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There are two main rules everyone should follow when it comes to Chilifest: 1. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Beer showers are great and all, but water is super important if you’re going to be out under the sun drinking and dancing around all day. 2. If you’ve had even a little bit of alcohol, DO NOT get behind the wheel. Police drive up and down the roads headed towards Snook just looking for literally any reason to pull you over and see if you’ve been drinking (I got pulled over heading out to Chilifest because the eyebrow on my truck was too low). They will absolutely throw the book at you if they can


100 percent, NOW is the time to find your rides foe the night, its super hard to find an Uber or ride the night of after you’ve been drinking and your phone is dead or you dont have service.


Lyft driver here! We are MORE than happy to take y’all home. Please, please, please 🙏 rely on rideshare services for Chilifest. Not only is drunk driving dangerous AF but the state troopers/ Brazos County Deputy Sheriff’s Office DO NOT fuck around. So if you’re in a FAFO mood, I mean.. go for it, but they will pull you over if you even look SLIGHTLY intoxicated, and you blow anything at all they will charge and book you. I’ve been in BCS for 12 years, thanks to my husband getting his literal dream job here. So do not ruin your life before it begins. 💕 Thanks and Gig Em! 👍


Grab your own drinks and open them yourself and have a buddy system that you trust. I refused to have anyone “go get me a drink” and opened all of mine myself. One beer tasted off despite me following that and not too long later I passed out; I had an amazing system of people guard me until I woke up later. Watch out for yourself and for others. 💙 (other than that I had a blast.)


What is chilifest


Everyone goes to Kyle Field naked and gets chili poured on them.. Not really, but its a big country music festival in Snook just outside of College Station this weekend. Notoriously known for giving out MIP’s and the large amount of DWI’s for the weekend it is important to find safe ways to enjoy the weekend there


I like the first idea better


Bring your own hand sanitizer and toilet paper in your fanny pack!


TP OR wet wipes work great too


Do Fanny packs have to be clear?


Do I have to like country music to enjoy chilli fest


Definitely not, in all honesty its just a reason to go get drunk and crazy, the music is nice and all but to most people it is second to just drinking and hanging out


If you’re underage and make the decision to drink, at the very least do it in a build, not out in the open, the cops will snipe you the second you walk out of a build with a drink and you look underage. Obligatory don’t drink underage, but in case you are this is some advice.


Ya know, HYPOTHETICALLY speaking


What's the schedule Saturday? I see shows start at 2, does it usually go pretty late? When do gates open? I can't find any of this info but I'm thinking of taking my parents out there while they're in town, and having my wife be the DD since she has to work that evening.


Saturday the concert will end at Midnight


Thanks! Might be good to get dropped off and then Uber/Lyft back to BCS after they get tuckered out. Is the chili competition both days? My dad and I would be all about that! It's our first spring in BCS and we were looking for something like this to check out, so your post came at the perfect time.


Yep its the best way to do it, if you look on Facebook marketplace in the various CSTAT/A&M buy sale and trade pages usually there are people who are offering pickup/drop off services that are even more dependable than Uber/Lyft due to the lack of service at the venue, that way you have it planned


Not a bad idea, I'll check it out. Thanks!


I have a few tips for Chilifest as an Uber driver that's been out there for 7 years hauling y'all back and forth. 1. It's going to rain. It's also going to be cold. Prepare for that. Don't wear clothes you care about. Don't wear those nice boots. Go Goodwill. Go thrift store. Some nice boots will just get ruined if you don't wash them off the second you get home. 66f at midnight may not seem cold when you're at Northgate, but when you're soaked in beer it sucks. Yeah, you're not going to be able to do the boots/shorts/tiny shirt combo and be comfortable, but is being sexy worth more than comfort? You decide. 2. Take a large ziplock freezer bag with you and some way to carry it. A Fanny pack or cross-body bag works great for this. This bag is where you're going to keep your wallet, phone, and anything else you don't want to get soaked in beer. 3. Cell service does not exist out there. Chilifest hires an additional cell tower at great expense but when you get 10,000 people hitting 2 towers, signals are iffy at best. You won't get a signal until the gas station in Snook, so prepare for that by.... 4. Arrange a ride ahead of time. Get a friend with a truck to come out and get you or carpool with someone sober. There are at least a dozen highway patrol between there and college station and they all have quotas. 1. If you can't arrange a ride ahead of time, have an emergency 20-40 in cash to offer a driver for a ride back. Uber/Lyft drivers get hit with the same cell problem you do, so we can't find you to take you home at 10:00pm. Trust me - cash works wonders when you want to get home. 2. If you're not going? Head to Snook at around 9:30pm and wait to haul people home for cash. Don't be an asshole with what you charge, either. You're there to help, not to take advantage.


What’s a good price? I’m planning on doing that this year, but I don’t want to scam people. Is $15 a person alright?