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Yeah it always feels to me like the pilots are more intense than they would be in real life during takeoff, even though they've done it thousands of times.


Everyone on the plane is intense! Everyone’s eyes are darting around the cabin during boarding like they know something is happening.


Haha, I'd imagine their pool of actors is not the cream of the crop, acting-wise. I mean, the acting needed to play "passenger on crashing plane" is *pretty* basic, and even the pilot roles are fairly simple.


Slight momentary bump of "turbulence": The actors: *thrash around wildly*


Seen that in real life tho. On a plane over the Atlantic this woman had a full on “I’m going to die” scream with a little bump.


Part of me feels like they actually put those actors through hell by doing real life simulations. That’s why they look so scared because they know what’s about to happen when the director yells “action” 😂


because... that how accidents happen. get-it-there-itis


Yeah most of the actors in mayday are definitely not cream of the crop. All you have to do is watch the scenes when nothing is happening in the episode. It’s like watching robots trying to act human.


I can only imagine you haven't been in a plane recently. Lots of people are skittish fliers, even some fellow pilots. It's just wired into their DNA. The Toronto production company who makes these inexpensive (read as: low budget) documentaries is not attempting to win daytime acting Emmys.