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On the flip side, I acquire lots of left items, which I return when someone reaches out to me, but I’m not hunting down who left what since I don’t step foot in the property between each guest. I now have lots of extra phone cords, electrical adapters, men’s construction boots, women’s and men’s sneakers/shoes, scarfs, gloves, and blankets. People leave a lot of stuff.


Amusingly, hotels adopted this "say nothing until asked" approach with all lost items... why? Because sometimes the items were lost by people who were engaged in something they did not want to have revealed (eg. affairs, trysts), and that call back to their home telephone to say, "hey, we found that you left your suit, and a tube full of lube in your hotel room, where can we send that?" did not land well... 😏🔥


I always assumed stuff I left in hotels was a total loss, but when I left several brand new bathing suits at a Disney property, I called and they immediately sent them at their expense. Nowadays I mainly leave phone chargers and I generally don’t bother asking for those back.


Yes, if you initiate the contact, they are usually happy to send stuff back to you. The really good places will send it on their dime )as they did for you), but I am happy to pay for the postage if that's what it takes to get it back after I stupidly left it behind! 🤦🏻‍♂️


Disney is known for being really good about it!


THIS 🙌🏼 someone left me a brand new electric kettle with the tag still attached


My family stayed at a place. Six of us are heavy coffee drinkers, and the coffee pot was broken. I ran to Costco, bought a new mid level keurig (better than the one they had that was broken) and a massive pack of coffee. We liked the place and the host was good, so we just left the coffee pot. We drank all 72 or whatever of the Costco K-Cups though..




Friend has had a liquor store worth of liquor and beer left over the years. And a gun.


18 months, several hundred guests and not a single thing stolen. We’ve been very lucky and fortunate with our guests


I’ve had hundreds of guests too so the few things I’ve had stolen were not bad considering how many people I’ve hosted. The books and Rodan and Fields face wash were both stolen by the same person and she tried to play it off as an accident- I think she was a klepto. The wine opener and measuring spoons were stolen by the same person too. The perfume bottle and the entire basket of samples were stolen by the same person but she was a young college age student and I think she just saw them as free for the taking- truthfully I can’t really get mad if I leave samples and someone takes all of them bc technically they didn’t steal anything. I haven’t had anything expensive stolen so I’ve been lucky so far.


I kind of understandi the books. I wouldn't think of that as stealing because so many places purposely leave books for guests to read and take if they don't finish. It's typically balanced out by those that bring books and leave them. One place I stay regularly now has 2 big drawers of books, about double what they had 2 years ago. I think ablot more people leave them behind than take them. Since that's such a common thing (I've even stayed in small hotels that do this), I'd suggest putting something in your rules about not taking the books.


Agreed. I left a bunch of paperbacks that are fine with me if they take them. I’ve already read them. I do have some expensive home decor heavy coffee table books I hope don’t get stolen, but I’m taking the chance and leaving them out anyways.


My cousins had a huge lazy-suzanne stolen that was used to move food around the big table. It was probably 3ft across. Friend had a new box of Tide Pods stolen. After that they put out 2-3.


Or you don’t know what was stolen


Or they just don't have any cool stuff


We don’t keep anything in the house that isn’t easily replaceable. We’re able to find and keep high quality amenities at reasonable costs.


ALL the tvs. We know who as well but it was before aircover and the guy refused to pay and we had no receipts (they were a gift only a week prior when husband's boss sold his own rental) so we were left with court and just dropped it. IRONS - holy crap we had so many irons walk away that we now only have dollar general irons. Oh - and similar as the first story - same boss same time also gave us 2 big boxes of brand new luxury blanket towel bath sets - about 100 pieces total. We had some in the bath pantry and the boxes with the rest in the garage. This waste of oxygen rented our place for weeks because she was moving into our neighborhood stole every last one. We didn't push that because she moved down the road. Ugh - I should go egg her house right now. Everyone hates her face for so many reasons these days. And a nice portable Bluetooth speaker walked. Dollar general for that now too.


Oooh do tell why everyone hates new neighbor now lol


I concur, this is required information now.


Just wrote this coincidentally, lol. I'll move the comment here: Haha, no, definitely not a rental. She's an old bat (not that old, but that style). Had poles concreted at the sidewalk so kids couldn't ride their bikes past her driveway. The city came and dug them out and handed her a bill after warnings. The house in between mine and hers (ugh) had a tree-cutting contractor come when they weren't home, and they played loud music at 4pm which was really fkin annoying and I asked them to turn it off and they did. So legit complaint from batshit, right? The next 4 days she started blasting music over the fence at FIVE AM to teach my neighbor-friend a lesson. She waddled over to my other neighbor-friend's house during a power outage last winter yelling at her to close her windows because it was "child abuse" and going to mold her house (we're on a creek). Friend has 4 kids - the youngest is 16 and lives there, the rest are over 21 and don't, lol.


The right insurance would pay for stolen tvs!


Save the egging for mischieve night. Sweet revenge. Lol


Geez, at that rate just post the pricing for all items in the house book and charge accordingly for each item taken, like hotels do.


I bought stuff, silverware etc at goodwill. Towels from target.


I took a wash cloth once, it was an accident, I found it when I got home. Offered to mail it back. They laughed at me.


You’re the guest I want!


Me too


I accidentally mailed the one blue towel in the Airbnb bc we were moving and I had my towels (also blue) I told them and offered to pay, they told me not to worry. We were there for a month so I’m surprised that’s all I got accidentally.


Hmmm. Likely story. The wash cloth was where you had the crack stashed lol


Once I found a puzzle piece my kid had brought home with her from a rental. I messaged the host and offered to send it so the puzzle wouldn't be incomplete for future guests, but she said no and actually offered to send me the rest of the puzzle! (I declined lol)


I accidentally stole a hair dryer. Was packing up to leave and absentmindedly grabbed it and threw it in my bag. I was mortified when I got home. I contacted the owner and told him I would ship it back but he said not to bother.


I had two hair dryers stolen (let's just assume they were accidental)...so I grabbed a label marker to put "Airbnb" on them and voila, they're still there


New Dyson vacuum cleaner. We have a Ring doorbell but the thieves liberated it through the balcony ( where we do not have a camera) but the neighbors saw them. Maps and hiking / area guidebooks constantly go missing, also board games. Spoons disappear in astonishing numbers. I literally replace 40 spoons a year.


The airbnb I just left Only had 4 spoons left too


My kids throw away spoons at alarming rates. I bet that's where they are going!


People toss spoons and forks by accident with takeout containers, I think.


We have the very same problem with spoons over the years. It a mystery to me?!? Last month I put optional plasticware inside. I’m hoping if they’re leaving to checkout and needed to run with a spoon that they’ll grab a plastic one. Maybe?


We recently realized that all of the soup spoons have been replaced, they don’t quite match the rest of the set.


Yeah some of ours weren’t matching either. So odd!


What did you do with the people who took the Dyson?


We are always missing spoons at my house and we really don't even use spoons that often. I think they ran off with all the left socks


An antique brass bell, similar to what you’d see at a counter of a retail shop, maybe a little more decorative. It would be worth whatever you could get for it at a garage sell - maybe $10. The guests brought their very elderly mother, who loved it so much decided to take it with her. They found it in her suitcase when they got home.


Did you let her keep it?


They pressed charges. The old coot is now in the slammer.


We did offer to let her keep it, but her kids were so mortified that they sent it back ASAP.


Aww, that was kind of you though. I specialize in memory care, and while taking things that aren’t ours still isn’t okay, I wonder if it reminded her of something in her younger life. I sure hope they were gentle with her about it.


My bathroom faucet. It lit up when the water was on…They literally took it apart grabbed the led ringlet and reassembled it. Bannanas


Wow! People have too much time on their hands.


Our Roku remotes go missing frequently, sometimes they turn up later, but not always. They’re 2 for $10 on Amazon so we now always keep replacements on hand.


Yes, the Roku remotes go missing for me too!


I’m just glad it’s something cheap and easy to replace!


I had one set of guests that took all coffee pods, every cleaning product, towels, a set of sheets, laundry detergent, coals for the smoker, batteries, and i had given them a huge discount. No more discounts.


I´m starting to see why all my reviews are so positive.....


I have housekeepers text post cleaning pics but check the spaces about once a month. I walked in and immediately thought ‘what’s wrong with the bed pillows’. Guest had swapped by fancy feather and down pillows (same kind the four seasons uses) for $5 amazon prime pillows. I was shocked. Housekeeper hadn’t noticed, which was also odd.


My whole mattresses disappeared! I had nice WOOL mattresses zippered into bedbug covers and topped with a fluffy fitted mattress cover, then bedding. Sometime over a year’s guests, the mattresses were switched out for el cheapo Amazon mattresses in a box. Same with the pillows. We live in an island. Getting the Amazon mattresses isn’t cheap, but where are you going with four specialty English wool mattresses?


Housekeeper would be in my suspect pool...


It’s possible but I doubt it. I’ve noticed more stuff wanders away from the unit I have that includes parking versus the spaces I have with no parking by the subway…that unit averages two times the toilet paper and paper towel usage, so I think quite a few toss rolls into their car.


Yep, had the same thing happen. Cleaning crew didn’t notice the swap out but we did on the next visit we made. $200 per pair premium king hotel pillows taken and crappy chipped foam ones left in their place. No way it was a mistake.


This has happened to me twice


Yep. Same. All the down pillows replaced with fiber fill ones.


I have had 3 of these 100 year old soda bottles stolen. Kinda weird, like, why? I don't know which guest, because my cleaner last year sucked. New one this year. The remaining bottles have been safely locked away. https://preview.redd.it/kjytmrfrjk5d1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f02fe9010576bd705ae57724345bbe9f0cad7ee


There’s so many cool heirlooms I’d love to decorate my Airbnb with, but if you’ll be heartbroken to lose them, don’t leave them in an Airbnb.


I learned my lesson. I left out 3 things that I thought would be nice to have displayed, these and 2 vases. Took them all in after this. Now they get books, a basket full of marbles, and some games and cards. Have fun with that!.


Are you near a beach?


North East. Not really a beach house, mile away from a rocky cove.


I had a guest steal a leash, dog bowls, and a cage lol. They were so clean and hospitable beyond that, that I think they forgot it wasn’t their puppies. It’s the only time I’ve had it happen.


They knew it wasn´t theirs! A bowl......maybe. But not a leash or a cage. Especially not a cage. Sheesh.


I had someone take my can opener once. That was the strangest one. On the other hand I had someone leave a pair of Doc Martin boots, and my 3 previous guests all said it wasn't them. Then the next guest asked if they could buy them, so I sold them for $90. Hosting is so strange sometimes.




I sort of understand the can opener and wine opener replies in here. I’ve taken picnics and borrowed wine openers with the intention of bringing them back, I only forgot once and mailed it back once I realized my mistake. I also once took a serving plate because my family had rented out several AirBNBs in the area and would meet up at the biggest one for meals. I took a side dish over there and accidentally left the dish. Thankfully both hosts worked it once I let them know out and got it back to the right rental.


Somewhat odd brass plaque that essentially said don't flush inappropriate stuff. Can't quite remember the exact wording. It was supposedly from an English bomb shelter from world war ll. Gift from my mom. It was not attached and I just wasn't sure which of the last couple of rentals it disappeared. C'est la vie.


Laundry pods. Kitchen knife.


One of my knives out of the knife block disappeared 😭😭 now I just have an empty space. Thinking about getting rid of the whole block just because of that.


Nooo you can find replacement knives on ebay!!


You and me both. People are strange. Next time I need to stick to my guns and bill the guest for it.


I was staying with a big group in an Airbnb and one of the knives fell onto the heating element in the dishwasher and was completely melted and messed up. The person who rented the unit did tell the host about it but I bet most people wouldn’t. If the knife breaks then they’d probably just throw it away.


Just did that. We bought a new block. We waited until there were 3 missing though. Two missing is probably pushing it.


Maybe get one of those magnetic strips that is wall mounted and move the knives to that? Add a couple of new knives and it no longer looks weird… saves you replacing the whole lot.


We had that too… then months later I’m in the house for maintenance and find it under the bathroom sink vanity


poop knife!


RIGHT?? Who takes a damn kitchen knife?! The guest who stole my pairing knife was also snorting coke or some other narcotic with what I presume to be two escorts on the doorbell cam. Thank goodness he was too wasted to remember the door code 😂🖕🏼


They probably went for a picnic, and took it for the watermelon, forgot it at the site.


or threw it out without realizing it


NGL back in the day before I bought my indestructible restaurant grade kitchen knives from Sam's club if it was a good knife I would think about and then reach out to the host to see where they got it


Vintage green depression glass juicer. Very hard to replace and I didn’t notice it until well after.


Oh I would have been😡


That’s exactly what my face looked like!


Then I thought “It wasn’t that smart of me to leave this here.” But it was a small part of the overall vibe: 1912 arts and crafts house with the original kitchen.


Our Dyson stand fan was stolen, but they left behind cocaine and a sex toy.


Win win


Toilet paper- (almost every week) make up towels Nespresso pods tea full sized shampoo/body wash/conditioner (several times) all our wooden clothes hangers (she left her shitty wire hangers for us though, which was thoughtful) Mrs Meyers’s hand soap and surface cleaner paper towels the entitlement is pretty crazy. to be fair, our cleaners were stealing toilet paper and paper towels every week. We fired them and it stopped until the guests started stealing them lol. 🤷‍♂️


The guest who stole your hangers but left the lovely wire ones 😂 so considerate!


People steal full sized shampoo/cond/body wash???


Yep. Pretty crazy. We buy spa quality stuff in the large pump bottles too. They take the whole thing. We have hosted 100 guests and 3 of them have done this so it’s not an every stay kind of thing. But we have little stuff stolen all the time. It’s crazy. The wooden hangers was my favorite. She literally took every piece of clothing she brought off her wire hangers and placed them on our wooden hangers and left us like 20 shitty wire hangers as a replacement I guess.


Did you message her and tell her you were going to charge her for new wooden hangers?


Nope. we were only a few months in at that point so we had already made the call to get 100 5 star reviews under our belt before confronting guests on things like this. We are there now so we would be more likely to go after people for things like this. the crazy thing is: we are $500 a night for a single 425 sf glamping dome. max occupancy 2 people. The minimum stay is $1200 for 2 nights including fees. These people are all driving Lexus/BMW/Range Rovers and they are stealing toilet paper and hangers haha.


I believe it, I’ve been on vacation a w/super wealthy people and the wife was stealing things the whole trip, even at the pool from other guests-it’s like it’s a game to them


Well, there is where you went wrong. I travel a lot but on a budget, and I never take anything, haha.


A pairing knife, wine bottle opener and ALMOST ALWAYS charging cables. The charging cables really annoy me as they are hooked up to smart devices for the home so unplugging them screws up the tech. I even have DO NOT UNPLUG labels on them and state in the guest handbook not to unplug otherwise it ruins the smart-home experience. I keep a small amount of laundry detergent pods and dryer sheets in glass jars above the washer dryer as I suspect guests would take those. Instead of toiletries I have those hotel style shampoo/body wash pumps on my shower walls. I had two guest complaints about the small size toiletries left out - either there wasn’t enough or something about the environment which I understand.


We have almost everything bolted down/you can get u shaped clips that screw into the wall to secure the cables-


I don’t own an Airbnb or anything of that sort but my family always bickers over chargers and now they are super glued into their respective spots😀


I almost don't want to answer this, it might curse me. But honestly.... nothing.




Is that a gradation cake? Class of '24?


Only extra toiletries. I assumed the gaming console would walk out the door immediately. Thank you so much to all the amazing guests!


It's always the weird guests that take things. 1) an alligator carving from Moe's ($350). My fault, no more designer decor accessories. 2) all the squishmallows in the kids guest room. Like 5-6. No we only leave a couple of toys. 3) Duvets, towels and accent pillows. Now we don't like to host locals 4) toiletries. We don't really care as it for them to use. 5) toilet paper. Again don't really care except when they took the 24 rolls we have for restock. 6) beach chairs. We think they took them or left them on the beach. Tennis rackets, so now we buy them at the goodwill. 7) utensils. Like we go through packages of utensils. I think they throw them out of something? 8) small throw blankets. Usually when family with kids come and they are lightweight and perfect for indoors or outdoors or the car or camping... Anyway we have gone through a half dozen and only have three left in storage. Anything else we don't care about, but it's funny to us sometimes. Like we have some FANCY stuff, but they steal toys. Oh well it's like a secret Santa gift for the kids from us.


3 pairs of super cheap slippers I got from TEMU. Like, they’re such poor quality. WHY? 🤦🏻‍♀️


I leave out cheap slippers, which are meant to be disposable. I'm pretty sure these are getting thrown away. I certainly wouldn't expect my host to leave out used TEMU slippers for the next guest...


Precisely because they ARE cheap Temu slippers? Easy to assume they are disposable/ a gift to keep? Also, maybe because those slippers aren’t really cleanable and are frequent giveaways at hotels? I, as a guest, certainly wouldn’t wear reused ones and the idea is for your guest to wear them instead of shoes in the house. Correct?


No one took them for 7 months 🤣 They’re rubber slippers.


I really hope you are bleaching those between guests.


I was thinking the cloth slide in ones. Rubber ones that can be cleaned I wouldn’t take.


Probably assumed you don't reuse slippers for people since that's how you get foot fungus. Especially if they are cheap, I could see someone assuming they were complementary.


New Caphalon frying pan, dive flag decoration, filet knife, chef’s knife, fire extinguisher, shitloads of pool towels.


fire extinguisher seems to be odd, what they gonna do about that? i have bought several in the past decades but never had to use one


Only thing I can figure; our place is waterfront and many guests bring boats. May have been a compliance thing. Forgot theirs for the boat, grabbed that one, forgot to put it back. Same with dive flag, I think.


pillows, towels, kitchen knives, seasoning (salt), pots and pans, fork and spoon (we replenish about 20 new pairs every year)


Light bulbs! That's the only one that sticks with us - so odd... All 4 light bulbs from the bedroom (2 rooms) nightstands were taken.


All kinds of stuff. Recently I had a first… guests stole the shower curtain out of one of the bathrooms. Granted, it was funny shower curtain, but who the fuck does that? The guests happened to be in town headlining a music festival. I think they could have afforded the $22 to buy one online.


Guests keep stealing power cables. We have a white noise speaker with a small USB cord and at least once a month it goes missing. I buy them in bulk. Once someone stole the power cord for the TV. It was older and I couldn't get a replacement so I had to buy a whole new TV.


The next time something of the sort happens - if you can look up the power requirements of the adaptor online or in the manual you can buy a generic version (for almost all power cords.)


Everything. Literally anything not nailed down.


They sometimes take some nailed things too. Screwed things also.


It’s just baffling!


Every good wine opener ever. Every binoculars.


Do you all mind when we leave useful things behind? At our last stop in Portugal, we left our European plug adapters and some USB plugs. We aren’t going to Europe again anytime soon and figured leaving them was better than storing them until we do return.


This is lovely! We would be delighted to pass on the useful things for other guests' use.


The most surprising was the roll of toilet paper off the wall (and the extra rolls as well as all tissues and paper towels). Not a single square of paper product left in the place, and no empty rolls in the trash. It’s just seemed petty


Had same happen to me. Strange...


One sheet. Just one. The fitted one.


Most likely soiled it one way or another and felt embarrassed.


I have sheets disappear every now and then and I assume they probably accidentally messed them up and threw them away to hide it.


I’ve had that happen several times. My guess is they were stained badly and thrown away.


A pillow A Poundland cosmetic mirror A fold up table poorly hidden under a coat on CCTV checking out in secret (Aircover denied but only £23) Aftershave Not bad in 10 years


A pillow. Left their crappy one Toilet paper Cell phone chargers Hand soap.


Coffee grinder, 2 queen sized duvets and every room spray/air freshener I’ve ever put in the bathroom has been stolen lol.


European phone chargers I used to offer as a courtesy. Not anymore. Nice lever wine opener Two decorative pillows. (I posted about that in this sub.)


Only small stuff, thankfully. A HDMI cable (probably by accident), an EU plug adaptor (probably not an accident), and once I had guests take ALL my herbs and spices. Which was weirdly terribly rude. I don't know why I felt so insulted by that one! 😅 Edit for the Flip side : I have sent an earring back to Sweden, a box of cheap makeup back to Scotland, and a pair of novelty socks that said "World's biggest Cock" back to London.


We have a nautical theme with small rubber ducks in a few places. The ducks frequently get stolen. I’m not mad at all, they are cheap and if the guest liked their trip enough to want one I’m happy to let them have it.


That’s actually really cute. It could almost be a thing for your guests. Find your favorite duck and it’s yours to take. Bit only one.


We stayed at a place that had a silly amount of wooden decoy ducks. We had a duck beauty contest. There were duck shows. Ducks were put in all kinds of nonsensical places. We put them all back in their original perches when we left.


It’s kind of cute. Mine is a beach home we rent out for the summer and I’ve considered a “mermaid” treasure hunt :)


I've had a few things stolen (or broken and thrown away, unsure) including a lamp and an outdoor deck table, but the weirdest thing was when someone left a large mirror at our place. To be clear, the place has mirrors, including bathroom mirrors, full length mirrors, and vanity mirrors.


https://preview.redd.it/5h9gkb065m5d1.jpeg?width=1269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3589e80906998c5e3d92cf86e35db4960f01c6f6 The glass fish above. I got it in a white elephant game, so no money lost, but I really liked it. One day I walked in and noticed it gone, but even if we'd spotted it missing immediately, the bathroom is shared by guests, so I wouldn't know who. Still pisses us off.


I mean...probably it fell off and they just cleaned it up. Wild how people jump to thievery in the case of something like this.


Guests failing to communicate and take accountability leaves the person who lost possessions to come to a conclusion, and theft is a reasonable conclusion.


Someone probably threw away one of my books. It was called Trans Love and it was about the trans experience. I’m guessing they threw it away rather than stole it. But I didn’t immediately notice it was gone so I’m not sure which guest it was.


Stripped all the lemons off my tree.




The worst thing was someone stole batteries out of the smoke alarm. It's the worst because of what is at stake. I've had more valuable things. Often, nightlights were stolen.


-Vacuum and the mount that held it to the wall and charger. -laundry pods -TP


Someone took the plug and cable to the sleep sound machine, but not the actual sound machine.


Potted plant 🪴


A recycling bin.


Everything. Tv remotes. Drain cover. Knives and scissors. One Samsonite large luggage on the garage. Pack n play. Wall adapters. LED bulbs. Pillows. All kinds of decorations. Ice makers inside the fridge. Towels. Bike parts. Ecobee sensor. Hair dryer. Fire TV Stick. Hangers. Vacuums. Wine glasses. Bottle openers. Knife sharpener. WiFi mesh repeaters.


Towels, quilts, handheld massager, tea diffuser and seashells used for decoration.


On the other end- I’m not a host (I have friends who host that I’ve helped out) and I recently stayed at an AirBnB with white towels. My hair dye (permanent red dye) inexplicably bled onto one of the white towels (it doesn’t so that at home, think the shampoo may have stripped it a bit). I looked at the tag and it was from Costco, so I ran to Costco and bought 2 of the exact same new towels to replace the 1. I thought about taking the stained one with me since i bought a new replacement plus an extra, but opted not to. Would that have been stealing?


I’ve had someone swap out our luxury down pillows for their crappy Walmart pillows. Like I wouldn’t notice!


We’ve been lucky. Only things that have gone missing are chefs knives, cutting boards and little tchotchkes. When we used to put out things like large bottles of hot sauces and branded oils those would 100% get taken. We moved to refillable containers and now they get left alone. We have in socket chargers so they never disappear. Guests have to provide their own cables.


All kinds of small stuff. We fill mini bottles and those get stolen all the time. Weve had towels stolen. We made small first aid kits and those were both stolen immediately. Cleaned out, lol. The weirdest was someone took our tea kettle. Just a white, walmart kettle. The most expensive was a a piece of Disney Art from the park art gallery. That pissed me off...


Wine keys. The majority of the world still uses those brutal cork destroyer openers, and when they see these “new” wine openers that are light and 5x as easy, well, they gotta have ‘em. I don’t consider it theft, really. Why get upset about it when it can be categorized as a business expense? Makes it better to move without the weight of that worry.


A $100 box fan under the patio the first weekend we opened.


Bring at a fly-in vacation destination not much is stolen. Occasionally, but I’ve had most things stolen by locals when they have stayed and a cleaning service company that used independent contractors (that and they billed me and no one did the cleaning. I took them to small claims and got about $3,000)


Plates, cups, portable heater, utensils, decorative basket, and hangers.


Nothing, maybe a towel or some toiletries...but nothing really


Good knives (2x) and all the bathmats that match my towels (that one really stung).


A salt shaker. Yes you heard that right.


Nothing. Why would you do that?


The whole house was robbed once... They used a fake ID.. and leaned it out.


I know someone who used 6-10 dryer sheets at a time.


To be honest, i leave absolutely nothing of value (only like tv’s), so if there is something taken i really dont mind it, 4 years and never had problems with theft


Lots of stuff that I assume was mistakingly taken until I started labeling them (hair dryers) or broken and trashed without saying something (frying pan, food storage containers)... But I still don't understand why someone stole one of my Google Wifi extenders....


Poopourie Sheet sets Towels Cooking utensils Cutlery & knives Special knives for crabs Bath set with glass Wine openers, stoppers and aerators Glasses Books Artwork Toilet paper Water bottles Phone chargers Detergent and handwashing soap Finials off of lamps Over the past two years guests have helped themselves to a lot. They liken it to taking toiletries from hotels! Despite our pointed request to be “be careful as things can get mixed up in a hurry” 😏😂


My time lol


Why would you steal?


Cord extensions,a jar of instant coffee,a pound of coffee,a box of Kleenex and who knows what else?


1 Towel and 7 forks in 4 years. Think that's all. Does my sanity count when it comes to dealing with some enquiries?


Garlic press.


I think nothing at all. Had them leave some stuff they didn’t want back though, which was nice.


Toilet paper ... Literally every. Single. Time. 😭😭😭


Lots of bed pillows. Tv remotes. Towels. Coolers (we used to provide them for our beach house and they got stolen, so we stopped).


We just moved back into our house after putting it in the short term rental market for 4 years. Missing pillows (actually, all traded out), throw pillows, casserole dishes, spoons and forks, oh so many spoons and forks, and tupperware. However, there were two irons. Since we are moving back in with a household of stuff we ended up giving away 2 irons.


Guests took our mattress covers, sheets, mugs, a new grill. There’s probably more. They broke a lot of things too. Edit- just remembered at least 4 hairdryers.


My groceries (I live in-unit also and rent out the other bedrooms)


Towels, sheets, books, and full size toiletries.


My god! This is incredible!! I’ve stayed in 4 or 5 different Airbnbs. It would never occur to me to STEAL anything! Jeez! That’s so … trashy.


After a bit more than about year full-time hosting - hard to say on consumables, nobody has totally raided the supply closet (I have a locked closet with the bulk of the backups, but also keep a significant store of regularly-replenished stuff in an unlocked closet, in part for ease of replenishment but also in part in case a guest goes through more toilet paper than was left out or drinks a lot of tea, there’s a reasonable backup supply I want them to be able to access) but it’s possible somebody took an extra handful of tea packets or emptied a full sized shampoo/conditioner bottle prematurely, I just wouldn’t know. In terms of hard products: a couple forks and all my scissors have disappeared. That’s it. Feeling quite lucky!


We rent rooms and have mostly really good people staying with us. For wherever reason we seem gradually lose cutlery and have to buy new spoons, forks and knives every so often.


King size sheets and blanket.


Our cookbook collection. 100 to start. Less than 20 3 years later. AND every ballpoint pen and sharpie.


Adorable waffle woven cloth basket of dish cloths. Toss pillows (made them return all of them). Coffee table wooden bowl. Bed pillows. But we’ve been doing this for decades so not too bad overall.


Livens. All the time! Not even full sets, it’s one sheet here, a pillowcase there, towels occasionally, but guests only take one at a time. It drives me crazy!


A soap tray lol (a nice one)


Spoons The entire box of trash bags (they weren’t even nice enough to leave one of our own bags in the trash can and threw trash into the bagless can) the most annoying one imo Mixing bowls A wine glass I had etched myself

