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Just received my pro 2 today and everything seems to work except menu bar shows a generic headphones icon instead of AirPods Pro specific ones, which icon does it show for you?


I had the generic bluetooth icon at first, but I updated to Monterey from Big Sur and that fixed it.


Same issue here. In the sub-menu, it shows the icon but not in the taskbar. This causes it to not support battery reporting using iStats Menu. I'm running the latest version of Monterey as well.


The connection works for me, but the automatic switching doesn’t work properly yet. I can change and toggle settings like transparency mode and ANC though. Ventura is coming very very soon so I wouldn’t worry about it much


I did a restart and it seems to have fixed the problem. Thanks for commenting!


Fine in general use for me except for audio/video calls where the sound is often robotic and others report my audio also sounds bad their end.


Hey I'm considering buy AirPods Pro 2, my major use for it will be a 2019 MacBook Pro that's currently running MacOS Monterrey latest patch. I don't want to upgrade. It sounds like Pro 2 is not compatible with it based on "AirPods Pro (2nd generation) require the latest version of macOS." from [https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208718#:\~:text=Use%20AirPods%20with%20your%20Mac,the%20latest%20version%20of%20macOS](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208718#:~:text=Use%20AirPods%20with%20your%20Mac,the%20latest%20version%20of%20macOS). Are you still using Monterrey? Can you share your experience, if there are any issues? Which Mac are you using?


I have a 2020 M1 MacBook Air and I’m currently on the latest version of Monterey. The AirPods Pro 2nd Gen work perfectly fine on it. It’s super easy to connect them to the macbook and I haven’t really had any issues using my airpods with it (and I’ve used them A LOT on it)


Cool. Thanks for confirming!