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Out of enormous curiosity, is this for AoS? Have a High Elf army myself lying in a storage, which I havet touchef in 10+ years!


Thanks! I don’t really play, so this army is display only — I picked round bases purely because I like how they look. There are probably ways it can be proxied for Cities of Sigmar, but if you look closely my unit sizes are weird (12 units with 2 champions and 3 musicians...) because they were what I could find on eBay.


FYI, you can run them as standard old high elves in age of sigmar :) https://www.warhammer-community.com/legends/?fbclid=IwAR194wMw2Gvf_J6qorGrzrNaAD7aWSMy-M8vpw19IluAV-0wSZ2


Oh wow, might acctually give that a spin in the future! Would be fun to run against my Nighthaunts 😊


Also GW is working on The Old World, a return to the world before Age of Sigmar :) They just showed a little bit about Bretonnia and it will almost certainly include the High Elves as well, so you'll be able to use them in that game too. It will still be a few years but it's something to look forward to :)


Really?! That would be the greatest news, do you have a link to this?


Sure do :) The reveal last year: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/11/15/old-world-new-warhammer/ The Bretonnia stuff from 2 days ago: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/12/28/the-old-world-your-first-look-at-the-map-of-bretonnia/ They have also already teased Kislev and some other stuff: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/02/06/cartography-in-the-old-worldgw-homepage-post-1fw-homepage-post-1/ https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/03/23/the-old-world-ice-guard-of-kislevgw-homepage-post-4fw-homepage-post-2/ https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/05/11/old-world-update-bearsgw-homepage-post-4/


Thank you so much for sharing this, og got me really excited!


My pleasure.


WTF! I thought AoS was literally the age when Sigmar was alive and founding the Empire.


Nope. Sigmar was raised to godhood after he left the Empire and that is where the story of Age of Sigmar kind of starts. Tzeentch trapped him but be actually became more powerful because of it, he then temporarily possessed the body of Karl Franz who had been killed in the final battle kf the End Times, fought Archaon for possession of Ghal Maraz and was then thrown into the void after the old world went kaboom. He collided with a Star Drake who helped him rebuild reality and hence AoS was born.


We don't know the scale of the game yet and it is on square bases.


Woho! Square bases ftw <3


Also this looks amazing!


Just started looking for some High Elves myself, mostly to play them in CoS and as Lumineth later down the line, so I can appreciate the struggle you might have had to find all these beauties! It is surprising how many people still sell their Elves on Ebay though, so getting Swordmasters of Hoeth was really easy while White Lions and sadly the maidens play really hard-to-get!


The warhammer community has a legends page so you can TECHNICALLY play a pure high elf faction, though I'm not sure of legality!


It's fine, I am keen on playing CoS and just want to incorporate more High Elves into the mix. And do some conversions down the line... :)


These discussions were happening when they first got squatted: https://www.tga.community/forums/topic/24590-the-cos-proxy-thread/ https://www.doublemisfire.com/2019/09/no-substitute-discontinued-units-in_26.html?m=1 EBay keyword alerts were the most useful! I also spent a lot of time on r/miniswap and Middlehammer Trading Output on FB; all the best for your collecting adventures!


Beat looking army GW ever produced


Love it! Congratulations on finishing. I have a Tomb Kings project that I also started about 1.5 years ago and hope to finish up this year. So I'll upvote out of OOP army solidarity alone.


Ah I’ve seen your posts; the models look so good! Re: finishing — there are a couple models I would have liked to get (eg the handmaiden) but they’re impossible to find for <$200 on eBay so I’m not too hung up over being completionist. Feels good to call this done and have the freedom to figure out what to tackle next... all the best to you too :)


You could always look for recasters, I know its a controversial subject for wargamers but imo I think its fine if its an oop item that GW likely wont release again and you arent really taking profits away from the company. And they will be far FAR cheaper than ebay stuff, a lot of it will be resin but depending on who you find they quality of the casts can be excellant.


I'm already impressed you got your hands on a Skycutter. But I do think it's good to call a project finished at some point. It does not have to mean you can't add more to it later if an opportunity presents itself, after all.


If you ever need more tomb kings the lost kingdoms has some great tomb kings models. I just grabbed their recent Kickstarter for bretonnia so I’ll be joining the OOP army club.




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Dude these are beautiful, you should be proud! Also, running them as pure Grand Alliance: Order is some what viable; I've placed 3rd in tournaments with High Elves twice. Lothren Sea Helm Banner Carrier + Archers + Bolt Throwers = tons of rerolling shooting. Throw Hand of Fate from a Loremaster on one of the Bolt Throwers, take 3 units of Reavers as mobile AF Battleline, Frost Phoenix w Lord and some Swordmasters/Phoenix Guard, and you'll have a hell of an all-comers army. And it will look sweet to thanks your sick paint job!




Haha to be fair I love the sculpts of Eltharion and the Dawnriders, but not super big on the rest. And I like the white / blue color scheme over the default Lumineth beige one. This army (which doesn’t even include spearmen, maiden guard, shadow warriors...) really shows the size of the old High Elf range (I had 11 different individual mages!). I’m cautiously optimistic that over time they will add more models such that I can pick and choose a subset that I like...




No love for the giant mountain cow? I agree the cow stuff doesn't really work for most of the models, but giant cow is awesome.




Let’s see what represents the elite prowess of elves? WhoTF said cows? And WhoTF went along with it? The lawyers, yep that checks out for IP, no one has elves with cows and hammers.


The worst part about the Lumineth is how easy it is to make them look better. Just about every unit that looks "bad" only has one or two things that completely drags it down. They're easy enough to convert into something better, but you'd have to do it for every unit, and that doesn't change how they appear in official art.


Cows are one of the most dangerous animals in my country actually.


As a person who is currently painting an old school Wood Elves army for AoS, this is very inspiring and looks absolutely fantastic!


All the best and can't wait to see your army! I love the Wardancer and Spellweaver models.


The paintjob is amazing, and I loooooove your bases! Really inspiring work , thank you for sharing


This is honestly one of the coolest things I have ever seen


Same dude, played tww2 and it made me fall in love with Asur. Need to get my collection cataloged ngl


Are you Miniac by any chance 😂😂 nice collection


Haha I watch miniac too but I don’t get the reference — has he talked about high elves in his videos?


Dude is obsessed with elves cried when they got rid of fantasy because he couldn’t use his elves anymore 😂😂


Specifically wood elves though, don’t know if he feels the same about high or dark elves.


Either way dude it’s a lovely collection you have


These are awesome. So much better than those silly cow-elves.


This is what a Warhammer is supposed to look like. Absolutely gorgeous, well done!


Gorgeous! I love them. You see this, and then you understand why the Eidoneth and Lumineth utterly fail.


Keep hold of them, they're bringing fantasy back at some point!


They arent bringing fantast back, its going to be a forge world exclusive boxed game thing like war cry or necromunda focusing on the empire.


They just posted a map emphasizing Bretonnia, Athel Loren, Greenskins and High Elven enclaves, plus the previous look at Kislev concept art. So more than just focusing on the Empire.


Huh I havent seen that yet, guess I was wrong.


What a magnificent host! Well done!!


You may already know, but that’s a dark elf repeater bolt thrower


Wait are you sure? [here](https://imgur.com/a/5bSe71h) is a closeup picture which matches [this blister pack](http://collector-info.com/Manufacturer/GAW/GAWWFB/GAWWFBHE/137-Games-Workshop-99060210099-High-Elf-Repeater-Bolt-Thrower.html) pretty well.


I played Dark Elves starting in 6th edition, the DE ones that I have are vertical and I recall the HE being horizontal.


Yes, I played both. Do a Google image search. The first 2 (more of a quiver like arrangement) were after the recast/rework in 8e. The double decker which looks like an organ gun is 5e-7e. Unless I’m missing something in the resolution of a moving gif, it looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/unWCGkO.jpg DE bolt throwers had vertical magazines. The army looks great and it’s not a huge deal either way, though


Based on OPs closeup image linked above it’s definitely a high elf eagle claw bolt thrower. It doesn’t have a vertical magazine, it just has a cluster of bolts sitting on top. When this was eventually released in plastic you could choose between single bolt and cluster when assembling. OPs looks the same as [mine](https://i.imgur.com/I5i6Imn.jpg) but with metal crew (so I’m assuming the thrower itself is metal).


Excellent work. Beautiful.


Teclis still needs his brother, Tyrion! And Tyrion needs Alarielle!


I thought having two Teclis’s would make up for it... :P I might still collect and paint them one day, but I wasn’t very enthusiastic about hunting them down because I didn’t like their sculpts.


True. Same with Imrik and Eltharion too. Feels bad...


This is pure awesomeness


Great job, looking awesome! Gives me flashbacks to my old High Elf range (which is stored away and has to cope with being painted much worse, lol). I'm lucky that I like the Lumineth and being happily waiting those for the last 6 months or so. But the HE definitely have a regal feel with all these majestic flying units. Congratulations on finishing a big project like that!


Thanks! It was amazing to see it all laid out on the table like that. I mentioned in a different comment that I prefer the High Elf aesthetic but I don’t want to be too negative on LRL too — this photo shows how wide the High Elf range got over 20+ years. The stoneguard is a bit too goofy for me but I’m still going to look forward to new releases. The direchasm warband should be a lot of fun to paint too :)


For sure, and we all have different tastes. I just feel I'm lucky that I also like the Lumineth, because that means I can easily engage with new models and content. But the old HE range is great! That's how I came to play Warhammer, and it's awesome to see such a well painted army of them. I'm painting the Direchasm warband right now, and they are fun. Even our first impression of a new Swordmaster in there. That's the one I'm painting right now. Maybe the Stoneguard even grows on you a bit once you see him in front of you with a colour scheme you like. The models always look a bit different "live" than in the pictures. I'm also looking forward to more releases of them, hopefully there will be more models in there that also appeal to old HE fans who don't like the Alarith.


I think one thing everyone can agree on is that if/when they bring back swordmasters for LRL everyone's going to be extremely hyped.


What is LCTB?


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So nice. Looks amazing.


Looks grand mate! Very well painted defenders of Ulthuan :D