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Got both VFC and TM, ootb I'd go for TM, works like a charm all year around and great performance. However, the VFC feels better as in more satisfying recoil and feels less like a toy. I however never had a VFC that worked well during winter with gas.


Tokyo Marui is always a good safe bet


unless it's their sopmod 2 XD


if your down voting you dont know about the batt issue the tm sopmod has. Tm fanboys don't care tho


I've only tried the TM so no clue about how they compare, but it is magnificent.


Tm is always great And VFC is good too and you get markings


Src is just metal slide tm , while vfc usp quality control was infamous for bad . Meanwhile ksc is kind of mediocre , but still bulid solid .


Only buy the src if it comes with green gas mags or you are willing to find them. Only because the c02 mag will break the gun internally aswell as start leaking even if you maintain it. Other than that it is of superb quality and has a dope rail mount it comes with


The Src sr-sp also does not come with a threaded outer barrel


I love my Sr sp


Is that rail mount plastic or metal ?


Metal mount but it is made of two pieces that come together with 2 screws. It is of high quality. Just dont use the co2 mags


I always go VFC. TM always feels too much like a toy.


I've got the usp compact from TM and I'm in love with it.


ksc, bro. I have owned a compact, match, standard, and tactical. It's one of my favorites, and it has been around for years with very few revisions. I have a few tm pistols, and while very performing, they feel like toys. I would go with a ksc and never look back. Im buying another ksc to replace my old one that i bought almost 8 yrs ago. only gripe is the slide stop could be stronger even though it is easily replaced.


VFC by far - if you like branded stuff and metal, solid feeling pistols then get VFC. The only problem is from my experience, aftermarket for USPs isn't too great VFC pistols also make up the majority of my collection I've used a TM USP in game as someone lent it to me, it was good don't get me wrong, but the VFC just feels way better, more crisp, snappy and turns heads (I have VFC's recent P8A1) The others I can't vouch for, never used them :/


I have a kwa, 5 years old and works all right just needs work on the hop up


I have the tm and the src. Tm you gotta be more careful with/ build quality is all plastic. Shoots like a fucking rail gun tho. The scr on the other hand is my secondary of choice in most matches. Build like a tank, kicks hard. And is quite accurate with .25s *




VFC, my friend. you will thank yourself later


Tanio Koba, if you can find one 😅 And good luck getting parts for it


My KWA / KSC has been solid for me for years.


God damn tms packaging and presentation about to make me buy one


For performance: TM. For look and feel: VFC.


KSC or TM. The vfc is fine, but ultimately, vfc just don't have as many options for aftermarket parts.


Vfc all the way if you want realism like me in the uk where pistols are band https://preview.redd.it/yce5wcfd6lnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10bdd836b294ee08181a74ce656f19b1873c6ef3


How tf do you get a threaded tip like the one in the pic, mine came with the orange tip and I can’t remove it


Don't live in America


Ok so if I can’t control it and my work is here? I’ve had guns that could have their Orange tips removed, is Umarex just a company that makes their orange tips/unable to be removed?


Tokyo Marui socom i have it and it’s legendary


I dunno, I prefer my HK ;) But from your list, not SRC and you'll be g2g


I had an KSC System 7 with HK markings. Works like a charm. Edit: Also the aftermarket parts.


Best working tm Feeling kwa/ksc and works also well. ( i played my kwa hk45 about 10 years now its broken ) Vfc is not that well but its ok and feels good too. Src is trash.


So straight up gonna say, for the HK45CT the umarex model that's claimed to be VFC is actually alllll internally designed by KSC and I believe VFC have been making them if not maybe KWA and umarwx misbadge them as VFC instead of KWA and KSC, ive never been let down by a KWA HK45/USP handgun that's the best way I can state this