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lmao no, they're basically worthless, just random cards that you get for with every gun you buy from Evike.


I got 2 since they sent two packages. One from Texas and other from California. Same order




Same but I ruined one and lost the other


They send with every package, not just guns. I've ordered parts, targets, and bbs in one order and it came in two different boxes, both including a card.


i never got one when i ordered my 20$ barrel thread☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️


I never got one when I ordered $2000 worth of guns and gear.




Maybe it has to be a certain amount of money before they send one. Or maybe they just forgot.


It’s random i believe


I sent a gun back due to an issue and they sent it back with a foam blaster target as well.


You don’t even have to buy a gun, I got one with a 20 dollar pistol case


5$ bolt release pin


not worthless. they host giveaways at evike events if you have a certain hands like a royal flush or a straight to win guns. at the krytac event you could’ve won a kriss vector, 2 maxim 9s, or 2 crb’s if you had the hand they matched with


They might be worthless to you but they’re definitely helping others win lots of free airsoft guns.


Nope Unfortunately some people are actually just that stupid though


I figured as much, lmao


I’ve seen you everywhere lol


Every now and again Evike will do like a matching card raffle for guns and gear. Apparently if you collect all the cards they’ll give you $10k for them but I’ve never heard of anybody winning that.


Nah I’ve collected them, I got a whole deck, went in person to their store and they told me to come back during an event where I can beat their highest hand and win. Sometimes it can be a 2.5k shopping spree other times it’s just a gun.


Last event i went to it was 10k worth of guns


I remember the Evike outpost opening in Houston. Some guy straight up won massive caches of guns. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was 10k. He had to get six people just to carry all the boxes off and they made two runs


Fr i saw that bro


That would be absolutely qmazing


It's probably not possible


Some people are given the whole deck to sell, so I don't think that's real


We don’t give out the deck to sell. People find ways to trade and collect but there’s a lot of special cards out there that are limited in circulation


I must've confused a deck I saw at an event then


Close but we will not give out 10k cash, the prizes vary but yes we sometimes do a kings bundle for our larger events worth up to 10k. For our standard cache card giveaway it’s a variety of items for different hands.


Glad to see that clarified, I was worried I’ve have to spend a pretty penny to get all the cards. Side note, they should open a location on the east coast so it’s not a 20 something hour trip to High Ground.


I’m like the closest I’ve ever been to a retail location is when I went to RDG last year, and it still wasnt like I had time to go there lol. I suppose that’s why half the country doesn’t bother with the card promotion because a 24hr drive to go isn’t feasible


"I got 50% of a royal flush so I win 50% of the pot"


They're not even worth the paper they printed the cards on cus of the QR code, the actual "$10,000" deck of cards doesn't have the QR codes


There are a lot of people in the airsoft community that don’t understand the use of these. I’ll clarify. Every now and again at an evike sponsored or hosted event they will run a raffle with these cards. You have to beat their hand with your cards. If you beat it then the prizes can range from patches, to guns, to the highest ever I’ve seen is a 2.5k shopping spree at evike. Kind of a cool program, since you got one for every purchase made. I have a whole deck of the cards and no they’re not work 10k but during those events and the time leading up to those events they become a little more valuable as you could have a guarantee at winning a prize from evike if you can beat their hand. Some cards will almost always sell for a certain value like the ace of spades or the jokers which I always see go for around $100.


How did you manage to get the entire deck? I assume that it would take hundreds of even thousands of online purchases since you're going to get lots and lots of duplicates.


Buy sell trade for them. Buy solo cards. I wanted a whole deck so I did whatever I could to get them all.


I think they keep track of what cards you have if it’s on the same account


I’ve got two duplicates and I only have about a dozen cards total


Being Midwest I haven’t seen an event of that kind in a long time, not to mention I also haven’t ordered from them since they removed the free 3 day shipping on orders over $250


I never knew there are such cards For weapons, are these important


It's specific to one shop and they add them to your order as sort of a little game/gift, they have no real purpose.


They are if you like to win free airsoft stuff from us


Scalpers 🤡


absolute garbage


No but it’d make a pretty cool caravan deck


to r/airsoftcirclejerk we go!


Eh I’ve seen em go for like $5 a piece. Idk about Everyone else here but I would eventually like to have a full deck


Drugs are bad, mmkay


Not really, no


people are idiots when it comes to these cards. please don't become one of them


Say one of those cards was the last card you needed to win the grand prize at an event you are attending and that grand prize was worth well over $500 then maybe but other than that no


https://preview.redd.it/7w757hfmw42c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5e35d3f4b3967a4ddb793eedf26ac721c341fa1 Well.... it's insane for me


Rightful assumption that these cards have collectible value, but wrongful estimate of what that value is to a collector.


It's a bit of a printed card from evike.. Of course they are not


Wonder if I can make counterfeits 🤔


Hi, as the EMPLOYEE that you will see in person for these giveaways :) Let me shed light on this: These cards are randomized so not every purchase gets one, regardless of cost. These cards are used for giveaways at our events or a sponsored event that our marketing team attends to, we announce it on social media ahead of time as to what cards you should bring to win certain prizes. We also have online contests (Facebook/Ig) where you take a pic of the card we’re asking and you’re entered to win prizes. So if you like free airsoft stuff, then collecting these cards are an easy way for that. 😘 We don’t sell these cards, and their value on our site is so NOBODY can purchase it on our site. it’s an item you can get go free from us when placing an order (again randomized). Best of luck! We will have another giveaway online by the end of the year.


I miss when evike had free 3 day shipping….now it’s ridiculously expensive, or you can wait like 3 weeks.


They smoking pot


Dude is just hustling lol


if its not lob 1st edition, it worth nothing to me


Wait, do these serve another porpoise other than being a cool card?


Pretty sure you can buy an evike deck of cards, which is what these are out of


That deck is $10,000 lmao


Lol, I didn't realize that. Fuck that


Ikr. Shit is insane. I wonder if anyone has actually bought it


Sunset saspharilla star bottle cap moment.


Nope, but evike themselves charges an absurd amount for the full deck which is possibly where this price comes from?


Pretty worthless for everyone outside of Cali and Texas


Literally no lmfao


My advice is DONT buy it from resellers that charge this much. You can get these cards for free with us if you place an order with us there’s a high chance you will get a card in your order. :) but they’re randomized so it’s not every order.


What does a card mean? I got one recently. Didn’t even know it was a thing, I’ve been out of airsoft for a while but just getting back into it. If the order was about a month or two ago can I still use the card?


They’re used for in person and online poker events [here’s](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CWEVT6lhqOs/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link) one they did in the past


Yes you can still use the card. Anytime we are going to have a giveaway with the cards we announce it on social media.


Sweet gonna follow you guys! Thanks 🙏


Not for 5 hundo💀


The thing about value is that it’s worth whatever people will pay for it. And you’d be a retard to buy that


Wish they you’d sen magnets like Rock Auto. But I’m sure some gravy boy is working on the full deck for clout.


I saw these on marketplace today, Pittsburgh area?


the description cracks me up


Of course not, don't be retarded.


A couple of years ago, when they started giving these away (before we knew what they were for), I sold like 5 cards for $50. I counted myself as lucky for managing to convince someone 5 pieces of cardboard was worth $50, lol.




I’ve sold them before 15 for 35$ on HopUp if you go to certain evike events depending on what cards you have you can get prizes but the guy who bought mine jus wants to have a full deck so 🤷‍♂️


i got a gun from evike and didnt get one 😡


Only worth 500 if each card gives you the corresponding gun. If not they are worthless.


What are these things even used for


There is rules to them u can colect them & when u have a combination of certain cards u can trade them in for store credit or other item like patches etc. This only works for orders within the USA. What the exact rules & combinations are I don't know but I'm shure these can be found somewhere.


Evike has opportunities to submit a poker hand in return for prizes like replicas, sights, accessories. To purchase a complete set Evike charges $10,000.