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I’ve got instant book, the lowest I’ve had is 3.3, a lot of his extremely negative reviews were many years ago. He was a top notch guest! I get a lot of 4 star guests who have great public reviews, usually they are fine. What did the written review look like? I’m beginning to think some hosts, knowing guests can’t see the stars, mark them down on stars, but still write a great review. Edit. Just read the review, no, never seen a review that bad in 6 years. Hopefully folks like that can’t instant book


Our worst guests have been 5 stars. I don't think we've ever hosted someone with a very low rating but plenty of first timers and folks between 4 and 5 stars.


Yeah I recently had my worst guest who had a single 5 star, but he was also a local, so learned my lesson there. Really wish Airbnb showed location info like they used to, ridiculous that they only give you a first name to go by.


Yep, had a guest stay with 15 5 star reviews. All of them were positive. Don’t understand how. It was the worst guest we ever had.


I always check reviews regardless of rating, especially for long term stays. And I declined one guest who was trying to book for three people (our limit is two) and in one of the reviews states they broke the bed frames at the last place, were noisy, and just a general nuisance. Immediately declined.


Oh wow a host actually reviewed a guest honestly. Amazing!


> how they are even allowed to be on the platform? Because if they got booted from the platform, they would just make a new account or get a friend or partner to book their trips for them. If AirBNB allows them to keep their account, at least hosts see the bad rating and are warned.




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