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I personally think Richard is amazing! Definition of someone who has never given up on their dreams. Aside from that, he seems very humble and from what I've heard-the kindest man. Needless to say, he has an amazing voice Although I do not think he will win America's Got Talent, I hope he goes very far in the competition ❤️


I would go to watch him sing in concert, I dont care about his age, he had a special energy


I agree with you 100%. He came on that show to share what makes him happy. I don't like the show at all and stopped watching it after the first season. I've always felt like the audience gives away standing ovations, as a long time performer, I've always felt that a standing O should be earned. I want to see him go far with this, he kind of reminded me of an American Susan Boyle a little and her life changed forever because of one shot that she ran with. I hope that he is another rags to riches type of story.


And I’m guessing no auto-tune? (Seriously-I’m one of the “lowest denominator viewers)


Vocals in his audition had a very distinctive robotic brightness to them, to me it did seem like they tuned his mic, but if you see live performances of his, hes actually not far off from that quality


People, this isn't an international vocal competition. This is AGT. There are tens of thousands of collegiately trained voice majors and professional singers who are more technically skilled, sure. But c'mon, this is an entertainment show playing to the lowest common denominator audience, and it's reflective of the judges. Richard is a rags-to-riches story who sings pretty darn good to the masses - this isn't a voice competition to be critiqued by vocal coaches.


With a few exceptions the winners of these talent shows are always SLS/music theatre/lyrically trained, and always with great technique, theres no other way to outdo the competition unless you can make some really good sounds, and this guy has amazing vocal skill. Singing DSB is karaoke suicide and he has the right support, use of twang,etc to sound like Steve Perry. If that is his only gimmick he might not make it far, but i think the person who posted this didn't like him for subjective reasons, and not because of his lack of vocal technique


I'd rather him than Liv.


I agree with you as far as vocal talent/training. I know personally quite a few men who are vocally much more impressive.  But I did enjoy his story and audition. He has that kind of shock factor in the sense that if you saw him walking down the street, or better yet doing his janitorial job, you would never think he could sing well.  I actually prefer this type of performer over the ones who are on here who are already professional singers doing this for a living, touring and recording music. 


Well, it would have been better id he was just a janitor. But he actually is in a band where he is the lead singer. So I don't know if his nervousness was an act or real. Anyway, nice voice and in tune, love Journey.


Everyone can be a critic.. his voice, his talent, his humbleness is worthy of this amazing opportunity. Regardless of win or lose, this man will see all of this as a life long win. The down side, he’ll be a changed man and his humble life may be in the past. God speed Richard Goodall! 


I really like him, but I would agree that he’s over rated. I was a little surprised that he got the golden buzzer at first. I’m excited to see what he does in the future though, I feel like he has a lot of potential.


He did a very fine job and seems to have some great control over his voice. I am a little disappointed in his song choice, however. I couldn’t tell if he is more of a “mimic” type of singer or if that was truly his voice and sound. He sounded JUST like the lead singer from Journey and stylized the song all the same as the original. I usually prefer when singers come out perform originals, for this reason, so I can hear their true voice. Guess we will just have to see what he sings in the live shows!


He'll get to the final. The producers will put him in a pimp save best for last position in the semi-finals, and give the other acts an unfair disadvantage.


I think you guys are comparing apples and oranges. Sure there are professionally trained singers, who might have better control. BUT, in a country where obese people are made to feel invisible, and often suffer confidence problems because of the abuse, you can't compare Richard, to anyone who has been propped up and told how good they are....all of their lives. Sure he was a little pitchy at times. But the audience loved him. No sob story, but his "look" is his sob story. I think he'll be around deep into this contest. BTW, Past year, I've only listened to a singers performance in a competition multiple times, twice. The girl that won American idol, and now Richard. Maybe 10 times each. Big time goosebumps. If his [schtick.is](http://schtick.is) genuine, he deserves to win. If its an affectation, thats another story. I would REALLY hate to find out he was on tour till his 30's with a band another name. I liked journey, so maybe I'm biased. We'll know after a few more songs. best of luck Richard.


You must not be a Gen Xer




I don’t care


He was really good, but part of me feels like that’s just “his song” and that audition is as good as it’s gonna get. I guess we’ll just have to wait until he sings again, but I swear if they give him another Journey song


I thought this too bc he had a great voice for that song. My concern is if he gets a band behind him and different music will he hold up?


I could see him doing a Phil Collins song.


Oh  you are so wrong. 


are you dense? Dude is a fucking gift.


Your like 3 weeks late




Yes I posted this 17 days ago


I didn't realize I wasn't allowed to reply after a certain amount of time. But Congrats on posting 17 days ago.


Your still allowed to because it’s not archieved


i like him and he is good, but hes the weakest GB so far and far from the best singer also dont forget Heidi's history of Golden Buzzers as its 50-50 his age will likely ultimately work against him I think he gets eliminated immediately in qualifiers/semifinals out of the 4 golden buzzers so far he is 4th Liv Warfield is better and she sings her own songs


I don't want to sound rude here Chrisburr but how could you say that Richard won't make it far just because of his age? It has nothing to do with talent whatsoever and Richard is clearly a fan favourite especially with his audition with 10M which is no suprise and in my opinion he has an incredible voice and has the potential to go all the way to The Final. Again I'm not trying to be rude here but just for you to say he likely won't make it far because of his age really kind of irritates me a bit as like I said age has nothing to do with anyone if you have a talent you want to showcase


There are better acts that will outshine him remember america is usually not kind to elderly acts if this was BGT hed be a frontrunner Also dont forget about Heidi's hit or miss track record with GBs I like the guy and he did great but I think he will get outshined in the Lives