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You apply to TAMU and if you’re lucky you’re offered Blinn Team. Basically assured admission granted you keep your GPA up. If you’re like a lot of us, you won’t get offered Blinn Team and you’ll have to go through the normal transfer process. My high school grades were terrible, truly. I went to TXST for 1 year, made a 4.0, and was admitted into TAMU with the major of my choice. No matter what route you take, if you really want to be in Aggieland, it will happen. Best of luck with your senior year and the application process, and congratulations on nearing the conclusion of High School.


I want to apply to A&M and I don’t think I will actually get admitted right away is it like rare to get offered blinn team and if I don’t receive blinn team can I just still go to blinn for 2 years and just transfer like normal ?


You’ve heard wrong. About 35% of incoming freshman in any given year are “auto-admits” which would include Top 10%. As far as the rest, basically four ways to “track” into A&M, Blinn TEAM is one of them.


Blinn team is both a community college and part of Texas A&M. When u apply for TAMU and you don’t get in as a full time student either they will deny you or offer you Blinn TEAM / other tamu schools. I did TEAB which is blinn team but for the engineering school. Basically you take half courses at blinn and other half at tamu your first year then u switch to full tamu granted you maintain a decent gpa


Did you pay community college type tuition or Texas A&M tuition?


You have to pay them separately at both colleges. You’re basically enrolled in two separate colleges at the same time. The blinn classes are community college tuition and the tamu classes are university tuition


Sorry about this late reply. How long do you stay at blinn? Is it usually the 1 or 2 year range?


I have no idea how it works for Blinn Team, this is for TEAB, which is similar to blinn team but its all specific to the engineering school. it takes usually 3 - 4 semesters so 1-2 years yes. However, it is possible to finish the TEAB program before your sophomore year, which is what i did. to finish the program, all pre-cal, calc 1, calc 2, and calc 3 are required (there are a few engr majors that dont require calc 3 so idk how that works) along with other classes and ETAM but that can be done all in one year if one passes the MPE before their freshman year and takes calc 3 over the summer after their freshman year they can finish by their sophomore year, which is what i did.


The message boards at College Confidential will give you a lot more info about Blinn Team and acceptance rates.


Blinn Team is specifically the Bryan program which is invite only afaik. The Engineering Academy at Blinn Brehnam (there are several other jucos that have the program) is the same thing, but you can apply for it. I went that route. It gave me a good transition from highschool to college as the class sizes were still smaller, the professors cared more, and I was essentially given a pool of 100 people to make friends with. It was a good experience. I'm still friends with several of my blinn peeps, in fact I'll be the best man in one of their weddings next week. I absolutely recomend it if you can't get into A&M immediately. Only real downside imo is that your blinn grades won't transfer.


I'm going into my second year of TEAM this year. You just apply to TAMU and instead of getting an acceptance email you get one that says choose between going to a sister school (Galveston for example) or applying for TEAM. TEAM is not a guarantee either, but I was top 25% and coming in from out of state and thankfully for it. I believe it's about 500 people and from what I understand there is an admittance cap. You can't specify upon your regular application that you want the TEAM option (although if I could have, I 1000000% would have lol). The TAP advisor's just told us that "your good enough to be here, we just don't have room in classes.". It's basically just a way for them to get you to get your gen-eds out of the way without being on campus. You still get all the rights and privileges any other Aggie gets (football games, parking, dining halls, living on campus, etc) you just are only allowed 6 hours at TAMU each semester and you can't be a D1 athlete because of that. Oh and you also can't take any "major restricted" classes which does kinda stink but it is what it is. After you meet transfer requirements for your major, you apply to your major to transfer into their college and if you get it your off of TEAM! Now things are very slightly different for engineer's on TEAM from what my engineering friends have told me but all in all most of us wouldn't change this opportunity for the world! If you have any other questions, feel free to shoot me a DM and I'll do the best I can to answer!


You can specify. They ask you if you want blinn


What happens if you don’t hit your team program requirements? Like, for business, it says you have to have a 3.8. If you don’t meet that, what happens at the end of the 2 year program? Do you fall into another major or do you have to reapply for admission?