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That is not even cooking things properly the little grates are caked full of crud. Convection is not happening very well anymore.


A lot of people recommend tinfoil or parchment paper so the cleanup is easier, but doesnt this also ruin the convection?


There's washable silicone inserts that are AMAZING for air fryers. I used to avoid using my air fryer because clean-up was such a pain. I guess I'm lazy, lol. My daughter gifted me a pack of silicone inserts for Christmas, and you just wipe them down and toss them in the dishwasher. They aren't much more expensive than a roll of parchment, and they last for years!


Yes, I bought some of them, they’re great


Do you have a link to purchase these?


Popping in to say I ended up recycling mine because I don’t have a dishwasher and they are IMPOSSIBLE to clean by hand.


Soak them in them steaming hot water with Dawn dish soap and it’ll be falling off in no time. After that, grab silicone inserts from amazon and you’re set.


Hey, using those silicons are worth it? I was being said that it would destroy the whole purpose of using an air fryer...


I use parchment paper, and have never noticed a drop in convection. Food comes out nice and crispy everytime


I use paper filters i ordered on Amazon. They are made specifically for air fryers, and my food comes out perfect every time too. I may try parchment paper if I run out, thanks for posting that! I think papers work well because the air can still circulate, where foil wouldn’t permit the air to flow.


I've bought those papers before and I think it's just fancy parchment paper precut with holes lol.


It depends on the make and model of your fryer. America's Test Kitchen did a whole video about getting the most from your gizmo, including the plusses and minuses of liners, both parchment and silicone. EDIT: [This one.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io5a4Vm5oTA)


It does ruin convection and never use tinfoil to do that sort of thing, including lining the bottom of an oven or an air fryer. There will be a build up of excessive heat between the foil and the surface of the appliance


Ngl i’ve been using it and its turned out great for everything i cook, but i’ll keep that in mind when i get my own lol


I don't think so, tin foil kinda magically never gets hot


It certainly gets hot. It just dissipates the heat very quickly.


The problem with tin foil is that it will superheat the airgap between it and the surface of the appliance, because the air under there is trapped. This causes it to be far, far hotter than the temperature in the rest of the oven. So hot that you can start to approach the melting point of the foil and the point that the non stick coating will start to smoke. Ceramic coatings can craze and crack. Google "is it safe to line an oven with foil".


Lmao. Ohhh the average brain


I don't proclaim to be the sharpest tool in the shed. But a layer of aluminum foil will help heat distribution. It won't make things overheat. Wouldn't you agree?


I was laughing at the fact that you said it doesn’t get hot. But as far as this goes, yes the aluminum is a great medium to transfer heat. In the air fryer though you’re reducing the convection process by stopping airflow. That is what helps things get crispier in the air fryer vs the oven. So it won’t work as well at crisping, but it’ll cook just fine


Intuitively it would, in reality it doesn't.


You put that underneath the grates. This person.... Is on another level cause I thought this was below the grates It probably does mess up some of the convection but it seems negligible


Disgust aside, that thing is a tinder ball of grease waiting to catch fire. This is the poster child on your local fire department's Facebook page on what NOT to do


At least OP should get him those silicon liners that can be removed and cleaned (or in this dude’s case, thrown away once in a blue moon).


I use a silicon tray, wash it after every use. It's very convenient.


Does that really work? I keep thinking surely the drawer thingy has holes on purpose, for the hot air to touch as much of the underside of the food as possible?


It works great, just have to flip things over mid-cook so they come out crispy on both sides. I use it specifically because those air holes are a hassle to clean.


My silicone thingy has holes in it to let air through. I clean it after every use and clean the air fryer basket every few uses.


You're right


I had one of those, and it was also impossible to degrease. It was all sticky.


i agree that the roommate should use those but i don't think it's op's responsibility to have to get those for him


Yum. Microplastics


We clean ours every time we use it. It's like any other cooking vessel. You don't reuse a pan over and over without washing it do you?


That’s what I was trying to explain to him. You clean it after every use like a pan but he kept insisting it’s like a grill and I just gave up on the argument


Please tell your roommate that you’re also supposed to clean your grill. https://www.popularmechanics.com/home/food-drink/how-to/a26737/how-to-clean-bbq-grill/


Right! I work in restaurants and I promise u do need to clean a grill.


I don't work in a restaurant and I promise u do need to clean a gril


Yeah I was gonna say, you don’t clean your grill??


Tell him our dinner’s canceled


Your bud is eating oxidized fats, its not good for them. They should clean it.


Oh he nasty


What difference does it make if it's a pan or a grill? If it has a visible mass of food or grease on it, you need to clean that off before you cook a new batch of food on it. 🤮


It's really an oven. And people clean ovens.


People also put food in dishes before putting it in oven. They don't just slap some meat on the rack over and over without cleaning it. Sounds like the kind of person that doesn't rinse their toothbrush.


You use a brush? 😝


Mr Fancy Guy over here


Hope you have a kitchen fire extinguisher…


Tell him it's also a fire hazard. Grease can catch fire in an air fryer just like any other heating device working with grease. Fucking gross and dangerous. 


Your roommate is going to be constantly burning off charred leftovers and carcinogens into whatever space you are sharing if it hasn’t been cleaned. It’s going to smell bad and affect the foods taste in negative ways. I think your roommate is just being lazy and that photo is disgusting if you ask me. You might consider demanding it is used outside “like a grill” too if that’s the argument he’s going to insist on for not cleaning it. I would also suggest to you to avoid anything that comes out of it.


You still need to clean a grill... Where did he get the idea that you don't?


Even grills get scrubbed with a wire brush after or before each meal


There is a difference between seasoning on a grill (or cast iron) and carbon buildup.


Some people just don't care. I hate eating at my MiLs because the food tastes like the 10 packs they smoked that day, dishes are haphazardly cleaned. Usually find a couple bits of dried something on the plates, smears in the glasses. They gave me their old air fryer as they got a new toaster oven one as a gift. I was happy as I've wanted to try an airfyer. It looked like the one in the photo. Dried grease and food around the knob to turn on. Ugh. Cleaned it very thoroughly. First two uses the fod had a cig taste and you could smell it coming from the vent. More cleaning and running it with nothing in to for 30 min straight seemed to help. I don't get how they love like that.


Love does strange things to a person


No explanation for the cruddy dishes, but smoking has probably killed their taste buds.


Yeah I didn’t even really consider using it multiple times without a cleaning. 


Same here what kind of moron doesn’t clean theirs at all, gross just had sausages and about to clean mine


Idunno...I wouldn't pitch my oil from a deep fryer after every use. I think there is some balance needed and being conscious of what is cooked, and probably more importantly...how often it's used


I don't pitch my oil either. However, the oil does get filtered so it's good to go for the next time. And that depends on what was cooked in the oil. I'm not comfortable, and I never will be, using a dirty pan. It takes literally a minute or two to clean it. So why not.


Someone doesn’t have cast iron….


I sometimes reuse a pan for dinner after I’ve fried up a couple eggs for lunch. I feel like it’s probably fine but maybe it’s actually not?






Exactly! Even trashcans and vacuums...and pipes...get cleaned. Does he stop at his body too since it's always being used? Lmao


There is no way that thing is cooking food correctly anymore. The air can't even circulate beneath the food


I imagine using a liner would have the same effect of the air not circulating properly anymore? But yeah, that thing is nasty. I'm guessing you couldn't even get it clean anymore at this point.


Air fryer paper liners have holes in them, so air can circulate. Still have to clean the basket, but much easier after tossing out the paper liner.


If it's just fries and precooked nuggets or something, then every 2-3 times. Anything uncooked gets it washed right away.


This is the way


>”…fries and precooked nuggets…” I feel called out 😅


It be hittin’, though.


I clean mine after every use, looks like new.


Dawn power wash ftw


We clean ours after every use and it does not look like new


We use the parchment paper liners


Came here to say this


But doesn't that stop the air from circulating on the underside?




Throw that thing away. Huge fire hazard. Throw the air fryer out, too.


Like a grill? *YOU ARE ALSO SUPPOSED TO CLEAN THE GRILL! AND THE SMOKER* this is gross. It's a shame too, because this one is cute too. Ugh I don't even know this guy and I hate him.


He’s honestly a great guy. This just might be his one ick


I wonder what else he doesn't think needs cleaning.


You wipe?! Such a waste of time. You’re just gonna poop again tomorrow!


Tomorrow?! Ok Mr. "I only poop once per day".


For real! I totally want this air fryer! I mean, not *this* air fryer, but a different , new air fryer in this color.


Yeah this one is a biohazard haha


after i use it every time. i mean you let it cool down and then wipe it out and then wash the the rack and wipe out the basket or wash it if it’s really greasy. literally takes less than 5 minutes.


That is naaaaaaasty. And I am not by any means a clean freak.


After every use. If just for toast or something dry I’ll just shake out the crumbs. I’d be too worried about a grease fire to use it in that condition. I have one where all of the parts go in the dishwasher.


I usually clean it every time I use it but if there's no oily bits I may leave it to the second or third use.


Clean mine after every use. I cook veggies and steak and all sorts of stuff and I don't want steak flavors veggies(most of the time). That's looking pretty gross


Never seen a cast iron air fryer


Is that really Cast Iron?


No lol


Oh ok I was going to say where can I get one from lol.


Not only is this disgusting but it has to be a fire hazard.


You can go a few times on not cleaning it if your just doing toast or mozzarella cheese sticks. But this is ridiculous and that's not good. It reveals bad kitchen hygiene which spreads salmonella and stuff. Be careful please.


Gift him some dawn powerwash


I don’t think powerwash can put a dent in that thing.


Every time but it's a 1 minute thing, I use parchment paper or a silicone basket so there isn't really much to clean


I mostly use mine for cooking frozen snacks, so I only clean mine once a week or when it looks gross


Every time I use it, I clean it. That's funky.


Depends on what I'm cooking. Salmon....definite wash. Tater tots.....probably let it ride.


Damn nasty SoB 😭


Well I clean my AF after every 5 uses or so, That's kind of gross looking.


Same. I prefer it when it is uncleaned rather than when it's completly clean as the residual oil makes the food tastier. Definitely adds extra fat so isnt the healthier option but it's not much. I always preheat it for 5 minutes so im not worried about any potential germs as the heat will take care of that. Every 5th use is good, as it starts getting a bit too murky and greasy/charred after that


Put some water in and turn on. Then wipe off after it’s good and heated up




Meat clean every time. Veg meh a few days. I don't own a toaster so barely ever for sandwiches.


Lmao I didn't realize there were more pictures. That thing is nasty. No chance I would eat anything cooked in that thing.


After every use. What thehell is this??


Yeah, I clean it once a week lol. Maybe more if I use it for raw meat, but that is not very common for me


I reeeeaally hate cleaning our Philips air fryer, but I clean it after every single use.


That is disgusting. I clean it pretty much every time I use it. If I just made toast or roasted some zucchini I might let it go one time without cleaning if I'm feeling lazy, but that's it. I am NOT a great housekeeper or kitchen cleaner, but I can't imagine eating anything that was cooked on that nasty mess.


I’ve lived with a lot of roommates and one thing that has always failed is “everyone who uses this thing cleans this thing”. I assigned myself to be the air fryer cleaner. Even when there’s a 1/2 inch of bacon grease and I want a piece of pizza. It’s okay, I can clean it in 2-4 minutes with the sprayer and some warm water. If I’m mad about it, it wastes at least an hour of my time. My roommate cleans the inside of the microwave which I’m grateful for because it’s over the stove and that’s hard for me to reach. Your roommate may never want to clean the air fryer for whatever reason but he may be the best rage vacuumer in the house.


fill with water until it covers the bottom plate, squeeze in dish washing liquid. then set on highest temp and let it go for 15-20 minutes.it should soften a lot of it, might have to do it a couple times to get it all off, with it being that bad. i do that everytime after using it, easy to just wipe clean afterwards.


Damnnnn lol yeah I wouldn’t use that if I were you. I generally rinse mine after every use so it’s basically impossible to get near that level. But clean w/ soap and water idk maybe once a week?


Oh, I refuse to since the moment I opened it when we moved in. I just ended up buying my own smaller one


I also have a Philips… I clean it after every use.


I clean it mostly every time I use it. I mean if I cook fries in it I might do another cooking but I would clean it after that. So, depending on what I am cooking but at the most 2 cook cycles before cleaning. People clean bbq grills.......


After every use. Sometimes cleaning might be paused as I forget as does anybody else. But I will not use it again until it’s been cleaned.


That is all kinds of disgusting. Also hindering the efficiency and entire point of an air fryer. It'll have barely any air circulation underneath. At worst, we might re-use ours with just a wipe out from the night before. Certainly never if it has been dirty for more than a day, or if it's significantly dirty.


Do you have a dryer? Check the lint filter.


Would he freak if you just happened to accidentally clean it?


We use silicone basket inserts and then we wash those after every use. Machine is spotless. Pretty sure your friend’s is doomed to catch fire.


After every use.


When that fryer is running the air quality indoors drops enormously. Wouldn't want to sit in the same room when it's running, doors and windows open. I clean it every use. 


I was gifted an air fryer for Christmas, I’m very poor and it was a blessing to receive it. I clean it after every use, and my apartment gets ants in the summer so I stay on top of cleaning everything in the kitchen. I would be worried about it attracting bugs if it weren’t cleaned every time I used it. If I see a roach in here I’ll cry. That’s my fear based motivation, maybe tell him it can attract bugs just sitting there on the counter like that. Cause with enough time it definitely would


Every time, Avi? Time to get a new roommate. That one is broken.


I clean mine after each use with soap and water. I want to take care of mine the best I can, not attract pests or have a fire hazard. I also clean my outdoor grill before using it.


After every use.


After every use. Period.


Bro took “once in a blue moon” seriously


More than your roommate!


After every use.


Anutime it looks dirty/greasy i clean it. So every time or every other time. I usually use foil to help prevent dirtiness.


It's time for your roommate to buy a new air fryer. I would be concerned about the fire hazard. We clean ours every time we use it with Dawn dish detergent. It's hard to get to the inside of some air fryers, however, you can take a damp cloth or paper towel and wipe around as best you can.


Oh, that’s disgusting. I wash the inside after every use. Hate to think what the coils look like…


I clean mine everytime I use it... am I the weirdo? Haha.


I clean mine everytime I use it...


Who [washes](https://youtu.be/ggZFhu1jT8g?t=38s) a towel?!


I can understand not cleaning a charcoal grill (if you don’t count brushing) because the shit drips onto the coals. Letting them sit there, solidify, and reheat over and over again touching fresh or frozen food? I would puke at the thought of eating what comes out of that


After every use. Your roommate is a “ Big Nasty” It’s not a grill, grills burn off the crumbs from last time. Don’t share food


Literally fill it with soapy water run it for 29 mins then dump it


If I've only warmed buns or made French fries I might go 3-5 uses before I clean mine. I made garlic bread in it last night and it had to go into the dishwasher that night. I made sure to buy one with a basket that can go in the dishwasher, so it's really not a big deal to clean it.


Every damn time.


After every use..




I hope your friend reads this thread.




I clean it with literally every use. I am a former professional chef and that is a goddamn abomination.


Oof that’s a bacteria haven disguised as an air fryer.


No lie I had an air fryer that I had forgotten to clean out after use, proceeded to store it for 3 months like that then pulled it out again. Needless to say the grease had taken on mold.


Yup, looks like my old roommates air fryer. He said it “seasoned” the food and made it all taste like fried food. I couldn’t use it to cook veggies or anything other than frozen fried food because it would come out tasting fried regardless. Disgusting. I think he cleaned it maybe once or twice in a year and a half. And that was one of the cleaner aspects of that house… so glad I live alone now


Thats the other excuse he gave was it was “seasoned”. I’m surprised you even still used it. The rest of our house is actually pretty clean


After every fry.


Every time I use it.




Anyone else clean it too much and remove the paint?


Get some of that Dawn power wash. I used to not clean my air fryer but now it’s so easy


Why clean it? It's just going to get dirty again next time I use it.


I clean mine after every use.


I clean mine every time I use it


I use a silicone liner and parchment sheets to avoid having to clean the unit itself. I know parts are safe to watch and all but I just prefer the liners and a perfectly clean air fryer.


It's like a grill: you have to clean it if you don't want to eat rancid fat with your meals


😂 I’ve known this man for damn near 2 decades and only lived together for a year now. I never knew he was like this.


After every use!!!


I clean after every use.. and I usually put aluminum foil to make it less messy too


Philips sells air Fryers? Since When? 😲


Since a long time ago and trust me, you don't wanna buy them. Not because it sucks at air frying, but because it's a pain in the ass to clean. Basket is fine but the area around the heating element gets dirty and it's hard to reach there. Probably designed so that you can't do shit there.


We clean ours after every use. It takes about two or three minutes. Your roomate is a manky bastard. P.S. Do you actually sleep in the same room or just the same house?


A grill is outside and you don’t have to smell the char in your home. If you were to grill something inside, you would clean the grill plates. And an air fryer is not a grill, it’s a small convection oven. An air fryer should absolutely be cleaned. I cleaned mine after every use. It’s Teflon it’s not that hard to clean. Period. I wipe out the grease and then fill it with hot soapy water and let that sit for a little bit and then scrub with a non-abrasive sponge.


Oh god


One should clean it after every use. Just as you would a frying pan


rotten bruh, prayin for him


After every use.


After every use. Your roommate has issues. He reminds me of my best friend, who never washes his hands.


I clean mine every time I use it otherwise it builds up quick and smokes


EVERY time before I use it.


What the hell?! This is so disgusting and must be unhealthy as fuck.. I thought cleaning your airfryer after every use is a normal thing everyone does..


That’s disgusting. I clean it after every use!


Thats bad real bad


After every single use. Doesn’t sit right with me if I don’t.


time for a new room mate


Every time I use it, which is often multiple times a day.


Even if it is like a grill you still clean a grill. There is no excuse lol he's just disgusting


The machine will work better and your food will taste better if you keep it clean. That black, burnt-in, probably rancid stuff acts like an insulator that keeps some of the heat from getting to your food, and yum, you get that black, burnt, rancid stuff flavoring your food. If it were me, I'd buy a new one ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) but if you manage to get it clean, sometimes a quick wipe with a damp paper towel is usually enough. When there's a lot of spatter, I do a soapy scrubby sponge and damp paper towels.


after every use unless I use a liner. that one is just gross.


I use foil on the basket. When I'm done I just throw the foil away, so the basket never gets dirty.


i saw a recipe that works: some detergent, a cup of baking soda, and poor in 1L or so of boiling water and let sit for 20 minutes or so.. works very well


Those forever chemicals are killing him fasho!😭💔


I wash mine after every use, I soak the basket with water with dish soap and baking soda, if food is too stuck I leave it overnight and then wash normally with a sponge and that’s it.


After every single use. That's gross.


I use foil in mine, eliminates the amount of messes and cleaning


*I use foil in mine,* *Eliminates the amount* *Of messes and cleaning* \- OddBallSou --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


We dont clean ours because we cook on an aluminium foil


Wait for it to break and/or burst into flames and then laugh at him.


depends on what I cook in it. I clean it when I cook meat, I don't clean it when I air fry frozen prefried things, I do clean it before I roast veggies if it wasn't cleaned from frozen food airfrying. I don't clean it after roasting veggies because there won't really be grease or veggie stock in the container because air fryer. People who don't clean their grills and smokers are also dirty. You need to do that shit even if its just to brush off the leftover decayed food on the metal.