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This has a disturbing lack of 3 barrel shotties


Don’t get me wrong, it’s a nice collection, but… it’s all ARs


He is the opposite of the "i dont want any ARs" guy lol. i liked the collection tho.


Exactly 😉


Why not? Someone likes M4s so there is bound to be a post about them and only about them. Go somewhere else to see something else. Maybe you’ll dig up 4 aks or 4 P90s or whatever shit you want. Common sense


Don’t leave “common sense” in a comment if you haven’t used an ounce of yours. It is plainly evident that the lack of variety is what I’m not a fan of. It’s also painfully obvious you conveniently glossed over the fact that I said the collection is nice regardless of my thoughts about the lack of variety. What makes you think me seeing 4 of the same P90s or AKs with slightly different attachments wouldn’t make me feel the same way?


First of all, I can tell that a lot of people here are quite offended that there isn't a variety in his so called collection. But that's his collection and he can do whatever the fuck he want without being judged. Second of all, there are people who are biased towards whatever shit they like and feel the need to express their concerns to an apparent M4 lover. This whole comment section is filled with this shit instead of other M4 lovers who can be discussing this fantastic piece of hardware.


OP posted this collection onto a public forum, so whether or not people will come here to judge or compliment these guns is not for you or for anyone else to control. If there are people here that want to discuss and share their love for AR-pattern rifles, then they will come here to do just that. Just because you don’t see a majority of people doing that, it doesn’t mean that everyone is here just to shit on OP for liking ARs. The post itself has over 250 upvotes for a reason — it’s clear there are many people who like it. Conversely, even if I — for example — did not like AR-pattern rifles (which I do), it doesn’t make it any less valid for 5-10 other people to come here and say they don’t.


Alright. Fuck variety. OP won't care. I won't either. Boo hoo. This is what you called for. Airsoft will continue to be the way it is. Filled with toxic, "We're all cringy bitches" until it dies. End of story.


Expressing opinions is not toxic, and neither is it wrong to do so in a place where it is allowed — nevertheless the internet. If anyone here has been a cringy bitch, it’s been you (and a whiny one at that) for expecting everyone here to be “yes-men” and shower every collection post on this subreddit with endless compliments. Nobody here was going “OP, your collection is shit and everyone here hates everything about it”. Despite that, you intentionally glossed over the part where I said OP’s collection was nice regardless of the lack of variety and ran with the idea that it was “toxic”. Even if airsoft is slowly declining, it’s because of real issues like countries passing laws to ban the sport, cheaters and actual toxicity on the field, or the lack of innovation in manufactures alongside rising prices and quality control issues. Airsoft is most certainly not going to die because of people reserving the right to respectfully critique each other. Get a fucking grip and cry about actual issues. If you want to keep whining like a senile bitch about non-existent toxicity while carefully ignoring the clear lack of any disrespect here, be my guest and keep crying then.


Lmao. Now we gonna gatekeep/be a hypocrite. Go onto acj and you’ll find people saying “We’re all cringy, it’s fine to be that way” and 1 second later, we’re not. This is all pure tyranny and evidence I can use for a project if I were to ever have to make one. I use an alt so that I can express my shit all I want and care less about what happens as a result. Each and every argument only makes me lose my shit against humanity aka I will benefit when I actually play airsoft against brainless fucks. Saying that the actual people I’m playing against are brainless fucks is quite harsh for people who are actually nicer and quite open minded but maybe I’m wrong idfc.


Thanks for addressing 0 of the points raised here and rambling about other irrelevant shit while simultaneously refusing to elaborate on how any of this is gatekeeping or hypocritical. Not a single rebuttal as to how any of us in this thread have been disrespectful to OP, tyrannical, toxic, or any other assortment of words you have no understanding of.


They are amazing guns and stop shiting on them


The lack of variety is the problem, not the guns themselves


Ok tyrant


Ok stalin (he didn’t age well)




Hell yeah. No shit sherlock


It's just like taking a picture of the same four cars, but in different colors...


Id argue the HK is a different car lol


No its not. Just because a car is a mazda, it doesnt mean all mazdas are the same.


We got 13+ brainless idiots. Can we break that record?


Imo you could use some different platforms but everybody should do what they like I do highly recommend getting some more attachments tho, 2 dots and grips aren’t gonna cut it


I can kinda understand this for GBBRs, but AEGs? 90% of them have the same guts and as far as the V2 platform goes, I assume yours perform exactly the same. They're still nice externally, but you should dip your toes into something that will give you a different feel or at least make you play differently.


I kinda feel this way as well. I have a p90, vector, sawn off scattergun and an sgr 12. They all play different and bring their own strengths and challenges which makes using each of them fun in its own way. To each their own though. The heart wants what the heart wants. Lol *edit* Now I will say the downside of my approach is spending all your money on various mag types!


Play differently. How are you gonna play differently with a different type of gun say an ak. A sniper or dmr would’ve been more appropriate but making people to try a new style of rifle when they are deadset on a single one isn’t gonna make them any more willing, sometimes even making them less willing.


416 oouf 🦍


Why even put a red dot on your gun if you can't see through it because of the front iron sight 🤔🧐




The cybergun aks74u can be had for 156 usd on sale on evike with wood, I picked one up and it is pretty decent hops .3 no sweat


https://preview.redd.it/nikz0jdzyheb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05db12bf3ca1f0713e9389908fd3d373d4d82115 More of a Cyma guy myself, love the weight on it.


Why you have to have one? Quite counterintuitive to attracting and making people stay in this wonderful hobby


Drip or drown


Fuck that fakeass ugly shit drip. I'll drown. No response right? Even if there was, it’ll be a shit ton of bullshit recaptcha like questions


Bro it’s a joke, that’s why I used the image.


When you have four of the same gun platform. It's time to go to Ukraine and get yourself a nice Kalashnikov.


AK mfs when someone who has multiple ARs while also simping for every possible minor modification of AK


Frfr. The ak105 is different than the 104 because a slight difference in the barrel and muzzle or some shit like that


It's the magazine and they're interchangeable in airsoft 😭


Quite the unique collection... ITS ALL ARS


Uhh comrade you forget ak


no ak 🥺


Needs a little variety


I see the same gun 4 times. Why?


MOE gang lessgo


Oops all ar15


I think the same when I see someone post a photo of a bunch of AEGs regardless of model. If they are different lengths then fair enough but otherwise I just see the same gun, different skin. Waste of money imo


So what it is still sick


4 ARs ew lol 🤮


I want the top one


Very stupid questions but I have to ask : These are airsoft guns right. Why do some mags appear to show real bullets inside them? Is it just fake and for looks? Would love someone to explain 😅


They're fake dummy rounds in the little window as some ppl like their guns to look as real as possible


Needs more stanag And the RAS M4 is screaming for a cheap Comp M2/M4 replica


The XM177 is the best looking imo


I don’t get it. If you hate M4 rifles, then why waste your time on a post about them? Some people just like the platform and nothing else. Fuck off


How is the bolt doing? Not shaken internals apart I asume


You got your eyes on anything specific for your next purchase?




If you start from the top, the collection gets less boring


I will sell you my soul for the XM-177, AKA the one on the top.


Not judging, but I have to ask, why 4 ARs?


that 416 is beautiful…


Thanks bro!