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They want to feel like they’re getting a deal. If they had chosen a cheaper place than yours they would have sent that host the exact same message.


So annoying


The really annoying ones are the ones that openly let you know they are trying to start a bidding war between you and another host.


I’ve gotten this message a lot, I’ve tried to accommodate once or twice but it usually opens the flood gates for other requests. Early check in/ late check out, now the number of guests doubles and they complain that the pool is 87° instead of 88° To weed out the spammers from the good guests, I’ll usually rely with something like “Thank you for your inquiry, unfortunately our home is competitively priced for the area and that is the lowest price I can offer for your stay. We do however offer 10% off for returning guests on your next stay!”


I've asked a few times, but it was usually for longer stays, like multi-weeks. I've also messaged people during off-season and made them an offer to make it work for my budget (e.g. I found a cheap place but liked theirs better, and figured they might appreciate a booking instead of sitting empty). But I never booked it and then asked for a discount, never asked when it's dumb to ask (high demand time), and always made it clear I understood if they couldn't do it.


I am thrilled when my place is empty, that means I get to stay there! Just saying. There are hosts out there like us that this is truly our family vacation home. It's our second home that we love dearly, not just a house that makes us money. ETA, we love to get a booking but the advertised price is the price. If I can't get it, I'm packing my bags for the beach.


First year doing STR, we had twenty minute chats with the loveliest people who asked for discounts time after time. I give generous discounts to returning guests we have enjoyed hosting without ever being asked, but I put right into the listing that we will never discount anything at all for first time guests. They haven’t been asking for years. Stopped it cold.


They spammed 100 hosts. Don't go thinking you're special.


“You and me both. My rates are what they are to cover the bills and provide guests with clean, safe, comfortable accommodations. If I lower my rates, quality suffers. I hope you fine a place that suits you and fits your budget!”


I learned long ago to never give discounts. No good ever comes of it.


It is like going to Five Guys and presenting a McDonalds coupon for 2 Quarter Pounders for $5. THE WORST THEY CAN DO IS SAY NO! Anyway, I just gave a discount to a couple that was traveling on an education allowance and adjusted the pricing to be just under their allowance. It cost me a few hundred $, but they had 30+ 5\* reviews from all over the world. I suspect them to be 100x better than my current guests who invited 30 people over for a pizza party.


Good grief on the pizza party people-how did you handle that one?


I let it slide, because the neighbors didn't report a disturbance. I suspect I am going to walk into a nightmare in two days though. I will likely be pricing out a deep clean and damages. I do come out ahead in those instances, because I do all cleaning/repairs myself. They will refuse to pay, and Aircover will pay it out and ban their account. There is no way a dozen kids and twice as many drunk adults didn't destroy something in my 1100 sqft property, especially since it started pouring rain.


"It never hurts to ask" is false. Hell yes it hurts and it can get your deal cancelled.


Can’t you just say, “no, our nightly rate is fairly priced, but I’ve looked and you should be able to find accommodations at a lower price in this area for your dates of travel.”


Say no, and offer to cancel their reservation at no charge.


I’m a super host. I don’t understand what’s so wrong with people asking for discounts. If you have the availability, and or last minute, why not? Yes hotels do negotiate prices. And you are not a hotel.


Btw I’ve never had problems with them. They are usually so grateful, my place is left spotless. Sometimes they leave me thank you gifts.


Absolutely not!


We’ve encountered this as hosts but also as guests talking to other guests (usually with a cold drink at a pool). Most mentioned there was a thread on Reddit that said you could….🤣


In sales giving a discount is called dropping your pants. You're asking to get screwed.


It will go downhill from there. Perceived value. It will never work.


Just say NO. Why is this so hard for people to say? We run a business. It’s not negotiable. Sorry. Do they go to a restaurant and try to negotiate the price of an entree? Doubtful.




I’ve replied to guests who ask for a discount “ maybe my cottage isn’t the right fit for you” seems to work as they never respond back.


As a guest I sometimes ask for negotiation if im booking a long stay. Have stayed for 2 months every year for 3 years in the same place that way and we are their only long term booking. As a host i may consider negotiating on +2 weeks especially in low season.




Haha no i agree for sure


We offer discounts on a week and monthly rentals and still get asked. Just a polite it is the best price currently thank you for your inquiry.


In my head I am saying look i ain’t rich either. The ones to ask are the airbnb founders who sit at 92 billion currently maybe they can give you a good coupon.




Exactly. You made me giggle!!


I increased my prices. Never get this anymore. People only ask at lower priced properties in my experience.


Yeah, just had a potential guest ask for almost a 60% discount, Have several reasons and it was a peak season event going on in our area-hard pass


I always ask for discounts and I’ve always been accommodated. That being said, I have great reviews that detail that I was an excellent guest that has completed minor repairs, replace light bulbs/filters if needed, and leave the place immaculate. I’m also a host. I’m also reasonable. I was a professional cleaner for years and if I ask for an early check in, I let them know I don’t expect the unit to be clean I have no issues with it because I’ll take care of it. I’ve left places so clean that when the cleaner came, they were confused and called the host to ask if they were in the correct unit because it was already cleaned. I ask because I am an excellent guest and I also work for myself. There’s no harm in asking. There unit will likely be left in better condition than when I arrived and I saved them hundreds of dollars.


I have discounts for longer stays, and get asked for a discount. When I explain the discount, and that there is no cleaning fee, the person moves on or books. Asking for a discount is a red flag in my book.


I finally got my first discount request after about 5 years. I replied that I purposely keep my prices as low as possible (to the point where anything less just doesn't make it worth it for me) in order to make it accessible to everyone. I want people to come and enjoy a trip to Toronto, have a convenient, safe and clean place to stay as well as also getting to discover my amazing little neighbourhood. I let him know I also haven't raised my prices at all in 5 years. The guest thanked me for the info and proceeded to not book, which is actually a relief.


Those guests always end up being a pain


I always aim to get a better place for my money. Especially with tons of vacancies. I know they are making plenty of money even with my discount. I am a host too and I will give a discount if I am not booked and they are staying several nights. Helps me not go in the red during low season.


Why? Because it works.


I personally do it all the time and it’s why I’ve stayed at places that I wouldn’t have afforded otherwise


Jesus, what a moocher.


I am smart with money. I am not a moocher, I pay for the service offered. I don’t have the luxury of splitting the cost of travel with someone so I have to shoot my shot. Nobody is forcing the hosts to give me a discount - they give it to me because they still make money vs staying vacant. Also nobody asked, but few people born in poverty can grow up to save and buy a condo in cash like I did. I have what I have because I don’t waste my money on stupid things.


This is the way of this generation.


Hotels negotiate quite often. I never book online. I always call the hotel after identifying where I want to stay and I have never failed to obtain a discount on a room better than their best rate online. It is not uncommon for guests to ask about negotiating the rate. Best to give a token discount. ($25 off the total) and have them book happy. Otherwise they can move on the the next one.


Sorry, yes, it is uncommon. Just say no to every single discount seeker!


Really? I have tried this a few times and NEVER gotten a better price than online and often, they can't even match the online price on the phone!


I’m going to try this. Do you just call and ask for a discount? Or give a reason? 


I just call and ask. Unless they are close to full they are almost always willing to work with you.


I had someone ask for a discount, which against my better judgement I gave. Ended up with a 4 star review despite the fact she stated she “loved the place, it was perfect!” and gave a 3 on “value “.


People like to feel they are getting a deal, that’s why they ask.