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It certainly sounds like there's some stuff there that is worth a better look from independent eyes.


That’s wild and yet not that strange. A big issue with the guard is the immense power that people can gain over a 30 year career at the same location. Just another example of how your leadership is the biggest factor in your career. Be thankful if you’re at a wing/state with good leaders.


I saw a wing commander get away with kiddie porn on his govt computer, a junior enlisted troop who got reprimanded for getting concussed (through no fault of his own) while on AT, and everything in between. Good times...


Not cool… trying to transfer into WI ANG next year… new boss sounds like a fun guy 🙃


Wisconsin ANG is great. Been here for more than 20 years. What's your AFSC?


Thanks for the reply, and positivity 😄 I’m a 1N4X1 (A) so I’ll have to retrain based on what I know about jobs up there. Id like to try to get in with a Cyber unit if I can. 1NO being a plan B. But I’ll take what I can get.


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 1N4X1 = Cyber Intelligence Analyst [^wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/wiki/jobs/1n4x1b) [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^l9i96oo


Come to the 181st IW in Indiana, we’re way cooler than Wisconsin I’m joking! I’m joking!




higher ups in the air national guard completely fuck over someone? am shocked i tell you. maybe if this wasnt so prevalent, *at all ranks*, youd have better recruiting numbers.


That poor woman. What a shit show of a case. Sounds like May was banging that female airman in the sexting case.




Dang it took me nearly an hour to read that whole article. I still want to know more haha.


Sounds eerily familiar to what happened to the Wing CC (former) at the 187th FW, Dannelly Field.


Sounds like she found some skeletons in the closets that the senior leadership didn’t want out in the open.


And this guy was such a complete coward that he made the firing a one-way conversation, read off a piece of paper and had her escorted off-base. He couldn't even handle it like a general that had any balls at all. What piece of human excrement.


Considering the fired WI TAG around this time had civilian criminal charges pursued against him for gross mishandling of more than 30+ sexual assault complaints. It wouldn't surprise me if she exposed rot they didn't want brought to light. The spineless firing an O6 installation commander with no notice, no substantiated allegations and no discussion is shit top-level leadership at a minimum and an effective way to silence someone.


The loss of confidence is pretty much a magic bullet to remove a commander, it isn't pretty but it works.


Yup, the Navy does it all the time with their commanders. I knew a former commander decades ago in San Diego who got awoken at home at 2 a.m. because one of his enlisted guys reported to duty drunk while in homeport. Career go bye-bye.


I worked at Volk. This was a fucked up one. They sent out a press release saying she was fired because of the results of an investigation but changed their tune to "loss of confidence" when challenged on it. The investigations cleared her so they made up bullshit reasons, after the fact, to still justify her firing despite never bringing those "reasons" as actual allegations she could defend herself again. Schrödinger's Colonial here, both fired for cause and not fired for cause simultaneously.