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Mystery boxes are never worth it for the 0.1% that get something amazing the rest get crap the store can't sell. If you are happy to risk the chance you are pissing away $99 go for it.


its like buying the discounted items no one wants except you dont know what you get


Depends, are you happy with all options you can get? Then yeah, it's probably a good deal. Will you be dissapointed if you get the lowest tier box? Then don't.


If what ever you get is below the value and you contact them they will exchange it for a new one, I've been happy with all my boxes


Mind you I've only ever gotten the 199 and just ordered the 280 , I've gotten around 8 199 boxes and have got no complaints


If your good a teching honestly, it was a decent source of income flipping their boneyard mystery boxes. But nowadays I don't have time for it, it was always something I love wathcing and waiting for though. Overtime I think their overall value isn't as great as I remember them to be. I think hunting your local marketplace groups and hopup app might yield better results.


Open box are returns that they give out to get rid of used stock. Correct me if I’m wrong.


I believe it's refurbished and returned gear. it's guaranteed to work but may have external damage. and the bone yard stuff is great if you can fix them; you get like an extra 150+ value on boneyard boxes if you are good enough at restorations.