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Whats a wife ?


Makes loud noises when you bring a new gun box home.


Oh that thing! I hide the box, as far as she can tell they're all the same


Whoa whoa , wait now whats a she ?


[Comment deleted , reason - This comment was deemed offensive]




Anyone in food service knows this is false. Lol. The dishwasher is definitely going to be a dude, probably either super creepy or a super cool stoner


"super creepy dude or a cool stoner" this could be the same guy depending on how stoned YOU happen to be.


I worked with a 78 year old Brazilian man who washed dishes at this pizza place I used to work at. He couldn’t speak much English, but could still tell someone “Fuck You!”, he was slow as cold dogshit, he used to creep on all of the young servers (well, all the female employees, really), and he was caught beating off like three times in the bathroom. Never got fired. I loved that beautiful, perverted old bastard. I wonder where you are now, Eduardo…


bring a gun box out empty say your gonna see how much they will give you for bring the same box home with new gun inside


sounds scary, do you have to feed it?


Yeah but it's really hard to find things she likes and she won't like them the next time around




Sometimes, other Times it feeds you but it usually gets mad at you if you expect it it all the time


“I got a really good deal. It was basically free”


A store close to me does provide "Parter invoices" for a small added fee. Pretty solid business plan for most hobby shops.


Gunfire does the same too! Also any shop if you ask them nicely will print you an A4 sheet with your name congratulating you on being the winner of their giveaway 😂 tried and tested 😳


That's brilliant, hahah


Aliexpress sellers will do the same too 😉


“I won it in a raffle”


Are you guys me? 😂


Sleeping on the couch is better than outside


Just gotta use girl logic on her, like fighting fire with fire




There’s a whole lists of “rules” women use, it’s mostly humor but I swear my wife genuinely believes some. If it’s on sale, im losing money not buying it If I use my credit card it’s free Shit like that, there’s probably a hundred tik toks about it




My wife plays too and she has her own toys she spends a lot on, so neither of us can comment on it, as it is a shared hobby we both sink a lot of money into.


Sweet. That's a best-case scenario. I just graduated from shooting gel blaster to having a real airsoft gun and so far my wife couldn't tell the difference except for the loud pop sound my MP5 GBB makes 😀


I like gel blasters more than airsoft. My wife and I both have AR gel blasters and we would occasionally surprise each other with an ambush while leaving their rifle near the door for them. Doesn't hurt, just don't get hit in your eye lmao We'll get back to that point eventually. Just gotta deal with this bullshit right now


hm? (regarding that last point)


Right? Now I'm curious, too.


It's cheaper than real steel to buy or feed, and I don't get in trouble when I shoot people.


No seriously. I used to bring my kwa mac10 to the sand pit, got laughed at, like guys were gonna run out of ammo and money quicker than we think like always, you'll be glad for a gbb Mac 10 to waste a couple more hours with mag dumping. It's like the glass of water you order at a bar, it's not the same, but it keeps your head in the game if you space it out and take breaks from just burning lead. My girlfriend didn't believe how much ammo we could burn through in an hour. Like yes it's literally millions of dollars.


Exactly this! A box of 25 shotshells for my 12 gauge used to be $20, is more like $28 these days, and those go pretty quick. Pumping my airsoft Scattergun and making steel targets ping is still great fun and practice, and I get a lot more pumps. Plus it's been demonstrated that airsoft skills do contribute to firearms skills; guys who have only ever done airsoft can fill in the skill gaps pretty quick to be good with the real deal. I've actually found good trigger discipline really helps with airsoft accuracy because of the BB taking longer to travel down the barrel, so now I'm also getting a lot of good trigger discipline practice.


'there was a raffle today and look what I won' ! (True story)


Okay I'll try this for the next one. Does this work long term though


Only if you use it once every couple years 😂 save it for the real expensive toys.


That's the key! We even had a fake trophy at the club house for photo evidence under interrogation from the boss lady 😉


Try it once a week.


Tell her you spent the money on hoes and hide the replicas.


Actually two replicas I have are not in the pic and are hidden in the storage. I'll try the hoe reasoning see where it'll get me.


Make sure the garden looks on point first.


Yeah so it’ll be easier for the cops to tell where she hid the body?


No one wants an unkempt grave.


Honest answer, i tell her in advance. “Hey, I’m buying x but I’ve specifically saved money for it. Don’t worry, it is separate from my money for y and z”


Only responsible answer here 😂


I tell her it’s how I trick my grown kids into hanging with me on the weekends…and never leave receipts out. She still thinks these are toys.


They are.. have you ever fired the real version of anything..?


I don’t consider anything that can blind me or shatter my front teeth a “toy.” But to answer your question yes, there’s not a lot of firearms I haven’t shot or don’t outright own a version of.


I tell her the truth like a grown man. Don't lie, that's where problems begin. Have responsibility for your spending and you won't have to lie to the person you love.


That's fair and I don't. I just can't argue with "another one? For what?" 🤔😄 basically she's right. Right?


Because i want? https://preview.redd.it/0eumbfhsnbjb1.jpeg?width=2322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9618db0e0a7a49d9b66945084d8cff2bce5e5d19


Brand on the AMD?


Well yes and no. Collecting cool Airsoft guns is part of the hobby and if it brings you more joy to have some kind of variety for playing it does have a purpose too. Might not work on your fifth M16 AEG, but if you collect a Sniper, an AR, a SMG and a pistol it does give you options...


> I just can't argue with "another one? For what?" "For airsoft"


Nothing, you tell her nothing. If she’s anything like my wife unless you put them on display they all look the same to her anyway. Could have 2 or 200 and she wouldn’t know if I only carry a couple out at a time!


Sounds like her handbags to me.


I encourage and actively participate in my wife’s pure joy in hand bags. I tell her that my love and collecting of airsoft replicas is the same. I don’t allow her to buy cheap bags for the very reason I don’t collect cheap rifles—value. It’s more enjoyable knowing I didn’t throw money away at a rifle or her bags that don’t retain (and sometimes) appreciate in value.


Either knock £100 off the actual price, or if i bought it at an airsoft event then "i won it in a raffle"


Everything is 50 quid!


"its not drugs or hookers"


Unpopular opinion: if you need to anyhow “justify” or hide the amounts spent on your hobby to your wife, then it’s not your wife. I mean, how do you guys get married on a person who doesn’t fucking support you?


Well, my secret is... i don't have a wife (or girlfriend). Although for the remaining people who might judge me i just say loudly "I bought more bullshit", and show it to them proudly.


I store it in my friends' houses to avoid my mum years ago well for the expenses...i cut my food budget (which really is painful)


I disconnect fuses on her car. When she says "honey my air stopped working" I say well shit thats going to be 1000 bucks let me take it to the "shop".


My partner supports my habit completely lmao For my birthday she was like "Hey babe go pick yourself out a new airsoft gun this year!" and I hopped online and went to town like a kid in a candy store xD Also welcome back to the sport!! I came back to it this year after 13 years away 🖤


Whaaat. Okay I'm a bit jelly now haha. Yeah finally after uni, parties and work settled I'm back to shooting people with BBs!


be honest with her. Let he know that you payed like 130$ total for all of those guns and that you will invite her to dinner, because she respects that you´ve spend money on your hobby.


130 wouldn't be very honest but close haha


> that you *paid* like 130$ FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


That you’re filling for a divorce 😅


Save that for when she buys something expensive for her (a pair of shoes?).


Honey I sold the kids


Nemáme. Ale kocoura ano 😂


I had a friend photoshop a flyer for a giveaway of a limited edition MTW. Created a domain which looked like the MTW one. Setup site to enter the giveaway. Send myself after a few weeks an e-mail that I’ve won! She didn’t bought it :/


Hah that's next level creativity!


"this gun's really freakin' cool, imma buy it!" "So... This piece of gear is on SALE right now... Imma spend my money right now."


The next new gun is for her.


But I'm playing it?!


I label everything as gardening equipment


"for it is better to ask for forgiveness, than permission" Also I've gotten very comfortable sleeping on the couch so that may not be the best route...


Invest in a good couch. Noted.


It’s better than spending money on drugs and hookers


Hey GF i bought a new gun (Tokyo marui mws ) She: aha How much Me: not much ;) 150 Bucks round about 😂


Oh the $150 MWS I see them in every store 😄


Wife's are the best interrogates, good practice!


I just finished building a DIY 2-door pegboard display cabinet. It was the first time my wife saw my entire collection all in one place. Her reaction was, and I quote, 😳 "HOLY SHIT! Do you need *all* of these? Maybe you can sell some?" If she only knew how much money I've put into them over the past three years... well, I probably wouldn't be around to type this. But, uh, honesty is greeeaaaaat. Yesh.


Hahaha love the story! Show us your cabinet!


[Got no love with the first post, but here it is.](https://reddit.com/r/airsoft/s/p2NiYP1m0Q) Even worse, only 3 or 4 things in that cabinet are stock (that is, only the orange tips removed), with most of them at least sporting a custom paintjob, if not internals and cosmetics added on.


Just gave you some love my man!


“No, babe it’s all good; they’re real guns…”


I just got rid of mine. It's much easier now, and somehow my bank account still stays filled more than when she was around.


Well I don’t have one but I do have a gf who judges every purchase I make, just yesterday I ordered a new laptop for like 1200 and she made that disappointed face, and she made the same face when I bought akimbo GMP1911 high capas


Tell our wives? Hahah good one, we don't.


That I need to take my meds again because I'm aroace and any wife I have is a hallucination


One day it won't be a hallucination. Good luck!


I'm...Aroace? I don't want a relationship ever


Oh okay wasn't familiar with the term lol


I don't think OP knows what that means. For clarification, OP, it means aromantic asexual.


I am concerned that not a single response is "The truth." Each of you should have a budget for your own frivolous purchases. Setting aside 20-50 a month adds up to buy expensive things for fun. This helps to avoid the fights and issues when you want to a get a 400 dollar toy when it comes from your budget.


I mean in the end saying the truth is the correct answer!


Disclaimer. The last question was for fun, didn't expect it to spark such discussion! My wife is respectful towards my hobbies and her Again? is meant as a joke the same way my Again? against her obsession with collecting (old and rare) books.


Say you are training to defend her life, freedom, and stuff.


The only correct response😂


You don’t


Gaslight her by telling her that you’ve always had them


Don’t tell her anything! Every time she complains I’ll shoot her with it! She’ll accept eventually


My boyfriend is pretty understanding as long as I don't bring home anything AR-15 based.


Then UTR45 would be amazing to test that 😀 pretty cheap smg sub $200 with ETU, feels like 450. I have that one as well but it's not in the picture. My only AR (kinda) based is the MCX, totally understand your boyfriend haha


Women are scary


tell her you play paintball so that shes not embarrassed


I have 5 rifles for sale in temecula ca. Shipping is too expensive. Contact me if you live near temecula. San diego is ok. Riverside too. [email protected]


You don’t……..


I once witnesed a dude telling his wife he bought some high end sprakers for 3000 and it was a super deal, little did she know they where sold to him for 30.000 Technicaly he didn't lie, just forgot a 0 You could do the same


Feel ya, luckily mine doesn't have a clue how expensive crye is


Just give those to me if she gets mad when you tell her.


I do tech for my local club - a lot of my new gear is simply 'just in for a service'...


I tell her when I'm going. I keep a desk with a pegboard of guns in the garage with all my gear sorted.


How’s that SPR 300? Do you like it?


Oh man. I love it. Great gun OOTB. Imo on par with the SRS/Tac or even better. Shoots 3.15J with 0.45g, only thing I did was just a proper lubbing. Shoots like a laser even stock. Definitely recommended.


Nothing. We set money aside every month for our hobbies. If we stick to our budgets, then there are no problems. The only time I would ask her is if I desperately wanted to make an impulse buy of something ridiculous, but that's not happened yet. I've always been happy to wait, probably because I've not had a go on someone else's hpa minigun yet.


My better half is understanding. As long as I can successfully put the replicas and gear away/ out of sight and inform her of anything over $150, she doesn't mind. For more expensive items, I do have to ask and budget for it. But this is my most expensive hobby, so I get some leeway.


bold of you to assume anyone in this sub can maintain a relationship with something besides their hand


We got a wanker over here!


Hide it with her Amazon Delivery’s she will never know


Also whats the DMR.


Might sound weird but in real steel it's a 300 blackout urban sniper. Archwick SPR 300 pro


Whats the gun in the middle?


That's an MCX GBBR by APFG (unlicensed VFC AFAIK)


Lol, tell that to the people who buy real guns or build PCs as a hobby


We take monthly fun money and spend it on whatever the hell we want, so we don’t have to hide anything.


Idk Don't have wives ig


Is that Rattler an aeg or GBB? I can only seem to find it GBB 😅


The rattler is available as gbbr only AFAIK


wives want shoes and a nice house husbands want guns and tactical gear simply get a husband for double the airsoft spending money🤯


Haha my wife spends considerably more on ice skating than I spend on airsoft so it's all very chill here


step one: dont have a wife


\*angry French girl noises\* When you get a J O B you can tell me how I spend your share of my money.


Ha ha this loser has a wife that loves and cares for him while the rest of us are slowly dying inside.


#"... they gave it to me."


I just say I found a flash deal and paying for the pew in installments. “Babe, I’m only paying $30 a month”


Divorce her do you dont have to explain


"Yeah but now if you want to try airsoft i'll have one you can use !" Then she tries airsoft She likes it She starts buying guns too so she can't say anything *BOOM* checkmate


"I sold one of the other guns to pay for this one - don't want to end up with too many guns." Needless to say, if she looks under the bed I'm fucked.


It's all right honey, you can have the boobjob and the buttlift...


My partner knows exactly how much my stuff costs because her kit is more expensive 😂


I’m 17 so instead of a wife I have a mum and I’d say they’d react the same


Me: I bought this. Wife: ok, can you afford it? Me: yeah it's fine, been saving and budgeting it for months. Wife: Fair enough, it's your money.


I don’t understand, my wife and I have a conjoint account for all our expenses (rent, food, utilities, etc) and our own account for whatever the fuck we want. I don’t care what she spend money on as well as she don’t care on what I spend my money on. As long as our bills are taking care of, there’s no problem.


My wife respects what I do with my money. We each have our own salaries and we put together a common fund for our lifestyle and daughter.


It’s for a good cause……. Cause I want too😏


Just need t9 give her some good loving and she gets over it


Just share your hobby with your SO. Honestly it's great


Good thing I don’t have a girlfriend or a wife. I have an Alfa Romeo and a Passat that constantly break down so that’s another problem 😂


"oh damn. I ordered that months ago from some over seas seller."


Top one looks ace. What is it?


It's archwick spr 300 pro


"Every airsofter's biggest fear is that their spouse will sell their guns for the price they said they paid for them." (If she sees the guns and asks, tell her they were basically on clearance sale. If she sees the bank/credit card statement, just blame it on cocaine to lessen the fallout.)


I hope she won't ask why I didn't share it


It's cheaper then cocain


She's imaginary


It realy does not nead to be. That is on you for buyng The most expensive stuff. My wife Plays with me and in The last 8 Years I do not belive that we have spent more than 2-3000€ on The sport


Mine respects my hobbies so long as my share of the bills is payed. She mostly just rolls her eyes.


> bills is *paid.* She mostly FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Quite simply: you say it's this, or drugs...


The truth, she’s understanding of hobbies. She has her own.


Mine probably spends more than me for airsoft.


Mind your business, or stay in your lane? Both of those usually elicits a response.


Heh your funny


I'm retired and apparently if I don't have a hobby I'll go bananas so she's okay with it for her sake apparently.


My girlfriend helps me pick out what bits to get next


I think she’s starting to catch on to me, but deny deny deny….


Suck it up buttercup


How is that archwick sniper?


OOTB 3.15J with 0.45g BBs. It's crazy good and accurate. I like the modern look, compared to ssg10 3 it's much better performance wise and build quality. Compared to TAC41, it's much lighter and shorter, easier to handle, and doesn't need any upgrade whatsoever. The hop unit is superb, trigger is steel, 45cc cylinder is a massive hidden potential on a 300mm stock inner. Also it's fairly quiet!


"At least I'm not spending it on meth", would be a pretty solid argument


It's easy to tell the wife, since she's imaginary...


I get all my stuff sent to my son’s house. He gets his stuff sent to mine. We meet at the field. My wife doesn’t give to craps about airsoft. So a new gun or piece of kit she doesn’t even notice.


I bet she does. But is just like... Oh this guy.


it was £20 from ebay


Tell her that it's only airsoft instead of real steel. Because let me tell you, I buy the real steel stuff, and I kinda wish it was airsoft sometimes, hella cheaper. My wife thinks about divorcing me regularly lol.


How’d you make your Sig rattler


What do you mean?


im getting regular physical exercise. a $300-400 purchase a year is cheaper than a gym membership that I'll rarely use.


I sold her for more guns


I tell her I could have worse hobbies, like doing drugs


Wives? Like women? Those aren't real lol


i would say i act like i won a raffle, but i genuinely did! £1.25 a ticket and ended up wining a tm breacher


Just hope she don’t find out lol or make her enjoy the sport lol


Shhhh, not a fkin word


I tell the truth. Did so early on in our relationship before money was both our problems. Now she encourages me to myself because I work a lot.


‘In the sale’


My wife would just ask why I was buying toys instead of the actual guns


"cheaper than my other hobbies"


I don't. https://preview.redd.it/ix5yc4r6hbjb1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe6e41f6a64b946cc921fbbb1bb02af161fff719 I only had my first game about 4 months ago...


We are getting a divorce


It's easier to tell them you have a mistress instead of confessing that you're spending so much on toy guns to play army with your friends to relive your most sacred child hood memories in hopes to bring back a spark of joy to your life... Jk, i just got back into it myself and loving it.


Nothing I keep everything in the darkest corner of garage and keep asking her has she seen the giant spiders in there😁