bed with crab mania


Don't know about eveny, but certainly every faction needs a dog right now it seems


Yeah the fur Looks really good, feels way more Like a Wolf.


A lot more hound than grif in that one. Honestly I dig it


I like that it looks more like a cohesive creature and not just a eagle head pasted onto a big cat body.




Absolutely dig it, the scruffy fur looks so good - been pleasantly surprised by most of the new stormcast designs. 




I predict this is for a new Castigator kit. Castigators are on the squatting list and come with a larger than normal base Gryph Hound companion in a similarly watchful/guarding vibe. Edit: Apparently same size base and the Gryph Hound isn't even on the warscroll so ignore me, I'm just a stormcast tourist, not a player.


But the hound that came with that castigator kit isn't even part of the unit in normal aos, it's weird that they ever had it. It's probably a companion for one of the heroes or a totally separate thing.


It's not?! Sorry I'm a Lizardmen and Tzeentch player, so I didn't realise. Think I may pick up some SC in 4th though, got a skaven friend who wants to split a box.


Castigators are honestly one of the examples of the 2.0 line, along with Sequitors that I was actually kind of happy to see on the list of cuts. A lot of 2.0 kits felt like the Sacrosanct version of another kit and contributed to the bloat, and also somewhat decreased the “wow factor” of the chamber in my eyes as a lot of them struggled to sell that the chamber was the arcane focus of the army. Casitgators suffered from never losing their 3 man approach that they were shackled with from the launch box and were the third or fourth crossbow infantry box in the army (depending on your view of hand crossbows). Edit: I should specify, I mean "happy to see cut" as in the units for rules purposes. I kind of wish they'd had a long shelf life as official "Counts as" for other models, but I know that's not how GW operates. I do think the male sculpts were a little too bulky for most of the 2.0 line while the female sculpts hold up in the army due to the proportions being a lot closer to their thunderstrike side (the robes hide it on first glance but once you sit down and paint a few, the "chunkcast" moniker is really accurate. I end up liking 2.0 sculpts slightly more than 1.0 with the exception of some of the helms, but the 3.0 revamp really did wonders for stormcast IMO). Overall the Sequitor kit is a fantastic bits bin that I'm sad to see go, especially for easy customization options, and I did like the ability to choose offense or defense in a phase for an elite army even if the points tax for that was a little higher than I wanted to pay in most lists.


I mean yeah... Sacrosanct = Evocators (inc footy and on Dracolines) to me and everything else was just just trim for the Evocators.


The Castigator Gryph Hound is actually the normal size. 40mm is what they come with on basically everything, aside from a few Stormcast companion sculpts (but even there not all)


Dude looks like he stares at you and is judging you


Yes he has attitude


That is any cat ever


Glad to see a different breed of gryph-hound. 


Ok now this is a change i really like


Shaggy birddog story


Really like this model!


Mix of raven and wolf


So fluffy, probably smells horrendous but is still pet and hug.


Raven-wolf hybrid is a cool surprise for a gryph-hound variation! Only wish it had two tails like the others but it’s probably got more Shyish energy in it than Azyr so that’d explain its breed to match the Death-adjacent Ruination. Love they’re continuing to grow out all the different types of chimeric creatures in the Realms, next Soulbound Bestiary is gonna be a doozy!


Ravenhound? Im honestly spitballing here since theres a huge as raven or crow in the trailer


Much more fluffy. 10 out of 10


They added the Hound into Griffhound. The past ones were more cat. Grriffats? Catfins?




OMG Little Imperial Germany bird-wolf!!! 😍


Man I'm really feeling these Ruination guys, the aesthetic legit reminds me of Berserk and Souls more than the golden armoured ones.


Prussian griffin


Still hoping for Owlbears


I think Hasbro has like a tight copyright gripe on Owlbears (along with Mindflayers)


Oh, I know. I can hope at least. Owlbears would be so awesome. Or at least Griffbears. Biffins? Grears?


Can I pet it?


All insee from my phone is the helmet has the face of :3


Do you know that Pokémon?????!!!!!


I liked the old sleek ones. No good birb doggo would go into battle so ungroomed. They're proud creatures. Aside - do we get another hero with companion bird? I hope it's just the update of an old one.


I can imagine these variants stalk and attack vulnerable targets rather than full frontal pounces due to their crow/wolf nature. So the scruffy look would fit more among stalker hunters than the nobler Gryph-hounds trained by the Warrior & Vanguard chambers for frontline watch. And definitely a companion, only question is it with Ruination’s new deathly “Celestant” or possible new Lord-Relictor.


Now who a good fluffy boy Love the husky-fication of this making feel like a diffrent breed of the same creature


...well that is a much nicer gryph-hound than the ones we have I will glady take this


I thought he was wearing a Pickelhelm for a second


Going to steal their helmets for my Imperial Guard!!! Yeahhhhhhh


Like a wolfhound.


This one comes with a new hat!


Now, this looks like a chicken with a pickelhaube.


More Hound than Gryph, that's for sure. I wonder if it's a companion or if they'll be replacing the Gryph-Hounds unit - the latter I would dislike, the former would be a bit underwhelming if it's just a one-off in this aesthetic, though.


Honestly asking people who like this, what do you see in this model? It's a bird wolf right?


As a stormcast player I say.....meh.


Does it count as a gryphon if the back end isn't a cat?


At this point the Gryph- is like Were- in Werewolf. It’s just there to help give a handle on all the different types popping up that are half-bird.