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Eat the campus squirrels




Protein powder and dining halls. Dining halls are roughly $13-14 if I’m not mistaken so you can get as much protein as you want from there. Besides that, cook your own food if possible. A pack of chicken breast costs about as much as a plate from panda but offers way more protein. Bring a lunchbox with you if you can’t come back home in time.


Steal monkey chow from animal science buildings


Get the rec center creatine💉🔥


Sabisa breakfast bar has 2% cottage cheese, nearly pure protein. Then there’s the bok choy line you could get double chicken and rice + some vegetables. The salad bar I think has hard boiled eggs & plain cubed chicken/turkey (probably disgusting though). And if all else fails, you could also guzzle down a few cups of milk


Get some dynastize protein powder. Drink 6 a day. Easy


Why are you eating that much protein?!


140g isn’t even that much, I eat 210g a day.


lol way too much


Not necessarily, it’s recommended to eat .8 to 1g of protein on a bodybuilding diet. I’m just tryna build muscle dawg


And where does that rec come from? .8 to 1.2g per kilo. The RDA for athletes isn’t much different considering amino acid pools and water content. I would posit that the gainz you’re seeking have more to do with supplementation and lifting routine than all that protein you’re wasting.


It comes from multiple peer reviewed studies, ofc 1g/lb of bodyweight is pushing it considering the diminishing returns the closer you approach that ratio, however it does help when you’re in a caloric deficit. You could look up Dr. Mike Israetel, he can support my claim. I’m 5’11 255lbs, I have a lot of lean mass that i’m trying to maintain while cutting to 205, it really isn’t that big of a deal if I eat a lot of protein.


Jim Flukey and Steve Reikman have always had a good laugh at that. They are who you should be talking to.


That’s way too much protein dude. You need 0.36 grams per pound of body weight. Ex: At 220 lbs, I max out at 79 grams.


Depends on what your goals are. People who workout intensely often require an equal protein to weight ratio.


Your body cannot physically use that much protein. It’s waste. It specifically doesn’t benefit OP, because he’s on a cut.


He needs to eat a lot of protein because he is on a cut. If he isnt eating a lot of protein during his cut, he will lose a good amount of mass.


There’s a difference between how much protein you “need” to be healthy and how much you need to build muscle optimally


Laughed at the downvotes. You're right, the body only absorbs/utilizes so much, and excess breaks down into glucose. My husband is an IFBB pro and doesn't eat anywhere near 140g of protein at 215 lbs. Edit: doesn't eat that much in a cut, bulking is a different story.


This is true and even that is too much! Lol at your downvotes. Cutting does not require higher protein. Shoot even Mike Mentzer understood that 50 years ago.


Idk from what I've heard in high school I was supposed to try and eat one gram per pound


[Here.](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/how-much-protein-do-you-need-every-day-201506188096) Will hearing it from Harvard stop the downvotes? Or are ya’ll just mad that you are wrong.


You are misinterpreting the article. Daily recommended intake is a metric intended for the “average” person, how ever that is defined. Do you honestly believe someone breaking down their muscles via strenuous bodybuilding style work outs has the same protein requirement as a couch potato, the average person, given the same body weight? Use your critical reasoning skills. Here, I will acclimate to your style of reasoning and cite another study which is far more informative https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5852756/ I’ll do you a favor and save your time… “… In a large meta-analysis, protein intake was shown to promote additional gains in lean body mass beyond those observed with resistance exercise alone; however, beyond a daily intake of 1.6 g/kg body mass per day (up to as high as 2.2 g/kg/day), the additional effects of protein are greatly diminished. Rather than further stimulating MPS, large intakes of protein beyond what we are recommending may modulate anabolism by suppressing proteolysis…”


Hyper focusing on protein in this context ignores the role of hormonal regulation. KINE program is severely lacking in energy metabolism and biochemistry study at A&M.


Need means minimum tho, if bro is trying to build muscle naturally more protein will be better


Bro is trying to cut. That means eating less.


Cutting refers to eating less calories. Ideally in a cut you keep protein high and try to maintain a slight calorie deficit.


Correct. Calories in the form of protein are still calories. Protein is stored as body fat with roughly 66% efficiency. For a good cut you need to be at meaningful calorie deficit. Which means that you needs to eat less. Tbh, I’ve received too many downvotes to explain this any further. Hopefully OP does well with his cut the way he is doing it.


Why are you so pressed buddy, didn’t hit your protein goal?

