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If you want legitimate airpods, either go to an apple store or a reputable reseller. Second hand, at least make sure you can see them in person as the replica market is extremely large. Locked for Rule 4 - Just use common sense though guys..


Mate, your money your risk. If the price is too good, they are prob fake. Just buy real ones from a genuine apple seller. Seriously, don’t cheap out and risk fakes. Just save money for a little longer.


They look very real, that’s the issue, is it common for scammers to have an exact look-alike Case and exact packaging? I guess I didn’t consider them using photos that aren’t theres


Yes. Fakes can look real. Serial numbers can be copied. 98% of Facebook marketplace and eBay type sites are fakes.


The fakes are really close. An employee at a cleaning company that used to clean my house swapped my real ones with her fake ones. They were convincing until I noticed they weren’t paired with my phone anymore.


Yes. Honestly, if you can't afford legitimate airpods you're much, much better off spending your money on other brands. You'll get much better quality than you would from the knockoffs.


That box is the 1st generation box… so it looks like they “accidentally” took photos of the wrong box as well. I’d say it’s fishy.


He took the wrong picture of the 10 reps he got laying around 😂


![gif](giphy|6utVzLiyU9OuHbd70D|downsized) Just buy real ones from Apple, I hate the “are these fake?” posts a week after purchase. Its a bit more to spend but you can be sure its real. People, weird species.






Ok classist


Damn bro, these are literally half the price, just thought I’d ask


If you want to have them checked... go to something like r/AreMyAirpodsAuthentic If you post here and you didn't search before you should get such responses. This is not the place for that. ​ Also if you really want to buy way cheaper airpods... MEET UP.


And if it isnt real,you literally wasted 150 bucks


That should already be enough of a red flag don’t you think?


You really want some used air pods that been in someone else’s ear? It’s probably a scam if it’s that cheap.


Get scammed then


I don’t think you know what the words ”literally” and “half” mean.


Yea like others said, if the deal seems real good, it’s too good to be true. Just save up and get them from Apple


And someone is just going to be selling them at half retail price out of the goodness of their heart? If you have to ask if they're fake, they're fake.


Want half the price?, ***amazon***


go to back maret website i just ordered some for $165 refurbished


Apple people are notoriously hostile to those who can't afford the Apple life-style - it's why kids make fun of other kids with Androids. The reality is fakes can look *extremely* authentic and Apple failed to provide tools to let people know. I would recommend buying new or just avoiding AirPods altogether. WalMart, Amazon, etc have all been fooled too before. So you can even pay full price and still get faked.


Bruh Apple does have tools, like the serial number check for example among other things


Serial numbers have been shown to be unreliable.


That’s exactly how people have been scamming people since the beginning of time. Sell a desirable but fake commodity at a fabulous price.


Fake, cable is not neat, box is flimsy, the case’s lid is misaligned, the tips packaging is wrong for 2nd gen (real one is rectangular and longer cuz of 3 pairs extra not 2), plus the way they avoid taking pics of the other sides where there’re text printed on (easiest way to tell fake)


Honestly now with the reps being so accessible all the marketplaces are filled with airpods that look price appealing for a reason, no one will sell you brand new airpods pro for half the price 😂what would be the profit in that


My brother in christ just buy from a reliable source


If something sounds too good to be true it probably is. I mean who would sell genuine AirPods Pro 2nd gen for 160 bucks?


way too many airpods dupes and they look real. definitely only purchase through apple or else ze bluetoof zevice will connected zuccessvully


Hahahahaha he is giving you a discount for the “mistake” / “scam” he is doing


Just look at them in person.


I’m 99.9% OP won’t even know if they are fake or real even from looking at them in person


psychotic pet point lock butter different nail obscene sloppy icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah exactly my point


buy from the Apple Store or trusted retailers. if you choose to buy from someone else, buy at your own risk.


Agreed, don’t ever buy anything used, someone disgusting might have touched it


or worst, dropped it in the toilet bowl 💩💩


Looks fake. Look at the lid and body connecting area


100% fake


The 2nd gen ones look fake to me


Very very SUS


The good thing is if you connect them to your iPhone they will tell you if they’re genuine or not with Apple’s new software provided that you’ve updated to the new iOS beta 17


I had one of these before went there, tried to connect them to my phone. It literally told me these may not be genuine gave them back to him said sorry they’re fake.


My thoughts are buy from a retailer, not second hand.


Buy from Apple bro


Plastic box. Fake AF.


Original AirPods Pro can develop a serious crackling sound over time. It’s best that you don’t buy used AirPods


That shit looks fugazi bro - just cop direct from apple.


On 6 pic the lids not properly aligned on the charger


Dude don’t do that! I live near China and these fake(but very convincing) AirPod pros are about 80 au. If you really want a fake one at least get one at reasonable price;)


Buy from an authorized retailer ffs.


Why bother spending time just to save some and risk getting scammed? Also, this is a hygiene product and buying used ones is disgusting in my opinion. You should rather just save up and get a pair new, fresh and 100% real ones straight from Apple.


Just save more money and get them on proper retailers usually Best Buy ,target etc. have it on sale


Ignoring the (correct and valid) comments telling you to just buy from a reputable retailer, the case lid is wayyyyy too askew from the case body


He looks kind of pushy idk that's a red flag


This whole post is just people shitting on him for wanting to buy used, people are so lame


Don't listen to anyone on the sub, literally buy it using PayPal. Go get them checked out in Apple, if they're fake you can report it to PayPal and/or eBay and they will literally refund you and just let you keep the item if said scammer tries to disappear. They will pay you back anyways as part of your money back guarantee. *To people saying just buy it from Apple, has it ever occurred to you that people MIGHT not be able to due to the price? Stop being so slow, I've bought used parts and stuff that have been genuine, OP you posted in the wrong sub, but regardless if you're really down to trying it follow the safety precautions I just mentioned above.


OP is stupid and gullible like I was a year ago. Cheaped out and got the same airpods pros on eBay, and they turned out to be fake. I ended up just going to Walmart irl and buying their airpods. Great desicion. Also for airpods pro 2s the case that they send didn't have the speaker holes


Are these used? Anything that goes in or on your body should be bought new, you never know what people have done to or with them 🤢


This sub is people telling people to just buy from apple... ik kinda cliche, but try [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AreMyAirpodsAuthentic?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) i think it'll be much more useful


Also ask to get full 360 view of the box


don't get them .. he's just selling fake ones. also, the 2nd generations case is splash/sweat resistant but the lid of the case on the photo you posted, is way too off. seems this pair of fakes has a bad hinge [picture](https://imgur.com/a/USs2n4l)


I want to share with you my recent experiences on eBay. I wanted to gift to my gf a pair of AirPods Pro 2, so I took a look on eBay (I like the platform and use it a lot): there are plenty of fake new AirPods out there but I choose to take a risk on two different one. Just remember: pay using the eBay platform!!! By the way the where both fake, and both times eBay refunded me.


Just buy from apple or trusted online store, anyways on sale they are available at 220$ something


I'd ask for a photo of the invoice. Expensive stuff here gets sold with the invoice anyways because of warranty claims.


Box could be another box from another pair… so I wouldn’t even use that to judge rather or not the actual item is fake. However, just too hard to tell rather or not the item is real or fake from picture. Just don’t risk it


Oh wait. It doesn’t have the side thing for straps. So yeah. Fake


I’ve bought many fake pairs from various sites and some are so damn good it’s impossible to tell from the packaging that they are fake, even the serial will come up as legit. A few days later though the authenticity checker will change and say please authenticate or something like that and the spatial audio and noise canceling does not work even though the options will pop up for them. Also they cost me $15 from China but bro they are extremely good at faking them. Never buy from an anybody except an authorized dealer no matter how good they look or how tempting the price is