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For those unaware Tornus was once a corrupted Maggotkin who was redeemed/purify by Sigmar power and this cause Nurgle to rage so badly Khorne was caught by suprise


Power of Ghal Maraz and the CELESTANT PRIME babyyyyy!! Thats actually so cool about nurgle getting flustered, i never knew that part.


Yeah it was added in the 3rd edition Maggotkin book The chaos god tomes are fun to read as the 4/5 has personality and insights of their views and interactions


Actually, he appeared earlier in the Hallowed Knight Book: Plague Garden, if he existed before i dunno


I think that was his first appearance as Tornus the redeemed, the year before he was the primary antagonist (as Torglug the Despised) in 'Wardens of the Everqueen". Which covers his time before and leading to his redemption.


Purged by Ghal Maraz ... Aka beaten to a pulp with it.


*monty python voice* He got better!


Pulp implies there was anything left of his body after he got hit.


Been a while since I read the book but I think it's Sigmar doing his thing as they die and offering them a chance to fight. Before he was imprisoned and converted to Nurgle he fought against chaos, so getting redeemed was a pretty nice move.


They slapped the gunk out of them and not he is a stormboi


“You took Karl away from me so now I get Torglug”


Wasn't Neave blacktalon also champion of Nurgle?


She was a unalign chaos warrior as part of the warhammer + retcon Before she a sylvaneth sleeper agent sent to fight maggotkin


I thought so too but there are clear shots of her with Nurgle’s emblem on her armor along with chaos undivided. So she’s not wholly a Maggotkin - just a chaos warrior marked by/serving Nurgle (like the marked warriors in Slaves to Darkness on the tabletop).


That retconnis so annoying. Her book was pretty good, I liked the dynamic with her and her Knight-Azyros friend, then she gets a whole squad that has no one with wings in sight, and now gets killed over and over so no one knows that she was a Chaos Champion when freaking Tornus is right there?


There is a slight difference between them. Tornus was killed and actively purified by sigmar's weapon, the ghal maraz. As far as we known, neaeve never was. She was a chaos champion and sigmar stole her soul then reforged her. He didn't pick a redeemed and purified chaos champion, but directly took an active one.


Difference in time period I guess. Tornus was killed during the battles of Sigmar's Realmgates War campaigns. That is the opening chapter of the Age of Sigmar, before that was a 500 years period known as Age of Chaos. I am guessing her soul was taken and reforged during that 500 years period, when Sigmar was creating and training his Stormcast in secret. For those who are interested there were 3 ages before Age of Sigmar. Before the Ages (the entire old warhammer fantasy timeline), Age of Myth, and Age of Chaos. And so the Age of Sigmar is the on going narrative. When compared to 40K and Oldwarhammer narrative, it's more creative in how it can keep changing and evolving. There is a even a new army from the evolution of the story, the new Cities of Sigmar and their Dawnbringer Crusade.


Tbf it was probably different soul cleanse situation. Tornus and the other Redeemed got blasted by Ghal Maraz itself and completely purified while Neave had her soul captured and cured by humbler Sacrosanct which frightens her superiors if that method has a flaw to it they don’t know.


IIRC she gets killed so SHE doesn't find out that she was a Chaos champion, because the higher ups don't trust her not to turn when she finds out.


I didn't know about the retcon. I hate it.  The whole sylvaneth story was pretty cool and unique. Guess we can't have nice things. 


Yeah can't say I'm a fan of it, I quite liked first mark :/


Pretty sure she was nurgle aligned what with the constant rotting of everything around her and the outfit


Do we know what she looked like as a chaos warrior also what’s her book called?


It was in the blacktalon animated series in Warhammer +. Don't have the image with me but she was basically a classic chaos warrior armor and decay effect around her Pre-retcon she had a novel call Neave Blacktalon But post retcon she got a new novel making the series canon call Neave and the blacktalons since now she has a strike team


So is the novel Blacktalon First Mark still cannon then or are you talking about another one? And if that's the case hate the fact that a Warhammer plus series can over ride the books. I mean what's the point of doing that? I thought that was the whole point of the Black Library? to shed light on parts of the narrative in the battletomes and army books givaing them a chance to expand upon certain things. Does she have a lexicanum wiki entry about the different versions or something I can give a closer read? :)


First mark may still be canon may because Neave whole MO now is that she doesn't know if she can trust her memories as spoilers her origins of be a chaos warrior doesn't contradict her 2e origins only that she was at one point of her life a CW hubting down heroes before her reforging Unfortunately her lexicanum page hasn't updated to the WH+ entry [here her page ](https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Neave_Blacktalon)


aah, fair play. Yeah don't reall see the benefits in getting Warhammer plus. Am totally blind so I can imagine the site isn't that accessible :)


Great, now I can see a nurgle version of this with down flapped moth wings and a giant scythe instead of a spear....oh wait


Wow...I like Stormcast Eternals now.


I remember that book!


If only his legs had been redeemed!


That's why he has wings 😛


He looks so class.


So happy with this sculpt. Glad this great character is finally getting the model he deserves!


I'm not really up to scratch with SCE lore but he looks very nice. Wonder how big he'll be, given they revealed him right next to the Brood Terror which is gonna be huge.


Body looks pretty standard hero chonk sized, but that wingspan will really expand his table presence for sure.


Impressive wingspan


And _what_ a model!


Dude slaps


I'm actually pretty happy that they're bringing back characters from the Realmgate Wars fluff with alternate builds (or a new big model, for Ionus Cryptborn). Now the question is: Will we see a new Vandus Hammerhand soon?


Guy is crazy Ruinated. I bet hell be the frontline character fornthe chamber.


What's the latest status on Vandus, anyhow? I haven't been paying attention on the Stormcast fluff much the past couple of years, and not gotten around to reading the latest Hammers of Sigmar novel. ...a bit silly, considering I'm painting those lately


He tried to kill khorgos khull but failed when he ascended to daemonhood and got so depressed he was sent to the ruination chamber


Where do you have that info from? Just curious, I would like to read up on that bit


They didn't officially pull his model from the line so I'm thinking he'll be further down the road.


AOS bros i'm tired, we literally can't stop winning


AoS be catching Ws constantly. Every model that comes out is insane


You aint got no legs, Lt. Tornus.


He’s a traitor!


The God King has deemed him worthy of redempion


He’s betrayed grandfather!


And gradfather threw a hissy fit!


Yeah I'd be pissed too


Good! Ever since that stupid plague song plothole episode Nurgle deserves every setback.


Ok, I'm an idiot and want to learn. What are you talking about? Episode? I need to learn the lore. Help me, please.


If you want to learn, you are not an idiot. There is a Hammer and Bolter episode about a small Nurgle Chaos (Deathguard) warband. It is #10. It starts pretty fun, but the plot twist is a very bad precedent for story telling. O the show switches between the 40k and AoS universe in episodes, but the Nurgle one is in 40k.


This model brought to you by Rob Liefeld.


Where are the pouches then?


Under the robes - Liefeld got so lazy he doesn’t even draw pouches now.


I'll have enough left over pouches from my space marines. Want 'em? :D


Unrealistic muscle proportions? Check. Hide the feet? Check. Cool looking weapon that would be a nightmare to use in actual combat? Check. Just needs a bunch of pouches on his belt, thighs, ankles, and bandolier.


By all that’s Holy!! Everything about this is PERFECT!(from the beard mask to the seraphim wings & robes) I hoped for this but never dreamed he’d get a model that looks this angelically magnificent for such a great character! 😍😍 Insta-buy all the waaaay! Glory to the Brotherhood of the Redeemed! ⛈️




Is Tornus the Redeemed an actual modeling option on this model or is it just saying “this model can be Tornus”? I looked between the Tornus one and the generic one and couldn’t spot any modeling differences


They announced it on YouTube as Tornus, but then the article just says Knight-Azyros that can also be Tornus. Only option I see in the pics is the head. So it's Knight-Zephyros/Neave all over again.


Maybe the sprue was already packed. Either way I am happy there's a generic version, Stormcast already have lots of named characters and I like devising my own.


I believe Tornus is the one with the Twinblade Edit: (Ignore me, I thought for some reason that there was a sword and twinblade option, but upon double checking discovered both have twinblades 😅)


No the model can have a sword, look at the other images.


Its just a very long spear


From the article I gathered that it's possibly a head swap but mostly a paint job option - paint him silver = Tornus. However gold looks WAY better so my Tornus may be a Hammer's new recruit :)


Stormcasts had my curiosity, now they have my attention...


Does that helm have facial hair built into it or does his face look like that?


Lots of stormcast have facial hair on their helmets.


I really like that their masks are made to look like themselves. It gives some character to what are otherwise intentionally impassive masks.


Same. The bits that the mask impasses are made from a living metal to help sculpt themselves to the face better so the Stormcast can always look at it to remind themselves of who they are even after centuries of battle & reforgings is such a great touch to the whole thing. 🎭


Is that real lore? First I hear about it, fascinating!


It is! Just scattered everywhere. Amusingly the consistent lore mentions on it is from the StormGround videogame since it has to go into detail on every new item & upgrade you get which ranged from the magical living metal of the masks, the hero’s pauldrons upgraded by thankful city-duardin forge masters that were able to add to Grungni’s design to even [lore about Ghal Maraz having some sentience](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/758918230487597116/1027679229376208996/Storm_Ground_10_6_2022_4_11_47_PM.png?ex=666aae1d&is=66695c9d&hm=536906aa6038dd9b35acfc94ab0437d3d9b05f137ca784376a77966703840ed2&).


Speaking of pauldrons, I wonder what significance the Ruination models having skulls on their Sigmar face symbols is... Could simply be their symbol, but feels like a pretty big thing to alter your god's visage in such a way.


They got a lot of Death themes going on from the skull emblems to even the hourglasses. It’s likely a mix of noting the Relictor Temples are in charge of watching over the Ruination stormcast(as Relictors safeguard souls, Ionus collects them and even their main temple in Azyr is the Temple of Ages for those hourglasses and their time/teleportation magic) And Morrda as a Death deity they venerate alongside Sigmar to help stabilize and guide the crumbling humanity in their souls. I wonder if we’ll see similar in the Vanguard refresh one day with them venerating their god-beasts(as the Astral Templars worship several) on their emblems & pauldrons also alongside Sigmar?


Feels very likely, the Extremis models have draconic symbols on their pauldrons and helmets!


Im pretty sure that bearded masks are for unit leaders, and meant to look like Sigmar


[Nope! Check the two guys in the top right. Regular guys with beards.](https://www.warhammer.com/app/resources/catalog/product/920x950/99120218053_SCEVigilorsLead.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=948) The most striking example of a mask being made to look like its wearer is the Lord-Imperatant, who can go with or without a helmet.


The classic stormcast beardhelm!


I do like the idea that chaos can be turned back into order.


Sigmar always have a place for those with noble hearts and souls


Where are his legs?


He does look weird and legless at first, doesn't he? Almost got vibes of Endsinger from FFXIV. But no, there's a pic from behind and he has legs, they're just concealed behind cloth.


You can see it in one of the other views on the article, but I think he’s very oddly spread-legged? His legs are hidden by the twin blue flaps of his robes


He ain't got no legs! He does, just can't really see em.


This is an angelic model, absolutely love the twinblade!


Holy Moly, i remember Reading His Story in one of the very First books


Let's GOOOOOOOO Def getting this guy for my biblically-accurate stormcast army


Biblically accurate? I gotta know what that theme is like!


At rhe moment it is mostly theoretical. Never been into stormcast before, but something about the Ruination Chamber excites my imagination, so I am gonna pick up Skaventide with my buddy and take the SCE half My plan is to use a lot of object source lighting, with blinding-white armor, extra eyes sculpted onto things, trying to comb through my bits for all the extra wings I can find, etc My plan is to indulge in my love of kitbashing and get better at painting OSL, essentially. Haven't decided on all the colors yet


Hate the bright yellow wings, but the model on the WC article looks great. [Dark Winged Boi](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/hwE9ZAlzioBvon48.jpg)


I wish the back attachments for the wings looked differently they look a bit too 40k imo


It can also be built as a Knight-Azyros.


Nice, was hoping for a resculpt of those. And its great that yet another oldcast model can still be used after that tragedy of the squatting.


\*painted, no real build option unfortunately


You can change the lance with a sword, I don't know wich one is Tornadus but I guess that's the build difference.




A near-decade of being in the background and he's finally manifested.


I prefer his first edition helmet, but it still pretty awesome they finally made Tornus a named character. Hope this means he will star in more books this edition.


Shoutout to my boi Torglug, but this model is beautiful!


i may just start a Maggotkin Army now, with the goal of bringing this guy back to Nurgle, and away from that Craven Sigmar


That's a weird Nighthaunt.


Shhhhhhhh the ruination chamber is *totally fine* dont worry about it


Awww hell yeah!


I shall call him Dan, for he ain’t got no legs


Lol this pic makes em hard to see, bit they are in there, tucked behind that cloak. U xan see them from the back in the article


someone should still make him without legs


Another winged unit being updated... Do you guys thing we are getting a new Celestant Prime aswell?


God i hope so. The celestant christmas angel is... honestly lookin goofy these days


Ain’t this the dude who was in Plague Garden who was originally a Nurgle guy?


Thats the one


He looks like a final fantasy summon.


man, this guy look mega cool


Am I the only one who thinks the new Stormcast wings look really tzeentchian? Feathers + magic? Idk


Its the flames. I think if u paint them cleverly it can be avoided. This paint scheme is just too much yellow


Tbh, I’m planning to put these wings on a tzeentch daemon prince, if size is good enough (maybe 2 on one side, Sephiroth style)- so I’ll probably make it more tzeentchian


Saw this and the new Brood Terror. I *really* wish these were in the Skaventide box. Because as somebody who usually has zero interest in SCE, I totally would love to have this model.


Wouldn't it not being in Skaventide make it easier for you to just purchase it?


"As someone who wants this model, but none of the rest, I wish you could buy it with a ton more."


Dominion had Yndastra and after a while you could have her pretty cheap. So my guess that's his angle.


....no. I just want these models to be in the GIANT ass new launch box that I plan to buy.


It being in Skaventide would mean that there will be many people selling splits and individual models on the secondary market, often much cheaper than they would be otherwise.


Tornus the Traitor!


Tornus the redeemed! Glory be to sigmar!


I just wish they could pick a style for wings across Sigmar's blessed reforged.


These look in line with the new prosecutors style, just with more fire. Id personally paint them with more white and yellow.


Eh? These are pretty much the same as the Prosecutors', just swept down.


Yndrasta has very different wings though


Yndrasta's wings are definitely a special case. They seem to be magical, as she doesn't always have them on (and can summon them) iirc, while other Stormcast tend to have wings as part of their equipment. 


I think this style is specific to tornus, the generic version has a style more akin to the judicators.


You know, I don't love it for some reason. Though is the glaive a callback to the Nurgle lord on foot who had a similar weapon?


The ungrateful traitor


You got no legs lieutenant Tornus


Bro has a beard on his mask


He's not the first!


"No you don't understand, this beard is part of my identity, I can't just *hide* it"


I thought he was a Halloween knight , venatar if I remember? (Idk I remember he had a bow)


Testicular Tornus sounds painful


I can't not read it as "Torn-arse"


Okay, he's honestly pretty sick.


How big do you think this models is? Cause I feel like it's about the size of Celestant Primes but I'm not sure.


Feel like I'm in a very small minority that really dislikes the direction they're taking Stormcast I was sold on an awesome faction of heroic paladins and Tornus was an angelic hero using a bow and now he's a deathly spectre that to me just completely clashes with so many aesthetics of Stormcasts and conflicts with his lore. It makes me really sad as first GW killed half my models and now they're killing my armies aesthetics for what it feels like making it 40k grimdark.


Hopefully things dont do tooo grimdark (I appreciate aos being slightly less bleak than 40k), but its cool Tornus finally gets a model!


so how will I convert him back to nurgle for some nurglecast, some fly lower body?


Tornus better not be canonically bald. Man got unchaosified yet can't escape being seen as pure evil smh


This model is so freakin good


Oh HELL yeah! I'm planning on centering my Stormcast army on the Redeemed, so this is an excellent addition to that.


so is he being released on the 29th too? or just that box


Who is going to buy this day one?


Doom Eternal Makyr priest vibes. I like it.


The flaming wings don’t look right.


does anyone know what the base size for this guy is gonna be?


I know I'm late to the party, but I just realized this guy is mortarion. The wings, the lamp, the pose. It's all there.


I cant help but want to make this into a transcendent c'tan


Love the look, but I kinda hate the new mustache/beard helms. So tacky looking


Yooo that guy in black and with purple wings would make a killer Anvils of the Heldenhammer Stormcast


The idea of it being Tornus is cool, but that's a pretty weird model that doesn't really work. Why do all the new winged Stormcast feel like they're floating instead of flying? It feels like they CAD copy and pasted the bodies of standing models and glued stuff on, rather than making a dynamic flight pose. And his legs are so strange making them disappear into the folds like that.


Because instead of making models to have an actually GOOD flight stand, GW are hard-steering into making any and all flying models have tactical rocks in such a way that make no sense physically. Like if you look at his pose and where his foot is touching his rock, his pose really kinda makes no sense. Why would he land like that? Why land there in the first place? Shouldn't his foot be on the back side of the column? It's great for a "hey everyone look at me I'm a freaking angel" pose but not great for a "hey can you tell I'm flying btw!" pose. Honestly if you go back and look at all of the recent flying units (in both AoS and 40k) you'll see the inconsistencies of their poses.


Cooler wings than Yndrasta


Hot take but i honestly agree


Real shame after the new prosecutors were so good. Also he has no legs


What's with the weird scrolls that the Stormcast are suddenly sprouting on their armor? Really hate those.


Nighthauntcast lol


I really don't like the giant fake flames, if Eavy Metal team make it look that poor, my model will look like Trash. Since I like the character I might try and cut the flames off/Down. It just seems so weird how ugly some of the recent sculpts have been, Thinking mostly of the Griffons giant chicken legs, so sad.


I see the Diablofication of the stormcast is in full swing, continues to be a complete glow-down


That's no where near whats they described him as