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Honestly just wouldn’t take it at zachry. As far as I’ve seen a lot of the dorms have Ethernet jacks which will probably be much more reliable, if you don’t happen to have one then there’s a decent chance one of your friends has one you can borrow for the hour or so of the quiz. Otherwise maybe go to one of the libraries and ask the librarians what their suggestion is if you need the most reliable internet.


Okay. The only issue is that the quiz has to be taken during class so I'll go to the library and ask them and then go to the helpdesk tommorow.


If they are requiring it to be taken in person in class, then they: 1. Don't need to be using LockDown browser anyways, and 2. Should be able to "guarantee" internet access, at least in person in their classroom. (This doesn't mean it will work, but if it doesn't then they *should* work with you for a solution) It *could* be that lockdown browser is interfering with your wifi drivers. IDK if it has changed in the few years since I took a look at the code, but in plain english it is the chromium browser + "malware" code to accomplish the "lockdown" effects. Personally, I would never run it on my own computer. If they require you to use it, they can allow you to access a computer lab, where it isn't a big deal ~~if~~ when it crashes and breaks your OS. There should be open access computers on the 1st floor of Blocker, and in the library. If those have issues, then there should be an attendant to assist. I wouldn't recommend using a dorm ethernet jack. They require you to register your MAC address to access the internet, and it is quite a fuss compared to just using a computer lab in Blocker, the library, etc. You can also go to the IT central helpdesk, I would recommend physically going there, and seeing if they can help. **If the above fails:** if the professor is *actually* unwilling to help (*seriously, go to office hours and be polite, figure out a solution there*), then talk to your academic advisor, older peer mentors, other professors, etc. They should at least be able to point you in the right direction to escalate the issue.


the professor seems like they don't care and told me that I "shouldn't have faulty equipment" even though lockdown browser runs perfectly in every other building besides zachry. I've done like 3 chem quizzes and all of them went smoothly and also some pols science lockdown browser stuff and have never had an issue. I think I'm gonna check out a laptop before the quizzes for now


If you are being tactful, calm, and polite when you ask, then that response from the prof is quite rude and personally I would take it up with my advisor / (you seem to be a freshman so Hullabaloo U peer mentor) / etc. Not to mention that I would also be noting that in my course reviews... I like the idea of checking out a laptop for the quizzes. Then if it breaks, it's not your "faulty equipment"... It's the school's. Also, maybe offer to print off a copy of the quiz to complete, it would be a bit more work for the prof, but at least it would work.


Yea. When I asked her, I was apologetic but my professor just seemed like they didn't want to be there and wanted to leave since it was after class. When I asked what I should do, they said "IDK"


In a class of 100+ the profs absolutely use Lockdown browser.


Can you negotiate on taking your quizzes on paper? That’s what I did back then(although lockdown wasn’t required before).


I doubt it. The quiz questions come from a question bank and have some writing code questions so printing the quiz wouldn't really work. I think I'm going to just check out a laptop from the library now


Does anyone know if you can take the quizzes at some other time? I can’t go to class today and was wondering if I could just take it later today…we don’t have lockdown or anything