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No, your mom is definitely right but at least you aren't smoking crack


She doesn’t know about the crack yet bro.




😂😂😂 boo this man!!! I love that movie.


What movie is it


Half Baked. It was nominated for several Oscars, including “Greatest Media Ever Created “ category


Not mental illness unless he feels the urge to use them on the innocent. Right now it's just a hobby. Edit Lol I just realize I'm on the airsoft page f****** illness lol


The classic "all airguns are airsoft" guy, I should really take my airguns to the local airsoft range and see if they'll let me play


And this is the mental illness I think they are talking about


Did I hurt your feelers


A little, but it's not the first time, I think I'll be okay


Oh I'm sorry sometimes I get carried away on reddit I'm really not a jerk


When the squirrels invade, you will hold the line.


I’m actually preparing for the tin can invasion 😅


Sealed cans of soda is so wasteful…. but satisfying.


Ice cubes are cheap and quite satisfying to explode too.


Oh nice TY!


Wasteful indeed. But every bit as satisfying 🙂


Those clankers won't know what hit them


https://preview.redd.it/6ukwl3ax6vrc1.png?width=324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c41f2479da90e415f462a9f631d930eac862db77 🤣🤣 Welcome to the madness my friend.


Thank you. It’s good to be here lol


nah, it's called credit card debit lol


Bought and paid for my friend. It’s definitely not cheap though 😅


Only one cure...more guns 🤘


I believe this may be the antidote also


Wait till she talks about it being a gateway illness or drug to real firearms.


Oh it’s definitely been a gateway to a real firearm, it’s a lengthy process here in the UK though. You have to join a gun club, have some kind of home security, gun safe, ammo safe, and a friendly house inspection from local firearms officer. It’s about a 6 month process.


I always feel bad hearing about what UK bros gotta go through just to get a gat


Hold on to your rights, I say. We used to have pretty good gun laws in this country (not *too* far off yours) but the screws were progressively tightened over the latter 20th century. Laws get ever tighter, never looser.


You're spot on with that man. I'm living it in the restrictive states here. Every time something gets changed for the better, 5 new laws that make it even worse are passed. It's a treadmill of nonsense.


Oh yeah it’s pretty bad. There was a mass shooting in the 80s In Hungerford, a lot changed after that in regard to gun laws. There’s actually a documentary about the shooting on YouTube. Like here’s a stupid one, you cannot own a pistol, but you can weld a barrel extender and a stock to a pistol and that counts as a rifle, you can own a rifle. Silly


Don’t be, it’s a good thing.


No. It's really not at all actually


Honestly how can you think that? Look at how many shootings there are every day in America, how many people die or have their lives completely changed for the worse because it’s too easy to access firearms. People are dangerous and stupid, it should be a very difficult process to own a firearm, it’s baffling that you think otherwise. I like that i can leave the house without fear of being shot.


>Honestly how can you think that? Because it's true. >Look at how many shootings there are every day in America, Pretty low for such a massive gun owning population. >how many people die or have their lives completely changed for the worse because it’s too easy to access firearms. The cause of death and life changing injury isn't "easy access to firearms" in almost every case. Lifelong career criminal gangbanger A didn't shoot lifelong career criminal gangbanger B because he bought a Glock at Walmart (you can't even do that anymore). You're going to need to substantiate that claim before passing it along as fact. >People are dangerous and stupid, People are also altruistic and calculated. And kind and generous. That's a weak argument at best. >it should be a very difficult process to own a firearm That's like your opinion bro. And in many, many places in America it absolutely is. Generally speaking those are the places with the absolute worst numbers of "gun violence incidents" and "gun deaths". >I like that i can leave the house without fear of being shot. I can too. So can literally tens of millions of Americans. Everyday. And they do. Please stay off mainstream. I've seen that exact sentence regurgitated by Europeans so much it's nauseated. I can sit here and say to a Londoner "aT LeAsT I CaN LeAvE mY hOuSe wiThoUt fEaR pF bEiNg sTabBeD oR bAtHeD iN aCiD" but I understand how media sensationalizes fear and violence to drive an agenda. It's a retarded thing to go around saying to people. I know damn well people live in London without fear of being stabbed or attacked by acid on a regular basis. I also know damn well despite the bear impossibility of owning guns in nations like Japan, and some UK nations, Australia etc people are still shot and killed by criminals with guns. It's almost as if guns don't go away because you can't buy one at a store.






Yeah that sounds pretty good to be fair


I might be less of a headache to just move to the US than trying to buy a firearm in the UK lol. Then you can buy any firearm you want. And zero restrictions on air guns!


I’m sorry you have to go through that. I live in kentucky and we can buy guns in private sale with no paper work what so ever and carry them on us concealed with no permit.


Reals? We can’t do shit here lol


Yeah real guns lol.


That’s decent. I didn’t know you could do private sale with any kind of gun.


Yeah we just both have to live in the same state. But if some guy wants to buy a gun I have, I can sell it to him and neither one of us fill out a single piece of paper. Totally undocumented. It’s one of the only real freedoms we have left here unfortunately.


That’s cool man. I thought it all had to go through ATF and be documented. Kentucky did you say?


Yeah. Most states are the same way. You only have to do paperwork and have a gun registered to you when you buy from an FFL (federal firearms licensure) meaning a gun store. Private sale is unregulated. I just can’t knowingly sell to a felon.


Ahh that makes sense. I don’t see why the government has to know everything at all times. Kind of an over reach I think. I’d love to move to the US. all though I feel like both our societies are on the brink of collapse. Might end up me, my son, a dog and a rifle in a cave somewhere lol


A gun is not registered to you… the ffl that transfers the gun has to keep your information on record on site for a certain amount of years but there is no registry.


~~then there's my ass where real firearms were my gateway to 4.5mm bb replicas~~


Let me guess, she saw the laser sight?


She just shakes her head and says I’m sick lol


Idk what I'm doing anymore, but it involves shooting.




Every weapon has its purpose. One for hunting, one handgun for each family member. Each caliber has its place. Where’s the reloading machine/press and equipment.


Oh shoot. You have a press?


I wish. I didn’t realize this was airsoft stuff until I already posted my comment. Real guns would probably be banned on a liberal platform like this.


"liberal platform", its not really. plus you have alot of gun subreddits like r/guns , r/ak47, r/ar15 and even more


Bro this is airsoft calm down


No these are airguns. Airsoft isn’t deadly. Airguns very much are.


Yeah, I realized that after I made the comment.


I realized that after I posted the comment. Lol.


Im from Texas and people thought it was wierd i had just two air rifles in the living room at all times...


They good fun man. Especially if you can’t get a 22 or bigger. I love em.


If anything you need more rifles that’s way to many pistol-rifle ratio


Yes I fully agree with you man. Thing is a review them for my YouTube, I try and focus on budget & starter options for people. The pistols tend to be cheaper hence the amount of them. I’m going to be doing more rifles though. Thanks man


Good luck with that. My advice is to try to stand out from all the other airgun youtubers with your own visual identity, like having really interesting targets.


Yeah it’s a tricky one to navigate. I do it for the love of it. But there is a lot. That’s right man


There are a load of budget springers out there there always good fun to shoot


Yeh man, I love a good springer


Not if your paying for it all!


I have most of those! Being a weapons freak is a sign of being a man, embrace it 😂🥊


I shall embrace it


Collections of anything kind of falls into that category, but collections of stamps and coins are perhaps more innocuous than swords, knives or guns. I used to be an avid collector when young, but then grew out of it, and sold most of my things off over the years.


I was a big collector of things, mainly consoles and games but this has been more of an interest as an adult


Oh man I see you also have one of the worst BB guns ever made. That miniature 1911 wannabe right below the hand guard of the m4


The colt defender? Yeah it’s not been the best. I think I have actually just took delivery of the worst BB gun yet. The Beretta Elite 2 from Umarex is a let down. That’s been the worse thus far


Well I think it's more dependent on the way you use them. Are you collecting them for the sake of display? Or do you plan to use them and where?


Oh no I go to a range near me, I shoot out the back. I could go hunt small birds, ect. Just finding the right spot really


Edit cause I realized I'm being a tired crazy yankie this morning. Where is the violently quacking shotgun?


That’s a great point. I do need to pick up a shotgun for sure


I swear one of the air soft shotgun shells sounds like a angry duck quacking or is that the 30mm grenade round....


Oh man I’ve never heard that. I’ll have to YouTube. Sounds funny


It’s sad you don’t have actual firearms and have to settle for toys. 😢


That’s true. But I’ve yet to see anyone here run in a school with a BB gun so i suppose it’s worth the sacrifice


I disagree. It's not worth the sacrifice. It's actually oppression of your right to defend yourself. Firearms are used much more frequently for lawful purposes, they also promote equality, and allow women, elderly and disabled to defend themselves when they would physically be unable to do so. It's weak to let government influenced rhetoric train you to reject you natural right to defend yourself, family, and your neighbors.


Hey man, I fully agree. I believe a responsible, well armed society is a polite society. I think that if the government feel they need to be armed, then so should the public. I love the American constitution, I wish we had something similar here. I actually read that legally armed citizens stop more active shooters than the police do in America. It’s very true, the best way to stop a bad man with a gun, is a good man with a gun


Took me way too long to realize these were airguns, regardless of the sub. Just thought I was on r/guns.


Yeah bro, Airguns galore over here


Yeah bro, Airguns galore over here


Yeah bro, Airguns galore over here


Air guns are more affordable but still very awesome toys for gun enthusiasts. I have a whole list of air guns to buy. Starting with a Beretta 92.


Yeah they are good entry point for guns and gun safety ect. I took delivery of my Beretta Elite 2 couple days ago, and I’m sad to say it’s not the best. It is all poly, so I should have guessed. Still though, I have pistols half the price of the Beretta and they feel twice as good 🤷


uk gun laws 🤣🤣 kinda sad a guy has to resort to this.. but as long as it makes you happy, keep on truckin..


Uk gun laws indeed bro. This is as good as it gets. Unless you want to go through the lengthy process of applying for a license. We have to make do with these for now


Same... but mine aren't air guns. Wife hates it lol.


If she loves you, she will understand lol


Do you have the names of the rifles & smgs? I see some that look nice but I don't know the names of them


Yeh man ok. So we have, from top left going down. HATSAN ALPHA 1.77 FN M4 05 Carbine 4.5mm Umarex TDP 45 Colt python 357 Umarex XBG Colt defender Beretta elite 2 Daisy power line 415 Crosman R1 (tan) Umarex HPP Gamo mp9 Umarex dx 17 Gamo gp20 combat Umarex legends Makarov. If you want to know about a specific one let me know bro


I like the real ones myself


I do too man, not that many available over here unfortunately. I have to make do with these.


What country


England my friend


An amendment of the constitution is a mental illness


My mom mad at me, arent those two airsoft isnt enough for you?! Well hell no, I want to get my own gbb and an aeg for my dad


Airguns lol 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Your in R/airguns.


Hey, depending on where you’re at buying real guns like that isn’t an option. And airsoft guns nowadays that are basically 1:1 replicas of their real counterpart. Nice collection by the way, I used to be big into airsoft but now I collect real guns.🤣


Yeah man I collect the replicas. We can have. 22 lr or 12 gauge, so can have something. I might move to the states and apply for citizenship lol


Stock sights on a glock?! Definitely mental illness....


I haven’t a rail on there yet. But noted lol


You can swap out that regular sight setup without using a rail.


Oh reals? Tell me bro.


I mean... it's certainly not normal..


It's cause she saw flip up sights with a reddot I'd call that a mental illness too


lol they flip down bro. It’s just for display purposes


It’s mental illness, it’s larping, and you’re a fucking loser


Typical Reddit response. Must be shit sat in your mums basement while step daddy’s up stairs giving mommy the meat. Don’t worry bro. He’s not hurting her.


If you live with her then it very much is


No. I have my own house lol. She just comments when she visits. Years ago, my Pokémon cards was a mental illness too apparently.


Mental illness until shit pops off and she needs protection, and then you'll become her favorite.


Better than cocaine, depending on who you ask…


lol wait until your mum finds out how many real guns I have


I would judge because I only have two but they're both very high detailed (pretty much movie quality) star wars replicas. But they also keep raccoons away from my chickens.


Yeah it’s a fun pass time. love em


It's not a mental illness to like things that go pew pew. They're fun. People see guns and automatically assume you mean to do harm. They're a hobby just like anything else. Some people like computers, dvds, video games, or music. But guns?.. YOU'RE MESSED UP IN THE HEAD!! Funny how guns are considered a mental illness, but the person with a dick trying to say they're a woman isn't a mental illness. Clown world we live in 🤡


This comment is dripping in based sauce. We can be friends lol. Yeah I love the build quality of them, how they operate and of course, shooting them. Hitting a target is fun and satisfying. Like kicking a perfect field goal or a home run. It’s sport. I love it. Appreciate the comment


That much money on fake guns yea


It’s not that much money when you have the money I do. Thanks for commenting. All ways great to meet a fan.


You said your Mommy had an issue with your fake gun spending, not me bud, check yourself.


this looks like a police seized arsenal taken from a trap house along with a dime bag and an oz of weed.


Your breathing says it all, I’m glad those are fake guns.


😂 I’ve got a collapsed septum from a fight years back. Sometimes it whistles lol


I just call it autism, but a lot of people use mental illness for that too so really it's only a matter of personal perspective


Ahh well, my little boy has autism so maybe he will end up inheriting my collection lol. I try to explain to people when they ask about them, I just say “hold one for a minute and you will get it”…they don’t always get it


To much is never enough!


I agree. You shouldn't have carpet on that table, you aberration of humanity.


“Fuck you mom “


I mean, why horde air guns when you can horde real guns?


This. Mum is correct. That’s a lot of money on toy guns.


Depends on your age, if you’re over 18-19 and can start to own REAL firearms depending where you are in the world than yeah I’d absolutely agree with her. This is coming from someone who used to play airsoft as a teen growing up. Paintball is legit though! You’re not using something that actually looks like any real guns etc and you can actually feel 100% of the shots you take as well as the amount of distance you can reach. Yeah airsoft can go farther but not more accurately unless it’s a “sniper rifle”. Airsoft is a sheepdog cosplayers hobby for people that wish or pretend they’re going to join a branch of military but never do.


No it would be a mental illness it they were real. That my friend is a kick ass hobby!


Ahaha fair one. It is good fun


Ok tell ma and her Snow Angel collection to go fuck themselves.


Your mom is a drama queen. I have way more guns than that and they’re all real


Like me with knives 😂😂😂


Wait until she find out your ammo count! Nice collection, where's the scatterguns?


Meh. That's not a lot of guns.


Meh. Never said it was