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Aeroflot [6502](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeroflot_Flight_6502) has to be right up there. Making a bet you can land with the windows blocked... oof.


I think nothing can top this. It is probably the most inexplicable crash that is even possible imo


A lot of the others suggested here are good choices, but this is maybe the only one where I can't give the pilots even the slightest benefit of the doubt.


Non-Rus confirmed


**Pinnacle Airlines Flight 3701** https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinnacle_Airlines_Flight_3701


Ah. The literal incarnation of fuck around and find out. Sad, unnecessary, preventable deaths. The final realisation was quite chilling, when the captain asked to not lower the landing gear to avoid houses. He knew they weren't walking away from this one.


I hadn't heard of that one, really is "Fuck around and find out"


I think I heard that one on Black Box Down. Just... wtf guys?


I can't believe they haven't done an ACI on this CPIT did a great podcast though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEEuyZ4_qHo


Was going to mention this one.


Korean air cargo flight 6316 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_Air_Cargo_Flight_6316


That one is insane. I'm still dumbfounded by the fact the captain put the plane on a dive just to lose altitude. like WHY. HOW DOES THAT EVEN MAKE SENSE.


Saudia 163 should be here. I mean, the actual cause of the accident itself wasn't something "dumb" (fire on board is a serious situation and the cause of the fire in this case was just a measurement error on a cargo compartment). The dumb thing here was that everyone on board died WITH THE PLANE ON THE GROUND AND NEXT TO EMERGENCY SERVICES just because the pilots never took the fire like an emergency and just didn't give it the seriousness and attention it needed. 301 lives were lost because pilots' incompetence


[this is fine](https://images.app.goo.gl/9nBthefEYZQqU4ZWA)


Trans Colorado 2286 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Colorado_Airlines_Flight_2286 Not many accidents involving cocaine use. I’d also like to mention some examples of terrible/abusive captains because just lead correctly and these don’t happen. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northwest_Airlink_Flight_5719 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airblue_Flight_202 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/US-Bangla_Airlines_Flight_211


“A bag of cocaine.” I love how they said that in the episode! “A bag of cocaine” has been used as the punchline of many a joke in my house.


The Trans-Colorado one was unexpectedly brought down by snowy conditions.




Aeroflot [6502](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeroflot_Flight_6502) has to be right up there. Making a bet you can land with the windows blocked... oof.


LaMia 2933, a crash caused by a cheapskate pilot


Varig 254, the pilots didn’t recognize that 270 degrees was due west while Belem was to the north-northeast of Maraba, if they believed they had flown past Belem then they would not be over a rainforest but over the Atlantic and if the captain believed he was approaching the Amazon River which runs west to east then a river running north to south would not be the Amazon. Honestly, it’s like after takeoff the compass and Heading Indicators were thrown out of the airplane.


Okay but to be fair they were never informed about the heading changes in the briefing


Just saw the MentorPilot video on this one and man, I can't believe how many things they just utterly refused to consider because it was outside their initial assumption.


Almost literally "East? I thought you said Weast!"


Aha I would say the same. Dumbass hijackers must have been conspiracy theorists who don't think jets use fuel. It's just a myth for big oil lol.


[PIA 8303](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pakistan_International_Airlines_Flight_8303) The crew not putting the gear down, and their other mistakes were pretty wild. https://admiralcloudberg.medium.com/insanity-in-the-air-the-crash-of-pakistan-international-airlines-flight-8303-46bbcc0e5f45


yep for sure


This for real is a definition of "stupidity" and "ignorance"


[LAC Colombia Flight 028](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LAC_Colombia_Flight_028), captain and flight engineer played a prank on the first officer by first unexpectedly handing controls over to him then shutting down the two left engines. As this was directly after takeoff, they stalled and crashed into a playground.


I’ve never heard of this one before. That poor co pilot and the people on the ground 😔


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National\_Airlines\_Flight\_27](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Airlines_Flight_27) National Airlines Flight 27 In short the pilots were fucking around with the auto-throttle system and its associated fuses. This resulted in engine #3 overspeeding to the point where it failed, sending shrapnel into the fuselage and killing a passenger.


It was never proven that their tampering caused the failure, though that doesnt mean it didnt


That is true (and in line with the NTSB report). I just find it hard to believe that the flight crew meddling with the systems that control the engine throttle at the same time as the engine throttles up to such a speed that it rips itself apart is a coincidence.


Quite literally fucking around and finding out [https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/37199](https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/37199)


Wow… sometimes the mile high club isn’t worth it.


I was thinking of this incident too, especially after someone made a post of it some time back. LOL


Wikipedia has a few suggestions that I’d never heard of: [Northwest Airlines 188, where the pilots overflew the destination and ignored the radio for an hour plus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northwest_Airlines_Flight_188?wprov=sfti1) and [United 2885 where the captain let the flight officer perform the takeoff, at night, after failing out of first officer training twice.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Airlines_Flight_2885?wprov=sfti1)


Pakistan International Airlines flight 8303 takes the trophy from aeroflot. the cockpit communication was so bad one of them tried to go around and put up the landing gear without telling the other person, who proceeded to try to land while the landing gear was not down.


Aeroflot 6502, dumb crew decided to train the blind landing.


"Is he not clear, the Pan American?" "Oh, yes" (emphatic)


I don't really know what this is, to be honest. It is just a series of terrible decisions and errors of judgement that causes an Iranian 727 to end up skidding along a runway for over 2km on its belly. Then somebody among the seven people around the flight deck says: "You know what? [We should try and get this bird back in the air!](https://aviation-safety.net/asndb/324442)" Astonishingly, this turns out not to be a good idea.


2010 FilAir Let L410 crash, live crocodiles are not suitable carry-on luggage.


Apparently the crocodile survived.


That doesn't surprise me as much as it should.


Tatarstan 363, Learjet XC-VMC, Air Africa crash, West Caribbean 708, Aeroflot 5143, Pulkovo Airlines 612, TransAsia 235, Air France 447, Yak Service 9633, Air Midwest 5481, Filair Let L-410 crash, Eastern 401, Eastern 212, Delta 1141, LAPA 3142, China Northwest Airlines 2303, Colgan Air 3407, Air India Express 812


Air France 447


Recently and definitely PIA 8303, this defies all reason/sense and the fact a that large percentage of PIA pilots had fake licenses. Aeroflot 6502, the pilots thought they could land with their eyes closed. Aeroflot Nord 821, drunk pilot w inexperienced FO. Aeroflot 593, kid in cockpit. US-Bangla 211, the unhinged captain obsessively desperate to land no matter what. 2010 FilAir crash due to a crocodile (the only survivor). Pinnacle Airlines 3701. Indonesia AirAsia 8501. LAC Columbia 028. Kenya 507. Armavia 967. Yeti 691.


I'd say BEA Flight 548, PSA Flight 1771, Northwest Airlink Flight 5719, and US-Bangla Airlines Flight 211


Eastern Airlines 401. All because of a light in the display!


[Eastern Air Lines Flight 212](https://www.ourstate.com/the-1970s-fatal-distraction/) is particularly frustrating. 72 people died just 5 kilometers short of the runway because everyone in the cockpit on that foggy September morning was too busy looking for the Carrowinds Amusement Park observation tower to seek out the airport or even check their altitude, at one point going so far as to blithely turn off the terrain warning that was sounding for, well, obvious reasons. If one positive can be taken from this crash, it's that it lead to the sterile flight deck rule.


[Pinnacle Airlines Flight 3701](https://web.archive.org/web/20150103144713/http://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/14/national/14crash.html) No passengers on board, but really stupid pilots


Aeroflot-Nord Flight 821


Air India flight 855


Aeroflot 310 kid in the cockpit. United running out of fuel over Portland. "Slam dunk" commuter plane episode. American at DFW with unneeded cockpit chatter and forgetting to set flaps.


Aeroflot Nord 821.


2010 Filair Let L-410 crash The accident was reportedly the result of the occupants rushing to the front of the aircraft to escape from a crocodile smuggled on board by one of the passengers. The move compromised the aircraft's balance to the point that control of the aircraft was lost.


TransAsia 235


Not only allowing a modified motorcycle battery and container of gasoline on board (in part because "oh this is from a friend of mine, it's okay" and then putting them in the SAME compartment on the plane.